Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Looks like the fake news is suggesting there was some coordination between trumps team and russia:(
The right was complaining Obama was always golfing

That was Trump doing that....

obamacare has been the biggest piece of shit bill and if you were for it in the beginning then you got no leg to stand on complaining about the republicans attempt to better the Healthcare industry.

If you knew how much Obamacare has cost my business in health insurance over the last few years, you'd know unequivocally that I don't like Obamacare. I still didn't support it being replaced, I supported it being fixed.

Get the rich richer and the poor poorer and he's only been in office a few weeks? Sounds like more fake news. Maybe it happens maybe it doesn't. But its only been a few weeks. As for the wall, he says he will get Mexico to pay for it. I think it's possible. We'll see.

A lot of "we'll see" when the answers are pretty clear...

Anything is better than the unsustainable obamacare.

Lol, false. That's something Trump would say, and it's wrong. ANYTHING isn't better than Obamacare.

The wall will work no matter who pays for it. It's also not built and not paid for so lets wait and see.

The wall will do very little except be a burden on our tax dollars... aside from that, you were lied to during the campaign and now you don't care? YOU are paying for the wall.

Pissing away tax dollars is a requirement for protecting every president. This should be a non argument. Every president gets protection paid for.

I didn't say anything about not protecting him, I think it's ridiculous we're paying millions for him to live a lavish lifestyle in Florida every weekend.

There's an investigation but not directly into Trump. There's always investgations blah blah blah

There is an investigation into the Trump administration going on right now, and no, there isn't always investigations by the FBI going on with a sitting US president. Unless you're Nixon or something.
I am genuinely curious about something that perhaps some of the democrats,liberals, or trump haters here could answer for me. If Trump is a moron,stupid, or basically a complete nazi as you describe him how exactly has he been able to hide all evidence? How does the dumbest guy to ever hold office conceal such obvious treason from the best intelligence agencies in the world? I mean you guys are constantly proclaiming his inadequacies and intellect yet at the same time you think he has masterminded or taken part in the biggest political crime in our history whIle leaving no trace.

So which is it, is Trump a complete imbecile like I keep hearing over and over? Or is it that he is a complete criminal genius for pulling off this grand conspiracy with Russia to steal the election while leaving no evidence to implicate himself? Can't be both.
Numbnuts I sell weed I don't smoke it.
Don't get high on your own supply. Smart.

Shit for brains he posts what he wants and you post what you want to. Do you have to make it personal?
My hah ha was merely a way of expressing amusement at the underlying irony of the above post. Not a trump endorsement. I know there is no grey area in this thread. Carry on sir.
Don't get high on your own supply. Smart.

My hah ha was merely a way of expressing amusement at the underlying irony of the above post. Not a trump endorsement. I know there is no grey area in this thread. Carry on sir.

There is gray area on this thread. Just not for theTrump haters. Hell, paul probably hates anyone named Donald. Lol
So which is it, is Trump a complete imbecile like I keep hearing over and over? Or is it that he is a complete criminal genius for pulling off this grand conspiracy with Russia to steal the election while leaving no evidence to implicate himself? Can't be both.
He's not an imbecile,
He's no criminal mastermind either. End of the day he's being investigated by the FBI for his campaigns relationship with a foreign government. His press secretary could not answer a yes or no question about whether or not anyone in th current WH administration is working with a foreign government. They've filled out their paperwork. Really?

I've listened to Trump for years on the Stern show. His current political views and beliefs do not line up with how he's presented himself for decades. He's there to advance his own agenda imo.


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I am genuinely curious about something that perhaps some of the democrats,liberals, or trump haters here could answer for me. If Trump is a moron,stupid, or basically a complete nazi as you describe him how exactly has he been able to hide all evidence? How does the dumbest guy to ever hold office conceal such obvious treason from the best intelligence agencies in the world? I mean you guys are constantly proclaiming his inadequacies and intellect yet at the same time you think he has masterminded or taken part in the biggest political crime in our history whIle leaving no trace.

So which is it, is Trump a complete imbecile like I keep hearing over and over? Or is it that he is a complete criminal genius for pulling off this grand conspiracy with Russia to steal the election while leaving no evidence to implicate himself? Can't be both.

He hasn't hid the evidence man. There is tons of shit on him.

Where would you like to start?

Defrauding investors?
Using bankruptcy as a tool?
Settling with a family about grouping a minor?
Defrauding the Scottish government on his golf course?

Seriously? Where would you like to start?

How does he get away with it?

He is RICH!

How did all the guys who defrauding the government and financial institutions get away with the financial collapse??

They are Rich!
Threatened? Are you serious dude? I don't even see his garbage propaganda. Ive stated earlier in this thread my thoughts on his posts. If you cant keep up, dont expect me to repeat myself

Apparently you are. You keep mentioning his memes. I'm just wondering why a grown man would be so threatened by cartoons and links to articles?
He hasn't hid the evidence man. There is tons of shit on him.

Where would you like to start?

Defrauding investors?
Using bankruptcy as a tool?
Settling with a family about grouping a minor?
Defrauding the Scottish government on his golf course?

Seriously? Where would you like to start?

How does he get away with it?

He is RICH!

How did all the guys who defrauding the government and financial institutions get away with the financial collapse??

They are Rich!
Nothing in your reply answers the question I put forth. I'm not asking you about his businesses. I didn't ask you about his bankruptcies. Please read again and answer my question if you would like to have this discussion.
He's not an imbecile,
He's no criminal mastermind either. End of the day he's being investigated by the FBI for his campaigns relationship with a foreign government. His press secretary could not answer a yes or no question about whether or not anyone in th current WH administration is working with a foreign government. They've filled out their paperwork. Really?

I've listened to Trump for years on the Stern show. His current political views and beliefs do not line up with how he's presented himself for decades. He's there to advance his own agenda imo.
So he's not an imbecile and he's not a it. All I keep hearing is about how dumb Trump is on a daily basis in this thread. My point is that if he is so dumb how was he able to pull off the biggest political crime in history and get away with it? If you believe he was conspiring to throw the election then you have to admit he is one of the most brilliant men to exist on the planet. Throw in the fact he managed to do it without a shred of evidence of him doing it then fuck he now has surpassed Einstein.
I am genuinely curious about something that perhaps some of the democrats,liberals, or trump haters here could answer for me. If Trump is a moron,stupid, or basically a complete nazi as you describe him how exactly has he been able to hide all evidence? How does the dumbest guy to ever hold office conceal such obvious treason from the best intelligence agencies in the world? I mean you guys are constantly proclaiming his inadequacies and intellect yet at the same time you think he has masterminded or taken part in the biggest political crime in our history whIle leaving no trace.

So which is it, is Trump a complete imbecile like I keep hearing over and over? Or is it that he is a complete criminal genius for pulling off this grand conspiracy with Russia to steal the election while leaving no evidence to implicate himself? Can't be both.
More information is coming out every day about a Russian connection and his team. I will give it time to play out. It is obvious that without Comey and the Russians we would have a different president.if comey had volunteered info that the trumo team was under investigation what do you think would have happened? Trump is a fraud.

Only a moron would spout bald faced lies on a daily basis and think that the media would call him out. My onky question is if he actually believes his own lies. What is sad is that weak minds do believe him.

It will be made right eventually. As of now it apears that there was coordination beween the trumo campaign and russian operatives.

To answer your question he hasn't been able to hide anything. It is all coming out.
He hasn't hid the evidence man. There is tons of shit on him.

Where would you like to start?

Defrauding investors?
Using bankruptcy as a tool?
Settling with a family about grouping a minor?
Defrauding the Scottish government on his golf course?

Seriously? Where would you like to start?

How does he get away with it?

He is RICH!

How did all the guys who defrauding the government and financial institutions get away with the financial collapse??

They are Rich!
Trump has never had to answer to anyone. He is in for a rude awakening. If this scandal doesn't cost him the presidency it will destroy any shread of credibility he may have left.

What will next week bring. What will he say or do next that shocks the senses of this nation exeppt his diehard supporters.
More information is coming out every day about a Russian connection and his team. I will give it time to play out. It is obvious that without Comey and the Russians we would have a different president.if comey had volunteered info that the trumo team was under investigation what do you think would have happened? Trump is a fraud.

Only a moron would spout bald faced lies on a daily basis and think that the media would call him out. My onky question is if he actually believes his own lies. What is sad is that weak minds do believe him.

It will be made right eventually. As of now it apears that there was coordination beween the trumo campaign and russian operatives.

To answer your question he hasn't been able to hide anything. It is all coming out.
So you are saying "wait and see" when it comes to Trump being involved to throw the election but when it comes to people saying the same thing about Trump in regards to policy or the investigation they are moronic idiot Trump lovers? You smear Trump on a daily basis and call anyone that voted for Trump or defends him racist,stupid,bigot, and more. When someone says "I'm going to let it play out or let's see how it plays out" you immediately insult and attack them. Now how convenient you decide to play the " let's wait and see" angle. You are the master of not waiting to see anything, you just go on tirades without actual evidence but you want others to "wait and see".

Hypocrisy is thy name.
Apparently you are. You keep mentioning his memes. I'm just wondering why a grown man would be so threatened by cartoons and links to articles?
We're wondering why you have to carry scallys water for him. Apparently he's so far gone he has no original thought and can't type a single response to anything.


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