Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Scallys a one man crusade to repost every anti trump meme and twitter feed to no one and big paul can't stop talking golden showers and impeachment.

Are these your examples?

I responded to one already but no, I don't really agree necessarily...

If Trump had done just a few things they agreed with then I'd agree with you.

Further, the fact that all you pay attention to is Scally's memes is odd... I recall everyone talking shit when he posted the first reports about Trump and Russia, now he's being investigated by the FB fucking I. Are his posts regarding Trump's shit healthcare plan considered memes too?

I like how Trump is in such a rush to get this healthcare plan out and even when he's being resisted by his own party he reassures them they'll fix the problems later, just need to pass it now "or else". Positive indeed.
Threatened? Are you serious dude? I don't even see his garbage propaganda. Ive stated earlier in this thread my thoughts on his posts. If you cant keep up, dont expect me to repeat myself
You misled worthless pos. The propaganda comes from the nazi alt right bullshit you gobble down every day like bread from nazi heaven. I doubt you will ever know better, but understand that you contribute nothing here other than your brainwashed rant, so fuck off cunt. Come back when you have something more to offer, or just fuck off.
Are these your examples?

I responded to one already but no, I don't really agree necessarily...

If Trump had done just a few things they agreed with then I'd agree with you.

Further, the fact that all you pay attention to is Scally's memes is odd... I recall everyone talking shit when he posted the first reports about Trump and Russia, now he's being investigated by the FB fucking I. Are his posts regarding Trump's shit healthcare plan considered memes too?

I like how Trump is in such a rush to get this healthcare plan out and even when he's being resisted by his own party he reassures them they'll fix the problems later, just need to pass it now "or else". Positive indeed.
Don't expect much from racists. Their ignorance tells you all you need to know about them. They are just weak minded sheep.

Don't try to engage them in intelligent conversation. All they can do is regurgitate feces out of trumps ass.
See if you can spot the question mark.
We can spot the idiot. That is you.

How many posts have you made being an ignorant douche? We really need to change the criteria needed to be a wkm. In your case maybe well known douche bag.
Don't expect much from racists. Their ignorance tells you all you need to know about them. They are just weak minded sheep.

Don't try to engage them in intelligent conversation. All they can do is regurgitate feces out of trumps ass.

I'm all set, Paul...

There is a reason Trump was elected. People don't wake up one day and say, "hey, everything's going great but fuck it, I'm going to take my chances on Donald Trump."

Trump will be a stain on American history. But, I understand why people voted for him. They believed in his message.... I can't fault anyone for that. Unfortunately, it's easier for most of his supporters to close there eyes and be willingly blind. Others, they just enjoy the hate and isolationism he has created... Make America great again, not so much.
Are these your examples?

I responded to one already but no, I don't really agree necessarily...

If Trump had done just a few things they agreed with then I'd agree with you.

Further, the fact that all you pay attention to is Scally's memes is odd... I recall everyone talking shit when he posted the first reports about Trump and Russia, now he's being investigated by the FB fucking I. Are his posts regarding Trump's shit healthcare plan considered memes too?

I like how Trump is in such a rush to get this healthcare plan out and even when he's being resisted by his own party he reassures them they'll fix the problems later, just need to pass it now "or else". Positive indeed.
Fair enough although I will note thats a somewhat "qualified" non agreement.

I've paid no attention to scallys posts for awhile now, he's blocked. Just using that as an example and it is tedious skipping through pages of blocked crap but oh well. It's worth it to me to read and sometimes respond to the ones that actually give their viewpoints.

The rest we'll probably debate until either of us moves along. Could be a long 4-8 years.

Two months ago Donald Trump’s lawyer Sheri Dillon stood in Trump Tower and announced that the president would donate all profits from foreign governments at his hotels to the U.S. Treasury—part of an effort to resolve concerns that the he would be in violation of a little-known clause in the U.S. Constitution the day he took office. Now Phil Ruffin, who owns the Trump International Hotel Las Vegas in a 50-50 joint venture with the president, says that’s not happening.

“I don’t know anything about that,” said Ruffin, sitting in his office inside the Treasure Island Hotel & Casino, which he owns separately from the president. Is there a plan in place to hand over the profits at Trump's Las Vegas property eventually? “They have to pay like everybody else,” Ruffin said. But if he did chop away the profits from foreign dignitaries, would that affect the value of the hotel? “They’re not going to do that,” Ruffin said, before repeating: “They’re not going to do that.”
I've paid no attention to scallys posts for awhile now, he's blocked.

"I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend."

-Thomas Jefferson

It's a shame you would block him out of a difference in opinion. The majority of his posts are in regard to relevant news articles in this thread, in other threads he posts highly interesting studies to educate the board on the ways hormones work in the human body... Of all the worthless members on this board to block, Scally would be my last.
I'm all set, Paul...

There is a reason Trump was elected. People don't wake up one day and say, "hey, everything's going great but fuck it, I'm going to take my chances on Donald Trump."

Trump will be a stain on American history. But, I understand why people voted for him. They believed in his message.... I can't fault anyone for that. Unfortunately, it's easier for most of his supporters to close there eyes and be willingly blind. Others, they just enjoy the hate and isolationism he has created... Make America great again, not so much.
I understand why they voted for him as well, but it is the responsibility of everyone who casts a ballot to research. Anyone who looked at trumps history with an open mind should know better.

Every thing in his past says he is a rasist motherfucker and a conartist. Jesus 4 bankruptcies. He stiffed his contractors. And fucked just about everyone he has been in business with.

He is president because the Russians wanted him to be, and because he snowed 30% of the electorate. Hiter got 28%.
I understand why they voted for him as well, but it is the responsibility of everyone who casts a ballot to research. Anyone who looked at trumps history with an open mind should know better.

Every thing in his past says he is a rasist motherfucker and a conartist. Jesus 4 bankruptcies. He stiffed his contractors. And fucked just about everyone he has been in business with.

He is president because the Russians wanted him to be, and because he snowed 30% of the electorate. Hiter got 28%.

I didn't say I supported him. :)
I'm not sure how any rational person can support trump at this time.
You know it is possible to support the things you agree with him on and not support the things that you don't agree with. Not everyone blindly agrees with everything he says or does. I will continue to support the policies I agree with and I will not defend or support the ones that I don't. By all means educate me on how irrational I must be.
You know it is possible to support the things you agree with him on and not support the things that you don't agree with. Not everyone blindly agrees with everything he says or does. I will continue to support the policies I agree with and I will not defend or support the ones that I don't. By all means educate me on how irrational I must be.
Yeah I'm familiar with the concept of forming my own opinions Vs blindly following one parties policy's. Trumps dangerous. Support who you like.