Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Lol, Scally is right on Q as always
Prepare yourselves for another 3 pages of Scally posts

More than that :) and mine as well. I know it makes you crazy to hear the truth about the maniac you elected. It gets your panties all wedged up your ass.

Some people just will not be silent when a pathological liar and ignorant racist is the illegitimate president.

This is the last stand for racist America. The good people of this nation recognize that in order to protect themselves from hate they must vote and they will.

They stumbled into surveillance by contacting russians or working for Russian puppets like trumps former campaign chairman.

Prepare yourself for bad news. You have a little under 2 years left to gloat over a stolen presidency. Trump lost by 3 million votes don't forget.
[For certain Meso members ...]

Some don't care that russia got trump elected. Killing a commie for mommy could get you a visit from the secret service these days.

In no way would I condon that anyone should kill a commie though.
Why are you so threatened by Dr scally posts?
Because he is an ignorant fuck who will amount to nothing here.

He attacks a member that is one of the reasons Mesorx is the best board on the net because he has bought into the reality of a racist maniac.
[Well, that was embarrassing ...]

A unanimous Supreme Court strengthened the rights of nearly 7 million schoolchildren with disabilities Wednesday and did so by rejecting a lower standard set by Judge Neil M. Gorsuch.

The ruling, one of the most important of this term, came as President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee is wrapping up his third day of testimony before a Senate committee.

Justices ruled for the parents of Endrew F., a Colorado boy with autism who pulled their son from the public school after his progress “essentially stalled.”

They enrolled him in a private academy that specialized in autism, where his behavior and learning improved markedly. They then sued the school district for a reimbursement, alleging a violation of the federal law that promises a “free appropriate public education” to children with disabilities.

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. said the school district had not met its duty under the law. Children like Endrew F. have a right to an “educational program that is reasonably calculated to enable [them] to make progress,” he said. And the learning program “must be appropriately ambitious in light of” the child’s capabilities.

This stand “is markedly more demanding than the ‘merely more than de minimus’ test applied by the 10th Circuit," he said, including a 2008 opinion written by Gorsuch. Under that standard, a school need show only that it was providing a minimal special program with some level of benefit.

The high court did not mention Gorsuch’s opinion in the earlier case, but it reversed a 10th Circuit ruling that had relied on it.

Does any of this vindicate or validate Donald Trump’s claims that President Obama wiretapped him?

Answer: Not even close—even assuming that the most flamboyant version of Nunes’s comments are wholly true.