Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Trump could absolutely end up being just another bad president full of promises he can't keep, but if i do ever end up deciding to change sides, it will be of my own volition. Not because the media or Hollywood or anyone else tells me that he's the enemy. If the media supports a candidate, i almost automatically reject him/her. There is a deeply rooted shadow government at work in this country and it needs to be exposed. Ive always considered the government an enemy of the people. It takes far more than it gives us. Trump doesn't seem to be aligned with it but i dont trust any of them
Another low blow :( Speaking of low blows how's business?

I know it's funny but what you have missed is the joke is on you and your illlegitimate president.

Im waiting for the video of trump getting pissed on by a couple Russian whores. America gets sold out because trump wanted a golden shower. SMH

My business is good either way, republican or democratic regime.

Seems like for every day trump remains in power you get more unhinged. Its unhealthy for you to be this invested in politics. It's clearly taking a toll on your health. You are being sapped of your life force for every day trump remains in power... lol

You need a new fake news topic. You already ran and reran the pissing story. I want to hear new material from you.
1 Comey confirmed an investigation on WHETHER russia influenced election

2 Comey confirmed wiretappings as result of investigation 1

3 Presidential candidates have immunity to prosecution during campaigning

4 immunity can only be withdrawn by a due process
I'm no lawyer, but I think process involves the Supreme Court agree to strip off immunity.

5 said Supreme Court process was never initiated for Trump

6 thus most of that investigation is illegal as it's based on illegally gathered wiretaps

Don't believe all that Ivanka for NSA BS
after exposing all this illegal wiretapping nobody wants NSA boss job, it's a hot rock

good night
Wow, just wow. So instead of reporting that after 8 months of investigating Comey confirmed that not only did Russia not interfere with the election and there continues to be no evidence to support the claims made by the left, DNC,
The media makes the headlines all about Trumps claim of being wiretapped. Way to once again sidestep the main issue so many were up in arms about. You know, Hillary lost because of Russian intervention, blaa, blaa, blaa. Our news system is a fucking joke. If nothing else was accomplished this year, people will at least know the extent to which they've been manipulated.

Director Comey's disclosure to the House intelligence committee today removes all doubt that the FBI believes there is sufficient evidence to look into the connections between Trump's onetime political aides and the Kremlin.
4 Unanswered Questions About The FBI's Russia Investigation

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will travel to Russia next month, a week after a NATO summit meeting he is skipping, State Department officials said Monday.

Tillerson’s trip to Moscow, right after he flies to Italy for a meeting of ministers from the Group of Seven countries, comes at a time when the Kremlin’s alleged cyberattacks during the presidential campaign and meetings with several Trump campaign officials are being scrutinized by the FBI and Congress.

The White House appears to be trying to tackle the controversy head on by dispatching Tillerson, who conducted oil negotiations with Russia when he headed ExxonMobil and was awarded a presidential medal of friendship by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Often, U.S. and Russian diplomats meet in a third country, so they do not convey the impression either is catering to the other.

Tillerson has been notably absent from several meetings with foreign leaders, causing some critics to question whether he has much influence over foreign policy in the Trump administration. His visit to Moscow, which was first reported by Reuters, could help dispel that impression.

State Department officials would not confirm that the reason Tillerson will skip the meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Brussels on April 5 and 6 is because he will be attending President Trump’s meeting with visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida. Tillerson met with Xi last weekend in Beijing to discuss the growing threat from North Korea’s nuclear ambitions.
My business is good either way, republican or democratic regime.

Seems like for every day trump remains in power you get more unhinged. Its unhealthy for you to be this invested in politics. It's clearly taking a toll on your health. You are being sapped of your life force for every day trump remains in power... lol

You need a new fake news topic. You already ran and reran the pissing story. I want to hear new material from you.
Are you kidding. Things could not be better. If trump was sane, and only pursuing a republican agenda, I would only be disappointed, but trump really does live in his own reality, and is a pathological liar. I think its funny. I'm having a blast. Glad I am not in your shoes having to defend a man whose words and actions are indefensible.

If trumps lovers go berserk every time trump is called out for being trump, it's going to be a long 2 years for your team before he is removed from office.:(
1 Comey confirmed an investigation on WHETHER russia influenced election

2 Comey confirmed wiretappings as result of investigation 1

3 Presidential candidates have immunity to prosecution during campaigning

4 immunity can only be withdrawn by a due process
I'm no lawyer, but I think process involves the Supreme Court agree to strip off immunity.

5 said Supreme Court process was never initiated for Trump

6 thus most of that investigation is illegal as it's based on illegally gathered wiretaps

Don't believe all that Ivanka for NSA BS
after exposing all this illegal wiretapping nobody wants NSA boss job, it's a hot rock

good night

Does it hurt being dumber than a rock?
Are you kidding. Things could not be better. If trump was sane, and only pursuing a republican agenda, I would only be disappointed, but trump really does live in his own reality, and is a pathological liar. I think its funny. I'm having a blast. Glad I am not in your shoes having to defend a man whose words and actions are indefensible.

If trumps lovers go berserk every time trump is called out for being trump, it's going to be a long 2 years for your team before he is removed from office.:(

I'll bet Xlgx is thinking it's going to longer for you. [emoji6]