Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The events of this week are revealing with a new level of clarity that President Trump and the White House have ventured far beyond unconventional levels of dishonesty. Instead, they are revealing on their part something more remarkable and challenging to our system: a kind of deep rot of bad faith — a profound contempt for democratic process and the possibility of agreement on shared reality — that is wildly beyond anything in recent memory and strains the limits of our political vocabulary.

The precipitating moment is the clash between the White House and the FBI over the ongoing investigation of possible Russia-Trump campaign collusion, and in this context, The New York Times has some remarkable new reporting on Trump’s mental state and the reaction to it of the people around him. They are absorbing the fallout, now that Trump’s tweets — in which he claimed that former President Barack Obama wiretapped him and that the Trump-Russia story was “fake news” — were effectively demolished by the testimony of FBI director James Comey:

People close to the president say Mr. Trump’s Twitter torrent had less to do with fact, strategy or tactic than a sense of persecution bordering on faith: He simply believes that he was bugged in some way, by someone, and that evidence will soon appear to back him up….

The president, people close to him have said over the last several weeks, has become increasingly frustrated at his inability to control the narrative of his action-packed presidency, after being able to dominate the political discourse or divert criticism by launching one of his signature Twitter attacks.​

Let’s pause to consider how remarkable it is that those paragraphs appeared in a major newspaper.
We don't have religious prosecution in this country, Unless you are a Muslim.
U.S.-Muslim Teen Stopped From Boarding International Flight Home
U.S.-Muslim Teen Stopped From Boarding International Flight Home | The Huffington Post
Nothing to do with Trump since the travel ban is halted. The rules that stopped this person from being allowed to enter have been in place before Trump took office.

The article from the liberal Huff Post also states "allegedly" is what took place according to the so called victims statement. This was also included in the article which makes more sense of what actually happened.

"International carriers are tasked with providing security information to the federal government before a passenger can fly into the United States,” TSA spokesperson Sari Koshetz said in an email to The Huffington Post on Monday. “That did not happen in this case.”

So it's pretty clear in black and white why this happened. Clearly states the airline carrier did not follow procedure and that's what caused the issue. Religion had nothing to do with it and I'm sorry as much as I like your posts this one appears more emotional than factual.
Nothing to do with Trump since the travel ban is halted. The rules that stopped this person from being allowed to enter have been in place before Trump took office.

The article from the liberal Huff Post also states "allegedly" is what took place according to the so called victims statement. This was also included in the article which makes more sense of what actually happened.

"International carriers are tasked with providing security information to the federal government before a passenger can fly into the United States,” TSA spokesperson Sari Koshetz said in an email to The Huffington Post on Monday. “That did not happen in this case.”

So it's pretty clear in black and white why this happened. Clearly states the airline carrier did not follow procedure and that's what caused the issue. Religion had nothing to do with it and I'm sorry as much as I like your posts this one appears more emotional than factual.
I read the sorry but if you are trying to say same thing would happen to him if he was a Jewish or a Christian pasinger with a valid USA passsport, you are wrong. Even though his travel ban and other immigration related rhetoric had been stopped by the judges , it's clear as daylight what the administrations directives are to each one of these departments like ice. I don't think it's fair to say this is not Mr. Trump's policy when he is enforcing it with vengeance:)

What about Muhammad Ali son. He was stopped twice now for having a Muslim name.

And please remember all ice officers are human beings with political views and ideas of how the country should be run too. When the person in charge is constantly making incendiary comments about the Muslim nations and its people Those Ice agents who has their opinions validated by the president, take the law into their hands.

Muhammad Ali's son should be a very eye-opening example. Man poses no threat to this country. But any individual ice agent has the right to put him in that situation again with no recourse because they have the right to do so.

I was watching bill maher this weekend
He laid it into the Democrats for being a hypocrite about the terrorism from Muslim individuals and human rights violations and how the Muslim society should understand why they should not be offended about the extra wetting need to be in place. But also explains the hypocrisy of us with a great example about IRA. Please watch the 5 min. He articulates perfectly the hypocrisy within the liberals and hypocrisy within the conservatives

In my defense, I was working where there is hardly any radio and I'm so burnt out my Chris Stapleton and ride the lightning cd.

So I was listening to senate hearings:(
I read the sorry but if you are trying to say same thing would happen to him if he was a Jewish or a Christian pasinger with a valid USA passsport, you are wrong. Even though his travel ban and other immigration related rhetoric had been stopped by the judges , it's clear as daylight what the administrations directives are to each one of these departments like ice. I don't think it's fair to say this is not Mr. Trump's policy when he is enforcing it with vengeance:)

What about Muhammad Ali son. He was stopped twice now for having a Muslim name.

And please remember all ice officers are human beings with political views and ideas of how the country should be run too. When the person in charge is constantly making incendiary comments about the Muslim nations and its people Those Ice agents who has their opinions validated by the president, take the law into their hands.

Muhammad Ali's son should be a very eye-opening example. Man poses no threat to this country. But any individual ice agent has the right to put him in that situation again with no recourse because they have the right to do so.

I was watching bill maher this weekend
He laid it into the Democrats for being a hypocrite about the terrorism from Muslim individuals and human rights violations and how the Muslim society should understand why they should not be offended about the extra wetting need to be in place. But also explains the hypocrisy of us with a great example about IRA. Please watch the 5 min. He articulates perfectly the hypocrisy within the liberals and hypocrisy within the conservatives

I watched the episode when it aired. Bill Maher says some things I agree with and some I don't. He does make a valid point. My issue is you are using this example when it clearly has everything to do with a foreign airline screwing up. The airline didn't follow procedure, it was not the actions of the TSA or the United States. Also if this was a clear case of muslim persecution then why wasn't the entire family held up? It was only one person.

You're entitled to your opinion but the spin you are trying to put on this vanishes when we apply the facts. If you would like to argue that Muslims are looked at with more skepticism than other religions and debate the fairness of it then yes you have legitimate arguments. In this specific case though the facts do not support any of your accusations. Trump's fault? No. United States error or proof of religious profiling? No. Muslim persecution? No. Error on international airline? Yes. Again your accusations and arguments on this particular incident are based on emotion and on zero facts in this particular case.
I watched the episode when it aired. Bill Maher says some things I agree with and some I don't. He does make a valid point. My issue is you are using this example when it clearly has everything to do with a foreign airline screwing up. The airline didn't follow procedure, it was not the actions of the TSA or the United States. Also if this was a clear case of muslim persecution then why wasn't the entire family held up? It was only one person.

You're entitled to your opinion but the spin you are trying to put on this vanishes when we apply the facts. If you would like to argue that Muslims are looked at with more skepticism than other religions and debate the fairness of it then yes you have legitimate arguments. In this specific case though the facts do not support any of your accusations. Trump's fault? No. United States error or proof of religious profiling? No. Muslim persecution? No. Error on international airline? Yes. Again your accusations and arguments on this particular incident are based on emotion and on zero facts in this particular case.

I respect your opinion. There's no way that you can ignore the new reality for Muslim Americans in this country. I wish everyone could have your sight to be able to see everything with an open mind.

"In a later post, she shared that the family attempted to meet with the U.S. Consulate but they were denied assistance because they did not have an appointment".
I never heard of an American not been able to reach someone at the United States Consulate, in a case of emergency like this where her family is stranded in the country for 10 days. All I'm trying to say is I don't think their experiences the norm for any American family traveling abroad that are not Muslim. You can find so many reasons to deny the fact they were picked on, but I didn't know American-born citizens who are Muslim are subject to any kind of paperwork at customs??? I would like to know what paperwork they're talking about?? So I can make sure that my three children has it before I leave this country for vacation

Ps my kids have an American mom and Turkish dad. They were born here and they are American citizens, because they are my kids and I was born in a Muslim country 40 years ago Ice can treat them differently than any of their peers that's my problem !!!
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I watched the episode when it aired. Bill Maher says some things I agree with and some I don't. He does make a valid point. My issue is you are using this example when it clearly has everything to do with a foreign airline screwing up. The airline didn't follow procedure, it was not the actions of the TSA or the United States. Also if this was a clear case of muslim persecution then why wasn't the entire family held up? It was only one person.

You're entitled to your opinion but the spin you are trying to put on this vanishes when we apply the facts. If you would like to argue that Muslims are looked at with more skepticism than other religions and debate the fairness of it then yes you have legitimate arguments. In this specific case though the facts do not support any of your accusations. Trump's fault? No. United States error or proof of religious profiling? No. Muslim persecution? No. Error on international airline? Yes. Again your accusations and arguments on this particular incident are based on emotion and on zero facts in this particular case.

I agree with you that this appears to be about procedure. They really don't give a lot of information so we should all refrain from speaking in absolutes.

Turk has a valid point though. The added scrutiny and difficulty absolutely steams from them being Muslim. I believe the term is "additional security check" or something.

I actually agree with hardcore scrutiny on the people entering this country. I felt this way long before Trump starting using it for political purposes.

My problem is his version is total bs and was implemented as a campaign promise to ban muslims. He says it in campaign speeches for months. Muslim Ban.

What kind of tool talked like that?

Saudi Arabia, n Korea, and several others that serve a serious threat aren't even included so the argument that it's keeping us safe is really amusing. We already screen people. Have been for years.

My contribution for the day. Carry in gentleman.
I was listening to it live on NPR. It will be on youtube, or any of the news feeds. All those senate hearings are recorded. Well most of them.
Thank you. I was driving all day so only got bits and pieces of it at the time. Looking at some YouTube video now. From what I'm gathering is they say there is no evidence trump had anything to do with Russia, that there is no evidence of a trump tower wiretapping, and that he (comey) believes that Russia tried to hurt clinton rather than help trump. His opinion. Couple things that come to mind. Do we believe comey only when he says something that fits our narrative and think he's lying when it doesn't? And when I say we I mean the whole planet not anyone in particular. Also, if what im hearing is correct, many media outlets, the big ones like Washington post, NY times, etc, reported that trump was being wiretapped and that's where Trump got his intelligence briefing (lmao). Now that trump wiretapping has been debunked (or so it would seem) the media is up in arms. Lol, they were the ones that told him he was being bugged. Here's my take on all this drama. Everybody in the media, in politics, around the world (including trump) is just saying whatever the heck they want to with no regard to truth or facts. I mean, cuz basically the hearings yesterday just came out and pretty much said trump is wrong, the media is wrong everybody is wrong. Crazy times we live in.
I respect your opinion. There's no way that you can ignore the new reality for Muslim Americans in this country. I wish everyone could have your sight to be able to see everything with an open mind.

"In a later post, she shared that the family attempted to meet with the U.S. Consulate but they were denied assistance because they did not have an appointment".
I never heard of an American not been able to reach someone at the United States Consulate, in a case of emergency like this where her family is stranded in the country for 10 days. All I'm trying to say is I don't think their experiences the norm for any American family traveling abroad that are not Muslim. You can find so many reasons to deny the fact they were picked on, but I didn't know American-born citizens who are Muslim are subject to any kind of paperwork at customs??? I would like to know what paperwork they're talking about?? So I can make sure that my three children has it before I leave this country for vacation

Ps my kids have an American mom and Turkish dad. They were born here and they are American citizens, because they are my kids and I was born in a Muslim country 40 years ago Ice can treat them differently than any of their peers that's my problem !!!
I get where you are coming from. Your experience will differ from mine which is why I'm open to listening. I won't know what life is like as a muslim so I don't toss out someones personal experiences or feelings. The argument in question was is this incident driven by religion or simply an error. I will again say that it's very hard to spin this as a muslim or religious targeting since the family was ok to board and fly but just one was not. The reason you don't hear of this happening to other people is because it doesn't fit with the narrative. If this was a religious targeting issue the whole family would of been unable to fly.
I get where you are coming from. Your experience will differ from mine which is why I'm open to listening. I won't know what life is like as a muslim so I don't toss out someones personal experiences or feelings. The argument in question was is this incident driven by religion or simply an error. I will again say that it's very hard to spin this as a muslim or religious targeting since the family was ok to board and fly but just one was not. The reason you don't hear of this happening to other people is because it doesn't fit with the narrative. If this was a religious targeting issue the whole family would of been unable to fly.

Thank you for letting me vent :) personal experiences are what it comes down to.
I will read the Turkish newspapers to see what the official explanation from the airlines. My guess is most of the family was born outside of the country and since their daughter was born in United States ,an natural born American citizen, most likely didn't think she would need the same paperwork as them which is an I-94 basically a paperwork trail for when tourist and immigrants come and leave the country. This is how ICE keeps records of People leaving when they are suppressed to and verifies individuals came to this country by means of customs.I don't remember any other paperwork I had to fill up before I became a citizen around 15 years ago. This is the part that I find it very interesting. My parents still visit my children every year and the only thing that they have to fill out before they get off Airplane Is an I-94.
Ps this was all before Trump presidency. I don't know what may have changed since January 20.
I won't know what life is like as a muslim so I don't toss out someones personal experiences or feelings.

I mentioned while back I'm agnostic more of an infidel than a Muslim :) I live in a very diverse neighborhood. Where there is a significant, Indian and Pakistani community. I believe there are 2 major religions in India. Some Muslim some Hindu. Almost all Pakistani people are Muslim. So the Muslim community is a large one where my kids go to school. I have to say most of their life wasn't affected negatively because of the political climate now. But there were incidence of these people having their property vandalized immediately after the election so The nervousness is there. The reason I mentioned them is because they are in the same boat as I am, they have loved ones lives outside of this country living in Predominantly Muslim countries. Those are the people who are going to get affected in large numbers. And I promise you people who have relatives, loved ones in this country usually don't turn out to be terrorists.