Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Ya know, Ive always kept politics at arms length because its so nasty and corrupt that the very thought of government used to irritate me. Trump has piqued my interest for the first time since Americans reelected George Bush Jr. A true puppet through and through.
After he was reelected, I remember saying "well, we deserve what's coming if we're stupid enough to give him another 4."

We've been in an enormous defecit ever since. The last thing America needs is another full of shit politician telling everyone what they want to hear and following through on none of it. Maybe Trump isn't the answer. Maybe he's the only answer we had at the time. I don't know. What i do know is that Hillary was not the answer.
I agree with you

A well spent budget should create jobs and technical innovation
0% of that could ever happen with Hillary
we'll see about Trump
so far he has a lot of that budget in agencies (mostly) under his direct control

Health and Human Services
Housing and Urban Development
Veterans Affairs Administration
Homeland Security

He's supposed to take great care choosing his cabinet so a rogue cabinet head is unlikely.
The annual meal cost is $2,765 for 250 days
This is how much it costs ‘Meals on Wheels’ to feed one elderly person for a year

Is there a charge for Meals on Wheels?
Yes. As Meals on Wheels is a not-for-profit service, the cost is kept to a minimum. Hot meals cost $6.10 each (as of April 1, 2016) and frozen meals are $35.15 for a package of seven entrées, or five entrées and five soups or desserts. Apetito frozen entrées are $5.30 and frozen soups, desserts and breakfast snacks are $2.40. TimeSaver entrées are $6.60.
FAQ - Meals on Wheels
but they don't say how much they receive from the gov't

In Soylent Green movie
"useless" seniors were the feed for younger people

Ya know, Ive always kept politics at arms length because its so nasty and corrupt that the very thought of government used to irritate me. Trump has piqued my interest for the first time since Americans reelected George Bush Jr. A true puppet through and through.
After he was reelected, I remember saying "well, we deserve what's coming if we're stupid enough to give him another 4."

We've been in an enormous defecit ever since. The last thing America needs is another full of shit politician telling everyone what they want to hear and following through on none of it. Maybe Trump isn't the answer. Maybe he's the only answer we had at the time. I don't know. What i do know is that Hillary was not the answer.
I hope you looked at his budget proposal. If you're really worried about the deficit he's the worst candidate for it. Ask the House and Senate Republicans they will let you know what they think of this budget :)
I hope you looked at his budget proposal. If you're really worried about the deficit he's the worst candidate for it. Ask the House and Senate Republicans they will let you know what they think of this budget :)
Id be even more worried if the person responsible for more than half of our debt(Obama) had his vice president take over(Hillary) to continue the destruction of our industrial and manufacturing sectors and the economy along with them
If the NSA or "just" Assange does confirm Trump calls were recorded
that's enough for a subpoena, probably for a judge warrant was well.
that's a plain fact

None of this crap is plain fact lol.

The House and Senate Intelligence Comittees both said there is no evidence to the wiretapping claim and the NSA reports to these Comittees.

No judge is going to give a subpoena based on the word of assamge alone. Not only would it be most likely hearsay but it would require corroboration from someone inside the intel community, ie, the same community that says there is no evidence.
Id be even more worried if the person responsible for more than half of our debt(Obama) had his vice president take over(Hillary) to continue the destruction of our industrial and manufacturing sectors and the economy along with them

My apologies but it was not Obama who is responsible for the national debt. It was the 2 wars who was started by the Bush administration
Normal working families cant afford houses in that particular area. Rich people trying to get around capital controls in other countries are buying up real estate and driving prices up.
My apologies but it was not Obama who is responsible for the national debt. It was the 2 wars who was started by the Bush administration
You are partially correct. The wars certainly played a part as well as the recession but Obama's policies also contributed. Tons of blame to pass around including congress. Obama certainly is not without blame while at the same time not solely responsible.
My apologies but it was not Obama who is responsible for the national debt. It was the 2 wars who was started by the Bush administration
Oh, so i guess the multi-trillion dollar stimulus package Obama passed his first year in office is the Bush administrations fault? You're out of your element donnie
You are partially correct. The wars certainly played a part as well as the recession but Obama's policies also contributed. Tons of blame to pass around including congress. Obama certainly is not without blame while at the same time not solely responsible.

I agree wiTh you he has some of the blame.
What's your thoughts on he new budget? I know republicans are divided on this budget. Deficit hawks are furious about the military and other spending where nationalists wants cut more from the entitlement programs. And people who voted for him trusted him with the social security and Medicare expansion are scared and will abandon him once their benefits are cut with this new budget. He has too many people telling him what they think this country needs. He is having a very tough time managing ideologies in his close circuit
Oh, so i guess the multi-trillion dollar stimulus package Obama passed his first year in office is the Bush administrations fault? You're out of your element donnie

There are many books written about the financial crash of 2008 and the housing bubble. But that has nothing to do with unpaid two wars that cost trillions of dollars. So I know I'm not out of my element but thank you for that. The stimulus packages that was introduced that save the auto and housing and financial companies are the only reason for less than 5% unemployment and 19,000+ Dow Jones

In substance you can disagree, but outcome was positive. What do you think a really strong military is going to do for this country if it doesn't have enough money to feed its own needy. I truly believe reading the history 10 years from now we will get a high Mark for Obama's administration. It is so sad to try to discredit a very good president for one that cannot keep this house clean and his thoughts coherent. Mr. Trump needs to be responsible for his own actions as the leader of the free world . There is no higher honor than that in this world. Let's start governing pretty soon
I agree wiTh you he has some of the blame.
What's your thoughts on he new budget? I know republicans are divided on this budget. Deficit hawks are furious about the military and other spending where nationalists wants cut more from the entitlement programs. And people who voted for him trusted him with the social security and Medicare expansion are scared and will abandon him once their benefits are cut with this new budget. He has too many people telling him what they think this country needs. He is having a very tough time managing ideologies in his close circuit
There are no cuts to medicare or social security in his proposed budget so I don't see that being an issue. I prefer cuts to bloated programs and I see nothing wrong with the cuts he is proposing. I also know that the budget will never go through in it's current form as congress will add and subtract parts of it. I'm sure by the time this budget is voted on it will be entirely different then what we see today. I personally would like to see entitlements addressed at some point because they're unsustainable. I'm sure there will be things we both hate,can tolerate,or love in the final budget plan.