Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I actually live in a liberal state/city. You continue with your circle jerk. Nothing new from you. Last time you were warning everyone of today's comments from the FBI. Guess what, nada. Keep circle jerking and round robbing with scally.
I can see you are upset. Go low if it makes you feel any better.

What will you do when you are really upset, that is when a dem controled congress rights this terrible mistake that uninformed folks such as yourself have inflicted on America and the western world.

Have a nice day :)
Almost forgot to mention that there is a criminal investigation into the trump administration.
I can see you are upset. Go low if it makes you feel any better.

What will you do when you are really upset, that is when a dem controled congress rights this terrible mistake that uninformed folks such as yourself have inflicted on America and the western world.

Have a nice day :)

You should have been a comedian. Oh wait. You are :)
[Paranoia] Ivanka Trump set to get West Wing office as role expands.
Ivanka Trump set to get West Wing office as role expands

Ivanka Trump, who moved to Washington, D.C., saying she would play no formal role in her father’s administration, is now officially setting up shop in the White House.

The powerful first daughter has secured her own office on the West Wing’s second floor — a space next to senior adviser Dina Powell, who was recently promoted to a position on the National Security Council. She is also in the process of obtaining a security clearance, and is set to receive government-issued communications devices this week.
Comey’s testimony humiliates Trump. (Opinion | Comey’s testimony humiliates Trump)

Before FBI Director James B. Comey began his testimony before the House Intelligence Committee, President Trump was back, compulsively tweeting — and underscoring the growing perception that his allegation that President Barack Obama had Trump’s “wires tapped” is nonsensical, his attachment to reality fleeting and his concern about Russian interference in the election on his behalf is palpable.

He tweeted: “James Clapper and others stated that there is no evidence Potus colluded with Russia. This story is FAKE NEWS and everyone knows it!” (Interestingly, he limited the denial of collusion to him, POTUS, only.) Certainly, he had been rattled by a parade of Republican lawmakers affirming there was no evidence of wiretapping. He was right to be anxious.

Comey did in fact confirm that the FBI is currently investigating Russian interference with our elections, including any links with members of the Trump campaign, and whether the latter constituted any crimes. A short time later, Comey lowered the boom. What about evidence of wiretapping, as Trump claimed in tweets? Comey was succinct: “I have no information that supports those tweets.”
Wow, just wow. So instead of reporting that after 8 months of investigating Comey confirmed that not only did Russia not interfere with the election and there continues to be no evidence to support the claims made by the left, DNC,
The media makes the headlines all about Trumps claim of being wiretapped. Way to once again sidestep the main issue so many were up in arms about. You know, Hillary lost because of Russian intervention, blaa, blaa, blaa. Our news system is a fucking joke. If nothing else was accomplished this year, people will at least know the extent to which they've been manipulated.

They stated that Russia did in fact interfere with the election and agreed with a report which came from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

House Republican leaders are poised to release Monday evening an expansive series of changes to their Obamacare repeal bill in a last-ditch attempt to win enough support to get the bill passed.

Requested by President Donald Trump, the amendment includes perks for restive conservatives who wanted optional work requirements and block granting in Medicaid, as well as a potential olive branch to wary centrists who demanded more help for older Americans to buy insurance, POLITICO has learned.

The amendment would establish a reserve fund of at least $75 billion for tax credits to help the core constituency that propelled Trump to the White House: Americans between 50 and 64, who would see their premiums skyrocket under the current repeal plan. But the amendment would not set up the tax credits – it would instruct the Senate to do so, forcing House Republicans to take a vote on something the upper chamber would do later.

The amendment is also expected to repeal Obamacare's taxes a year earlier than originally planned, a win for conservatives who want to eliminate the Affordable Care Act as quickly a possible.
You should have been a comedian. Oh wait. You are :)
Another low blow :( Speaking of low blows how's business?

I know it's funny but what you have missed is the joke is on you and your illlegitimate president.

Im waiting for the video of trump getting pissed on by a couple Russian whores. America gets sold out because trump wanted a golden shower. SMH
[Some Meso Members Source of News!!! LMAO]


Federal investigators are examining whether far-right news sites played any role last year ina Russian cyber operation that dramatically widened the reach of news stories — some fictional — that favored Donald Trump’s presidential bid, two people familiar with the inquiry say.

Operatives for Russia appear to have strategically timed the computer commands, known as “bots,” to blitz social media with links to the pro-Trump stories at times when the billionaire businessman was on the defensive in his race against Democrat Hillary Clinton, these sources said.

The bots’ end products were largely millions of Twitter and Facebook posts carrying links to stories on conservative internet sites such as Breitbart News and InfoWars, as well as on the Kremlin-backed RT News and Sputnik News, the sources said. Some of the stories were false or mixed fact and fiction, said the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the bot attacks are part of an FBI-led investigation into a multifaceted Russian operation to influence last year’s elections.

KIEV, Ukraine — After his name surfaced last August in a secret ledger listing millions of dollars in payments from a pro-Russian party in Ukraine, Paul Manafort not only lost his job running Donald J. Trump’s presidential campaign but also assumed center stage in a bizarre internecine struggle among Ukrainian political forces.

On Monday, the intrigue took another turn, when a member of Parliament in Ukraine released documents that he said showed that Mr. Manafort took steps to hide the payments, which were tied to Mr. Manafort’s work for former President Viktor F. Yanukovych. The documents included an invoice that appeared to show $750,000 funneled through an offshore account and disguised as payment for computers.

Mr. Manafort, who denied the latest allegations, has asserted that the ledger is a forgery and that the member of Parliament, Serhiy A. Leshchenko, was involved in a scheme to blackmail him. Mr. Leshchenko insists that a letter appearing to show him threatening Mr. Manafort with the release of damaging information was itself a fake, and he denies any involvement in blackmail.
[But, But, But ... Meso Members Source ... Fucking Scary This Guy Was A Judge ... ]

Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano is being kept off the air indefinitely amid the controversy over his unverified claims that British intelligence wiretapped Trump Tower at the behest of former President Obama.

Fox News did not respond to inquiries about Napolitano’s status Monday. Napolitano was conspicuously missing from the network’s coverage of the confirmation hearings on Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch — an event in which he typically would have played a significant role. He has not been on the air since Thursday.

People familiar with the situation who could speak only on the condition of anonymity said Napolitano is not expected to be on Fox News Channel any time in the near future. Napolitano was not available for comment.
They stated that Russia did in fact interfere with the election and agreed with a report which came from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
They stated that the Russian "interference " had no effect on the ballots and the number of people who voted for each candidate were correct. Of course, many of us already knew that after the DNC spent millions of dollars doing recounts in all the swing states
They stated that the Russian "interference " had no effect on the ballots and the number of people who voted for each candidate were correct. Of course, many of us already knew that after the DNC spent millions of dollars doing recounts in all the swing states

Changing the vote tallies would be too obvious a move for the Russians IMO. I doubt they'd ever do something so overt. They also didn't interfere with the candidates whom were named to the ballots most likely either. But they still did interfere with the election on a level never before seen.