Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

WASHINGTON — If you’ve got questions about penis phobias, the link from goth culture to drug abuse, and how opioids are evidence of the existence of god, a top Trump appointee has answers.

Those and other subjects were touched on in a 2006 book by John Fleming, the former congressman who was just appointed by President Trump as assistant secretary for health technology at the Department of Health and Human Services.

A tea party-backed politician from Louisiana, Fleming served four terms in the House of Representatives before making an unsuccessful bid for the Senate last year. He’ll be a key person in the administration in charge of improving how physicians use technology to practice medicine.

Fleming is also a longtime doctor and in 2006 authored Preventing Addiction: What Parents Must Know To Immunize Their Kids Against Drug and Alcohol Addiction. In it he encouraged parents to closely supervise and even breathalyzer test their children. He also pushed some contested theories such as that tobacco can be a gateway drug for larger drug abuse.
Correct. His claim of Obama personally ordering the tapping has still not been substantiated.

The other claim that has not been substantiated whatsoever, and it seems it was actually debunked, was that trump says the tapping happened during the presidential. The article states that Nunes says the INADVERTENT surveillance happened AFTER the presidential election in November. We know trump is trying to link this claim with the democrats trying to influence the election against him. So how was the election supposed to be influenced if the surveillance happened AFTER the election?

Nunes also states that he still sees no wiretapping and only surveillance or being monitored.

Nunes also states it looks like it was completely legal.

Nunes also states that his main or only concern seems to be why names of Americans were disseminated in the intelligence community. That's not the same thing as trump implied where the entire thing is illegal.
I can concede that his words on twitter pertaining to wiretapping were done at the time with zero evidence and he never should have posted it. He says quite a few things on twitter that I don't believe should be said by the President and wish he would think more before posting.
Pretty hard to defend "You like your doctor you can keep your doctor." "You like your health plan you can keep it."
We all know how well that turned out.

It's much easier to defend than not caring that the plan being voted on today will eliminate coverage for 24 million Americans.
It's much easier to defend than not caring that the plan being voted on today will eliminate coverage for 24 million Americans.
The plan being proposed at the moment I agree is garbage and I don't see it passing. Hard to defend obamacare considering it's a disaster and is going to completely die if a new bill isn't passed. This is all on the democrats as this is their baby that is a mess.