Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

@Xlgx feel free to explain trumps dementia as I shove trumps words down this imbeciles throat. Kill two morons with one stone so to speak:) he is smarter than you though.

Bro. You are old enough to be a grandpa and acting more childish, delusional and dementia ridden than the person you speak of.

Your message is old and tired. At least add something new. The only thing worse than new fake news is the old fake news you keep on mumbling about. Don't you have a girlfriend or boyfriend to bang?!?! You and dr skullduggery are going in circles. It's like one giant death loop of repetitive information.
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That's been debunked by about every news source out there outside of breitbart.

Not true. Time magazine has a piece explaining the conspiracy theory started before trump and during the Clinton/Obama race. Washington post has an article agreeing it started from a Clinton campaign member and I've seen many cnn hosts agreeing it started with clinton.... before they retracted that is. Good Ole Clinton news network.
Not true. Time magazine has a piece explaining the conspiracy theory started before trump and during the Clinton/Obama race. Washington post has an article agreeing it started from a Clinton campaign member and I've seen many cnn hosts agreeing it started with clinton.... before they retracted that is. Good Ole Clinton news network.
Really? A two second google search will pull up Time magazine, Washington Post, and CNN articles debunking that theory.

PolitiFact and our friends at and the Washington Post Fact-Checker have debunkedthis (zombie claim)multipletimes.

If we are invoking the fake news defense then I concede as my point is clearly indefensible.:rolleyes:

THE ASTONISHING STATEMENT Donald Trump made at a January 2016 campaign rally in Iowa seems like the essential moment in his unexpected rise to power: “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody,” he said, “and I wouldn’t lose voters.” In saying that he could kill in broad daylight and remain popular, Trump did more than draw a logical conclusion from polls showing that his supporters demonstrated unprecedented loyalty. He understood that he was not running a political campaign but was the leader of a mass movement. Most importantly, he understood something that his critics still fail to understand: the essential nature of loyalty in mass movements.

Mr. Trump’s attack on the media for publishing leaks from the F.B.I. and domestic intelligence agencies succeeded for a few days in diverting public attention from his Russian connections. He and his White House Rasputin, Stephen K. Bannon, may also reckon that by savaging the press, they can intimidate Congress into softening its investigation into the Trump-Russia link.

But the focus has swung back on the central question: What is the president hiding? If his campaign is innocent of illicit Russian connections, why not welcome the investigation and clear the air? If, as Mr. Trump said last month, his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, was simply “doing his job” in talking with the Russian ambassador Sergey I. Kislyak about American sanctions against Moscow, why did Mr. Flynn lie about it?

More broadly, why has Mr. Trump evaded reporters’ questions about renewed fighting in eastern Ukraine or the Russian deployment of a new missile in conflict with a 1987 arms agreement? Why, after publication of his 2005 tax returns, does he still refuse to release his most recent returns? Will they reveal something that makes him beholden to Mr. Putin and Moscow?

No matter how much the president seeks to demonize the press, these and other crucial questions will not go away because today’s journalists are just as committed as those who covered past presidents to pursue them to the end.


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Not true. Time magazine has a piece explaining the conspiracy theory started before trump and during the Clinton/Obama race. Washington post has an article agreeing it started from a Clinton campaign member and I've seen many cnn hosts agreeing it started with clinton.... before they retracted that is. Good Ole Clinton news network.
Dude everyone in the world who isn't an uninformed trump supporter or racist thinks trump is full of shit.

Every post you make you support that post with "fake news".