Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I can concede that his words on twitter pertaining to wiretapping were done at the time with zero evidence and he never should have posted it. He says quite a few things on twitter that I don't believe should be said by the President and wish he would think more before posting.

I cannot disagree wih anything you said here. It's the same for all politicians. No one holding office should be posting nonsense or out of emotion rather than logic bc they're supporting to be representing US, the people. I don want an emotional representative. I want a logical one that can either fix the issues I have or persuade me through logic why it wouldn't be feasible.
The plan being proposed at the moment I agree is garbage and I don't see it passing. Hard to defend obamacare considering it's a disaster and is going to completely die if a new bill isn't passed. This is all on the democrats as this is their baby that is a mess.

I defend Obamacare for bringing health insurance accessibility to those who didn't previously have it, not for any presumed excellence. I prefer improvement over repeal.
I defend Obamacare for bringing health insurance accessibility to those who didn't previously have it, not for any presumed excellence. I prefer improvement over repeal.
I loathe it because it forces me to pay for services I don't need or care I would never use. There is no insurance for all solution besides nationalized healthcare for all. Devoid of that in order to accommodate everyone you are forcing mandates on everyone even though they don't want or will ever need that particular service. One example would be maternity care being mandated in every plan. If I was a single male why should I be forced to pay for that? There is no easy solution to healthcare from my perspective because one way or another a certain portion of the population won't be happy with something.
I loathe it because it forces me to pay for services I don't need or care I would never use. There is no insurance for all solution besides nationalized healthcare for all. Devoid of that in order to accommodate everyone you are forcing mandates on everyone even though they don't want or will ever need that particular service. One example would be maternity care being mandated in every plan. If I was a single male why should I be forced to pay for that? There is no easy solution to healthcare from my perspective because one way or another a certain portion of the population won't be happy with something.

I like Bernie Sanders idea for healthcare :) universal healthcare for all with single payer. Only people against this is the health care giants who will be loosing profits for their top 1% administrators and CEO's.

This plan does completely opposite. There are too many demographic groups with medium to low income households will gravely suffer with this new healthcare bill. And the top 1% of income earners get the most benefit. In a time of crisis like this why should benefits go to the people who doesn't need it ?
So he's not an imbecile and he's not a it. All I keep hearing is about how dumb Trump is on a daily basis in this thread. My point is that if he is so dumb how was he able to pull off the biggest political crime in history and get away with it? If you believe he was conspiring to throw the election then you have to admit he is one of the most brilliant men to exist on the planet. Throw in the fact he managed to do it without a shred of evidence of him doing it then fuck he now has surpassed Einstein.

Not necessarily.

If it is shown he collaborated with the Russians, I say if bc there's no direct evidence yet that he has, it could very well be he is a bumbling buffoon and the smarts that kept it well hidden was from the Russians.

Another possibility could be that he's dumber than a bag of rocks and he had the smarter people around him do the dirty work. Maybe he was kept in the loop, maybe he wasn't for plausible deniability.

Still another possibility is that he had no knowledge of the collusion with Russians by his own people, maybe bc they realized he couldn't be trusted to keep it quiet or under wraps. In which case he did not criminally collude with the Russians but his people and campaign people did.
Pretty hard to defend "You like your doctor you can keep your doctor." "You like your health plan you can keep it."
We all know how well that turned out.

It's also pretty hard to defend "24,000,000 Americans losing coverage" and "billions in tax cuts for the rich" but wait, they are defending it.
I defend Obamacare for bringing health insurance accessibility to those who didn't previously have it, not for any presumed excellence. I prefer improvement over repeal.
I agree it provides care to people who didn't have it but screwed a lot of other people over. I want to believe obama had good intentions but it just didn't turn out the way we hoped like thisbaby-face-tattoo.jpg
Not necessarily.

If it is shown he collaborated with the Russians, I say if bc there's no direct evidence yet that he has, it could very well be he is a bumbling buffoon and the smarts that kept it well hidden was from the Russians.

Another possibility could be that he's dumber than a bag of rocks and he had the smarter people around him do the dirty work. Maybe he was kept in the loop, maybe he wasn't for plausible deniability.

Still another possibility is that he had no knowledge of the collusion with Russians by his own people, maybe bc they realized he couldn't be trusted to keep it quiet or under wraps. In which case he did not criminally collude with the Russians but his people and campaign people did.

Or he thinks he can strong arm anyone in his way by way of presidential power or margarita glass !!!! (Trump's Links To Convicted Felon Who Stabbed A Man With A Margarita Glass Just Got Weirder | The Huffington Post)
Not necessarily.

If it is shown he collaborated with the Russians, I say if bc there's no direct evidence yet that he has, it could very well be he is a bumbling buffoon and the smarts that kept it well hidden was from the Russians.

Another possibility could be that he's dumber than a bag of rocks and he had the smarter people around him do the dirty work. Maybe he was kept in the loop, maybe he wasn't for plausible deniability.

Still another possibility is that he had no knowledge of the collusion with Russians by his own people, maybe bc they realized he couldn't be trusted to keep it quiet or under wraps. In which case he did not criminally collude with the Russians but his people and campaign people did.
It's also possible there is zero collusion and that it's all bullshit.
I like Bernie Sanders idea for healthcare :) universal healthcare for all with single payer. Only people against this is the health care giants who will be loosing profits for their top 1% administrators and CEO's.

This plan does completely opposite. There are too many demographic groups with medium to low income households will gravely suffer with this new healthcare bill. And the top 1% of income earners get the most benefit. In a time of crisis like this why should benefits go to the people who doesn't need it ?
The government does not do well exclusively running any program. The V.A is a good example. There are pros and cons to single payer like anything else.
The government does not do well exclusively running any program. The V.A is a good example. There are pros and cons to single payer like anything else.

How is this bill any different than ACA In that front? Because of the mandate? It's still there but goes to insurance companies. Tax breaks and reimbursement is still there so I don't see why it should be repealed and replaced instead of improving it?

I'll get some technical info from Bernie's old plan to be able to talk intelligibly about it. But it can't be any worst than the last 10 years and if this is passed next 10 years.
I agree it provides care to people who didn't have it but screwed a lot of other people over. I want to believe obama had good intentions but it just didn't turn out the way we hoped like thisView attachment 64798
How is this bill any different than ACA In that front? Because of the mandate? It's still there but goes to insurance companies. Tax breaks and reimbursement is still there so I don't see why it should be repealed and replaced instead of improving it?

I'll get some technical info from Bernie's old plan to be able to talk intelligibly about it. But it can't be any worst than the last 10 years and if this is passed next 10 years.
Again I don't know how much worse it could be as opposed to now. It would be worse but just in different areas. Better in some but worse in others.
The biggest lie and misinformation I have ever heard. Any proof or just your presidents empty words that he pulls out of his ass
They want to repeal because they don't want to be associated with that bill and it was a campaign promise to repeal. I have stated I don't like the current healthcare bill they are proposing and you're correct that it's basically obamacare light.