Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

DAY 60: Federal Judge Pencils Blocking Trump’s Unconstitutional Executive Orders Into Monthly Schedule

SEATTLE—In an effort to ensure he would have enough time on his busy calendar to make future rulings, U.S. district judge James Robart penciled blocking President Trump’s unconstitutional executive orders into his monthly schedule, sources confirmed Thursday.

“I honestly don’t have a choice but to set aside a few days every month for reviewing and striking down whatever unconstitutional executive order President Trump has most recently issued,” said Robart, adding that having his carefully planned agenda repeatedly interrupted by responding to new illegitimate directives from the president would cause him to fall behind on his other work.

“Analyzing an executive action, researching how it violates the Constitution and other established legal precedents, and issuing a ruling that stops the order from going into effect takes up a lot of time, so I’m making the process easier on myself.

After all, I might be doing this for years.” Robart went on to say that he was also planning to save valuable research time by directing his clerks to gather all previous U.S. legislation dealing with unlawful detentions, racial profiling, and internment camps.
Wow, just wow. So instead of reporting that after 8 months of investigating Comey confirmed that not only did Russia not interfere with the election and there continues to be no evidence to support the claims made by the left, DNC,
The media makes the headlines all about Trumps claim of being wiretapped. Way to once again sidestep the main issue so many were up in arms about. You know, Hillary lost because of Russian intervention, blaa, blaa, blaa. Our news system is a fucking joke. If nothing else was accomplished this year, people will at least know the extent to which they've been manipulated.
FBI director Comey gets major style points for openly discussing his hatred of the New England Patriots under oath while testifying before congress. @Docd187123

Bonus points for doing it on the same day the FBI announced it recovered Tom Brady's jersey.
You have demonstrated over and over that you are mentally unstable. Unfit to do anything but beat off in this thread. Lol
Dude you are the one having a seizure. You are being called out because you voted for a megalomaniac moron. The entire rational wishes you had not made such a terrible error in judgment. You live in trump land. I'm being nice to you considering that you fucked the entire free world when you bought into trumps racist rants.

For the sake of civility Im taking the high road. You go low and I will go high.

I know you are upset about the topic of discussion, and if I were in your shoes, I would be upset as well. But bro you fucked up not me. I voted democrat not nazi. Also I have a beautiful wife. She beats me off okay.

The dissent by Ronald Reagan appointee Judge Jerry Smith has to be read to be believed. Smith first wrote that the Justice lawyers “entered these proceedings with arrogance and condescension.” His proof was that one lawyer rolled her eyes at witness answers she didn’t like and (horrors!) chewed gum in court. That’s not what we teach our students to do in law school, but it’s also not quite the same thing as arrogance. It’s more like amateurism.

Then Smith went off the rails. “It was obvious, from the start,” he wrote, that what he called “the DoJ lawyers” viewed Texas officials “as a bunch of backwoods hayseed bigots who bemoan the abolition of the poll tax and pine for the days of literacy tests and lynchings.” Smith has no evidence for this assertion, which he admitted was “personal impressions based on demeanor and attitude.”

The Justice lawyers, he went on, “saw themselves as an expeditionary landing party.” And he further speculated that “the Department of Justice … views Texas redistricting litigation as the potential grand prize and lusts for the day when it can reimpose preclearance,” the method of federal review created by the Voting Rights Act and overturned by the Supreme Court in 2013.

Federal judges don’t write this way. And there’s good reason for that.

This intemperate, ad hominem attack on career lawyers -- without any concrete evidence to back it up -- is downright Trumpian.

Trumps team gets slapped in the face at every turn. His sheep don't understand. It's would be funny if the stakes were not so high.

Trump has lost all credibility. My guess is that tbe GOP you abandon him before tbe blood bath in the midterms. Look for the beginning of impeachment hearings around that time.
Dude you are the one having a seizure. You are being called out because you voted for a megalomaniac moron. The entire rational wishes you had not made such a terrible error in judgment. You live in trump land. I'm being nice to you considering that you fucked the entire free world when you bought into trumps racist rants.

For the sake of civility Im taking the high road. You go low and I will go high.

I know you are upset about the topic of discussion, and if I were in your shoes, I would be upset as well. But bro you fucked up not me. I voted democrat not nazi. Also I have a beautiful wife. She beats me off okay.

I actually live in a liberal state/city. You continue with your circle jerk. Nothing new from you. Last time you were warning everyone of today's comments from the FBI. Guess what, nada. Keep circle jerking and round robbing with scally.