Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Funny that's the visual I have of you ever since trump was elected. Lol

You are still foaming at the mouth....
Hurt your feelings again did I? Lol I'm having fun with this, and this is only the beginning. You get upset so easy. This will only get better.

Trump can't control himself, and your judgment is seriously impaired by bigotry. If you only understood that to Trump you are nothing more than an insignificant worm and a LOSER! :(

Place your trust in spray tan man, and you will get fucked in the ass like everyone else foolish enough to make the same mistake. Avoid that fake news man. Come on and wise up chump
Hurt your feelings again did I? Lol I'm having fun with this, and this is only the beginning. You get upset so easy. This will only get better.

Trump can't control himself, and your judgment is seriously impaired by bigotry. If you only understood that to Trump you are nothing more than an insignificant worm and a LOSER! :(

Place your trust in spray tan man, and you will get fucked in the ass like everyone else foolish enough to make the same mistake. Avoid that fake news man. Come on and wise up chump

You have demonstrated over and over that you are mentally unstable. Unfit to do anything but beat off in this thread. Lol
Trump's unprecedented war on ethics: Eisen and Painter
Trump's unprecedented war on ethics: Eisen and Painter

The government watchdog organization we help lead called upon the White House last week to investigate whether one of its senior officials, Christopher Liddell, violated ethics laws through acting in his official capacity to benefit his personal investments. We wish this were an isolated incident. But on the contrary, it is only the latest element in an emerging pattern: President Trump and his administration are flagrantly violating ethics laws. Unless they correct course, the consequences will be disastrous — for the president, his team and the country.

The problem starts with tone deafness at the top. Trump’s hotels, golf courses and other enterprises continue to do business with foreign and domestic entities that have interests before the government he heads. This raises serious conflicts and legal concerns, including under the Foreign Emoluments Clause of the Constitution, which prohibits U.S. government officials from receiving foreign government payments or benefits “of any kind whatever.”

Recent grants of valuable trademarks by the Chinese government to the Trump Organization after his election are the latest emoluments controversy. These and other alleged violations of the emoluments clause are the subject of civil litigation brought by our group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW).

This unprecedented situation is exacerbated by the fact that we do not yet know the full extent of Trump’s conflicts. That is because he has failed to disclose his tax returns, as we were just reminded when two pages of his 2005 returns turned up. This omission has also resurfaced in the news in light of the ongoing investigation regarding possible Trump campaign collusion with Russian interference in the U.S. general election. Democrats in Congress, joined in some cases by Republican colleagues, are calling for the president to turn over his tax returns to shed light on his ties to Russia, among other relevant information. Congress cannot exercise its constitutional authority — indeed, its responsibility — as a coequal branch of government without this information. Trump’s failure so far to comply is more evidence of his disdain for ethics considerations.

Trump’s assault on ethics has also permeated his Cabinet. ...

The dissent by Ronald Reagan appointee Judge Jerry Smith has to be read to be believed. Smith first wrote that the Justice lawyers “entered these proceedings with arrogance and condescension.” His proof was that one lawyer rolled her eyes at witness answers she didn’t like and (horrors!) chewed gum in court. That’s not what we teach our students to do in law school, but it’s also not quite the same thing as arrogance. It’s more like amateurism.

Then Smith went off the rails. “It was obvious, from the start,” he wrote, that what he called “the DoJ lawyers” viewed Texas officials “as a bunch of backwoods hayseed bigots who bemoan the abolition of the poll tax and pine for the days of literacy tests and lynchings.” Smith has no evidence for this assertion, which he admitted was “personal impressions based on demeanor and attitude.”

The Justice lawyers, he went on, “saw themselves as an expeditionary landing party.” And he further speculated that “the Department of Justice … views Texas redistricting litigation as the potential grand prize and lusts for the day when it can reimpose preclearance,” the method of federal review created by the Voting Rights Act and overturned by the Supreme Court in 2013.

Federal judges don’t write this way. And there’s good reason for that.

This intemperate, ad hominem attack on career lawyers -- without any concrete evidence to back it up -- is downright Trumpian.

Is Russiagate “a conspiracy trap” and a “colossal distraction”? How much is President Trump like President Putin after all? And what about the press—are we really the new “opposition party,” as Trump and his top adviser, Steve Bannon, have labeled the media?

Author and journalist Masha Gessen has emerged as a perceptive, prolific—and not at all predictable—analyst of the two presidents as American politics has been consumed by the investigations surrounding the Russian hacking of the U.S. election and whether Trump and his team might have colluded with it. The Russia-born New Yorker, author of a critical biography of Putin, “The Man With No Face,” joined The Global POLITICO this week to talk about the strange confluence of two leaders, her worries about the investigation that might be leading Trump’s critics right down a paranoid rabbit hole—and what we really should be afraid of when it comes to Trump and Putin.

And in fact, that may be the most surprising aspect of our conversation. Gessen, who says her family’s traumatic experiences in the upheavals of the 20th century in the Soviet Union gave her the “catastrophic imagination” so many Americans lack, now worries not as much about a new Trump-Putin grand bargain selling out our allies as about a falling out between the two tough-guy leaders. In other words, “a nuclear holocaust.”

“The danger,” she says, “of having these two unhinged, power-hungry men at their respective nuclear buttons cannot be overestimated.”
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Comey just admitted NSA was spying on Trump
he tries to whitewash it as because of possible illegal activities (with russia)

Possible is debatable
no judge ever authorized wiretapping Trump

the plot thickens
Abandoned by Both Sides, a Secret Society of Trump Regretters Begins to Build. (Abandoned by Both Sides, a Secret Society of Trump Regretters Begins to Build)

It’s impossible to estimate how many of Trump’s 63 million voters regret their decision. A recent survey of 800 people by Penn Schoen Berland reported that 11 percent of adults self-identified as Trump Regretters and the president’s approval ratings have backed up that figure rather consistently.

According to Gallup polls, in his first week, Trump’s average job approval rating was 45 percent. Four weeks later, it dropped to 40 percent, a remarkably low number for a president this early in his first term. Consider the approval ratings of other presidents in February of their first year: 53 percent (Reagan), 63 percent (H.W. Bush), 55 percent (Clinton), 59 percent (W. Bush) and 64 percent (Obama).

Even among Republicans, Trump’s approval has dropped from 89 percent in his first week to 86 percent four weeks later. More notably, several websites are now entirely devoted to those who find themselves living in a purple state—and who are battling buyers’ remorse.
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Comey just admitted NSA was spying on Trump
he tries to whitewash it as because of possible illegal activities (with russia)

Possible is debatable
no judge ever authorized wiretapping Trump

the plot thickens

Your a fucking lier. I just listened to comey say they have zero evidence the justice dept or FBI was spying on trump.

Your a piece of work dude. Lying mother fucker.