Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Bro. You are old enough to be a grandpa and acting more childish, delusional and dementia ridden than the person you speak of.

Your message is old and tired. At least add something new. The only thing worse than new fake news is the old fake news you keep on mumbling about. Don't you have a girlfriend or boyfriend to bang?!?! You and dr skullduggery are going in circles. It's like one giant death loop of repetitive information.

Bro you are fragile as trumps ega. Sorry friend you made a terrible mistake voting for the buffoon who is currently humiliating the USA before the entire world.

Get use to it dude, you will most likely have a complete break down in the coming months when you see your president rebuked and removed from office :)

The visual I want you to have is trump in 5 point restraints foaming at the mouth and muttering something about his brain being tapped as he is physically removed from the white house.

Actually you made false claims and are now deflecting. For someone so upset over Trump's false claims you certainly do make quite a few of your own. Just when I think you can't possibly look any more foolish you go ahead and suprise me.
The claims come out of trumps mouth spin them okay.

I'm going to start this evening posting one trump delusional lie after another every day and allow you to defend him.

We will start with one from yesterday.

Do you believe British intelligence spied on trump because Obama ordered them to? Yes or no!
You are humiliating me? LOL. You seriously live in a universe separate from reality. It's like the twilight zone with you.
My universe is the one opposite from the one occupied by trump and his uniformed disciples. Its you and your fellow racist degenerates against the world.
Dude everyone in the world who isn't an uninformed trump supporter or racist thinks trump is full of shit.

Every post you make you support that post with "fake news".
I'm trying to cancel out the fake news with fake news. There's just not enough time in the day to keep up with you guys. I'm curious, though, why is it that if I "were" to post fake news you liberals get your underwear in a wod yet you guys steadily post fake news post after post? Why is it that I call liberals "radical liberal jihadIst" you guys get all offended yet you call conservative e "alt right" or " neo nazis" and such? The biggest fake news story being pushed right now is the trump russia connection and even though it's been debunked you guys still push on. So don't cry to me about fake news. You liberals have mastered the fake news department.
Bro you are fragile as trumps ega. Sorry friend you made a terrible mistake voting for the buffoon who is currently humiliating the USA before the entire world.

Get use to it dude, you will most likely have a complete break down in the coming months when you see your president rebuked and removed from office :)

The visual I want you to have is trump in 5 point restraints foaming at the mouth and muttering something about his brain being tapped as he is physically removed from the white house.


Funny that's the visual I have of you ever since trump was elected. Lol

You are still foaming at the mouth....

The political appointee charged with keeping watch over Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt and his aides has offered unsolicited advice so often that after just four weeks on the job, Pruitt has shut him out of many staff meetings, according to two senior administration officials.

At the Pentagon, they’re privately calling the former Marine officer and fighter pilot who’s supposed to keep his eye on Defense Secretary Jim Mattis “the commissar,” according to a high-ranking defense official with knowledge of the situation. It’s a reference to Soviet-era Communist Party officials who were assigned to military units to ensure their commanders remained loyal.

Most members of President Trump’s Cabinet do not yet have leadership teams in place or even nominees for top deputies. But they do have an influential coterie of senior aides installed by the White House who are charged — above all — with monitoring the secretaries’ loyalty, according to eight officials in and outside the administration.

This shadow government of political appointees with the title of senior White House adviser is embedded at every Cabinet agency, with offices in or just outside the secretary’s suite. The White House has installed at least 16 of the advisers at departments including Energy and Health and Human Services and at some smaller agencies such as NASA, according to records first obtained by ProPublica through a Freedom of Information Act request.

These aides report not to the secretary, but to Rick Dearborn, the White House deputy chief of staff for policy, according to administration officials. A top Dearborn aide, John Mashburn, leads a weekly conference call with the advisers, who are in constant contact with the White House.

The aides act as a go-between on policy matters for the agencies and the White House. Behind the scenes, though, they’re on another mission: to monitor Cabinet leaders and their top staffs to make sure they carry out the president’s agenda and don’t stray too far from the White House’s talking points, said several officials with knowledge of the arrangement.
I'm trying to cancel out the fake news with fake news. There's just not enough time in the day to keep up with you guys. I'm curious, though, why is it that if I "were" to post fake news you liberals get your underwear in a wod yet you guys steadily post fake news post after post? Why is it that I call liberals "radical liberal jihadIst" you guys get all offended yet you call conservative e "alt right" or " neo nazis" and such? The biggest fake news story being pushed right now is the trump russia connection and even though it's been debunked you guys still push on. So don't cry to me about fake news. You liberals have mastered the fake news department.
I don't watch fake news. I voted democrat. I don't need to watch or read fake news.

I'll be honest. I just enjoy pushing buttons. Some people go insane if trump is criticized. I know what's going to happen. In 2018 the democrats will sweep the midterm elections because all the 64 year old white people who voted for trump will see premiums for healthcare go from $1700 to $14000. Old people vote.

Republicans are bad bad people :(