Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

As I mentioned in my one and only post in weeks, I can't see how anyone has so much time. I know I don't. But please, proceed with your hatred, name calling, and games. Lol. More than I anticipated this week but still great stuff.
Have some respect for a member who can contribute more in a few posts here than you will in what I'm sure will be your short time here.

You are not shit here, and you will never be. You have no value.
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You guys are even more sensitive to criticism about than trump Joke is in you.

Sad days to come. :(
Still waiting for you to show some evidence. Will you just continue to deflect with more of your idiotic drivel or can I expect you to verify your claims?

Did britsh intel wiretap trump tower? If you do not believe so, is it okay to drag the british and Germany into his disillusion.?

You fucking moron.
Still waiting for you to show some evidence. Will you just continue to deflect with more of your idiotic drivel or can I expect you to verify your claims?

No shit for brains, you defend your candidate. That's how this works.

He makes false claims. You defend them, and I make you eat his words fool.

:) I will be smiling for som time.
@GigaloRob I will start tomorrow. How good do you feel about the shit that comes out of Vladimir Putin's mouth? He won the 2016 American presidential election.
No shit for brains, you defend your candidate. That's how this works.

He makes false claims. You defend them, and I make you eat his words fool.

:) I will be smiling for som time.
Actually you made false claims and are now deflecting. For someone so upset over Trump's false claims you certainly do make quite a few of your own. Just when I think you can't possibly look any more foolish you go ahead and suprise me.
Trump is a Russian puppet. They are laughing their asses off in the Kremlin.
Are you a commie? Your pres is.
Actually you made false claims and are now deflecting. For someone so upset over Trump's false claims you certainly do make quite a few of your own. Just when I think you can't possibly look any more foolish you go ahead and suprise me.
Do you work for fox news? Or do you get all your fake news at alt right sites?
How do you feel about the president of the USA getting intel from fox shit for brains?
You mean trumps or yours? I'm having fun fucking with you to the point you defend the indefensible :)
Just pushing you buttons Gig. Calm down man and take a break. I will humiliate you more soon. I promise.
You mean trumps or yours? I'm having fun fucking with you to the point you defend the indefensible :)
Just pushing you buttons Gig. Calm down man and take a break. I will humiliate you more soon. I promise.
You are humiliating me? LOL. You seriously live in a universe separate from reality. It's like the twilight zone with you.
BigPaul and "Dr" Scally are the only people ive ever ignored on meso. Scally, well that speaks for itself. If i want to stay in a discussion without having to scroll through 5 pages of Scally propaganda, he must be ignored. Paul, well that pretty much speaks for itself too. Guy is unhinged. Its a scary thought that guys that unstable to begin with mess with their hormones. Its like the friend that loves to drink but then acts like a complete idiot and embarrasses himself when he does. He shouldn't drink because he cant handle it. Paul shouldn't cycle or engage anyone with conversation until he gets help. Dude is out in left field somewhere
BigPaul and "Dr" Scally are the only people ive ever ignored on meso. Scally, well that speaks for itself. If i want to stay in a discussion without having to scroll through 5 pages of Scally propaganda, he must be ignored. Paul, well that pretty much speaks for itself too. Guy is unhinged. Its a scary thought that guys that unstable to begin with mess with their hormones. Its like the friend that loves to drink but then acts like a complete idiot and embarrasses himself when he does. He shouldn't drink because he cant handle it. Paul shouldn't cycle or engage anyone with conversation until he gets help. Dude is out in left field somewhere
I think most have long ago ignored the "dr" and can see its past any point of reasonable discourse and into obsession. Never any actual thought, just 24/7 serial reposts for months on end. Very strange behavior. Ignore gets me to the real discussion.
Can any of you nut jobs prove President Obama was not born in the USA? The maniac you helped elect to the highest office in the land is the original birther. The is only the beginning of the shit trumo vomited out of his mouth that I will force feed you to eat.
Actually, hillarys camp is the original birther. It started from hillarys campaign when she was running against him (obama). Same with the photo of Obama wearing a turbin and smoking a cigarette.
Actually, hillarys camp is the original birther. It started from hillarys campaign when she was running against him (obama). Same with the photo of Obama wearing a turbin and smoking a cigarette.
That's been debunked by about every news source out there outside of breitbart.