Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Thank you. I was driving all day so only got bits and pieces of it at the time. Looking at some YouTube video now. From what I'm gathering is they say there is no evidence trump had anything to do with Russia, that there is no evidence of a trump tower wiretapping, and that he (comey) believes that Russia tried to hurt clinton rather than help trump. His opinion. Couple things that come to mind. Do we believe comey only when he says something that fits our narrative and think he's lying when it doesn't? And when I say we I mean the whole planet not anyone in particular. Also, if what im hearing is correct, many media outlets, the big ones like Washington post, NY times, etc, reported that trump was being wiretapped and that's where Trump got his intelligence briefing (lmao). Now that trump wiretapping has been debunked (or so it would seem) the media is up in arms. Lol, they were the ones that told him he was being bugged. Here's my take on all this drama. Everybody in the media, in politics, around the world (including trump) is just saying whatever the heck they want to with no regard to truth or facts. I mean, cuz basically the hearings yesterday just came out and pretty much said trump is wrong, the media is wrong everybody is wrong. Crazy times we live in.

I agree, crazy times indeed. The worst part is all these fuckers in power have mastered making us fight amongst ourselves.

If we were really united and involved we could force these fuckers to do what's right.

That or they would hunt us down.
I agree, crazy times indeed. The worst part is all these fuckers in power have mastered making us fight amongst ourselves.

If we were really united and involved we could force these fuckers to do what's right.

That or they would hunt us down.
I'm tired of fighting, I had my buddy blow a fuse today about obama spying on Trump I didn't even know what to say. Said I was crazy if I thought obama wasn't spying. This is why I've stayed away from political discussions.
I'm tired of fighting, I had my buddy blow a fuse today about obama spying on Trump I didn't even know what to say. Said I was crazy if I thought obama wasn't spying. This is why I've stayed away from political discussions.
I just like to blow off steam on all you bastards.
Thank you. I was driving all day so only got bits and pieces of it at the time. Looking at some YouTube video now. From what I'm gathering is they say there is no evidence trump had anything to do with Russia, that there is no evidence of a trump tower wiretapping, and that he (comey) believes that Russia tried to hurt clinton rather than help trump. His opinion. Couple things that come to mind. Do we believe comey only when he says something that fits our narrative and think he's lying when it doesn't? And when I say we I mean the whole planet not anyone in particular. Also, if what im hearing is correct, many media outlets, the big ones like Washington post, NY times, etc, reported that trump was being wiretapped and that's where Trump got his intelligence briefing (lmao). Now that trump wiretapping has been debunked (or so it would seem) the media is up in arms. Lol, they were the ones that told him he was being bugged. Here's my take on all this drama. Everybody in the media, in politics, around the world (including trump) is just saying whatever the heck they want to with no regard to truth or facts. I mean, cuz basically the hearings yesterday just came out and pretty much said trump is wrong, the media is wrong everybody is wrong. Crazy times we live in.

The Washington post and NY times did not say trump was wiretapped. They did say he was being investigated but made no mention of wiretapping. The first wiretapping claim came from Breitbart news who low and behold, their old chief is now trump's biggest advisor lol....
I agree, crazy times indeed. The worst part is all these fuckers in power have mastered making us fight amongst ourselves.

If we were really united and involved we could force these fuckers to do what's right.

That or they would hunt us down.
These are not normal times. This country has never seen anything like trump before. If that man would have lost the election, he would have whipped up his supporters saying it was a fixed election. He never would have conceded the election. The man can't even admit to a mistake.

As far as our discussion we should respect each others views and have a civili debate. For any of us to get too worked up is stupid. If you like trump tell us why. If you think he is the least qualified person to ever be elected to the office tell us why.

I have tried to keep things civil, but some of the republican nutjobs here won't let me.:)

Truth is we are all offenders and if anything were to ever go south for us, the judge at our trial isn't going to give a fuck if we are liberal or extreme alt right.

My 2 cents.
The Washington post and NY times did not say trump was wiretapped. They did say he was being investigated but made no mention of wiretapping. The first wiretapping claim came from Breitbart news who low and behold, their old chief is now trump's biggest advisor lol....
Actually the New York Times did have an article titled "Wiretapped data used in inquiry of Trump aides," That was in the print version of the NYT. The online article had a different headline. I don't believe the NYT or Washington Post said Trump was specifically wiretapped. So technically NYT did mention wiretapping but did not say Trump was wiretapped.
My business is good either way, republican or democratic regime.

Seems like for every day trump remains in power you get more unhinged. Its unhealthy for you to be this invested in politics. It's clearly taking a toll on your health. You are being sapped of your life force for every day trump remains in power... lol

You need a new fake news topic. You already ran and reran the pissing story. I want to hear new material from you.
My business is good until people stop smoking marajuana. Its not going to happen. I have done so well that I haven't worked in almost 4 years and have enough cash to sit out the next 20 yrs.

Just chill out okay. If you will I will. I'm still going to say trump is a illegitimate pos, but I won't make it personal.
Actually the New York Times did have an article titled "Wiretapped data used in inquiry of Trump aides," That was in the print version of the NYT. The online article had a different headline. I don't believe the NYT or Washington Post said Trump was specifically wiretapped. So technically NYT did mention wiretapping but did not say Trump was wiretapped.

I must have missed that article bc I read it on a pretty regular basis. Do you happen to know what the online article was titled? It would be interesting to see what changes they made to the title from print to online.

XKawn said "the big ones like Washington post, NY times, etc, reported that trump was being wiretapped and that's where Trump got his intelligence briefing". He mentioned trump specifically and not any aides is my point I guess.
I'm tired of fighting, I had my buddy blow a fuse today about obama spying on Trump I didn't even know what to say. Said I was crazy if I thought obama wasn't spying. This is why I've stayed away from political discussions.

I know what you mean. I suffer from the delusion that I can get people to reconsider their positions. We are in this weird place though where facts and records have given way to opinion and conjecture and now tweets.
I know what you mean. I suffer from the delusion that I can get people to reconsider their positions. We are in this weird place though where facts and records have given way to opinion and conjecture and now tweets.
And memes. Don't forget the memes.
I must have missed that article bc I read it on a pretty regular basis. Do you happen to know what the online article was titled? It would be interesting to see what changes they made to the title from print to online.

XKawn said "the big ones like Washington post, NY times, etc, reported that trump was being wiretapped and that's where Trump got his intelligence briefing". He mentioned trump specifically and not any aides is my point I guess.
Yeah I don't think either one specifically said Trump personally was wiretapped I agree with you there. I was just mentioning that the NYT did mention some form of wiretapped data but only in their printed article. Here is one article about it but there are many others. New York Times downplays 'wiretapped data' in online story of Trump investigation!