Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I defend Obamacare for bringing health insurance accessibility to those who didn't previously have it, not for any presumed excellence. I prefer improvement over repeal.
It wasn't perfect by a long shot, but it was a start. Maybe at some point in time this country will believe that our own citizens are worth protecting. In this case 14-24 million rather than support the military industrial complex. I believe we spend more than all our potential adversaries and through in some friends combined.

What the republican party is trying to do by stripping heathcare from millions demonstrates how out of touch the gop is. They will pay dearly in 2018.
They want to repeal because they don't want to be associated with that bill and it was a campaign promise to repeal.
17% of the pubic support the gop healthcare bill. 56% want to see improvements made to the ACA.
How is this bill any different than ACA In that front? Because of the mandate? It's still there but goes to insurance companies. Tax breaks and reimbursement is still there so I don't see why it should be repealed and replaced instead of improving it?

I'll get some technical info from Bernie's old plan to be able to talk intelligibly about it. But it can't be any worst than the last 10 years and if this is passed next 10 years.
Any gop plan to repeal and replace is a smoke screen that is intended to take millions of Americans healthcare away and give hundreds of billions in tax breaks to the top 1%.
It's also possible there is zero collusion and that it's all bullshit.

Yes you're right but I was only responding to the question you posed about how trump could be an idiot and brilliant at the same time.

Now you're absolutely correct that it could all be bullshit that trump himself colluded with them. E eye ting we know at this time is circumstantial so there's no clear answer either way. What we do know is that the Russians did influence the election, trump admin officials and people close to him have ties to Russia, these same people lied under oath or "conveniently forgot" about communication with the Russians, one guy (Manafort) seems to have received payment from Ukraine I beleive that had to be disguised as computers, we know Trump's people were talking to Russians whom the intelligence community deemed dangerous enough to wiretap or surveil, we know there is an active investigation into White House ties to Russian election interference, and a few other things I'm forgetting. What do you think Occam's Razor would say about this? To me it's more plausiblethan not that there is some sort of connection. Maybe not trump himself but certainly some of his people. Whether trump himself actively colluded remains to be seen.
Yes you're right but I was only responding to the question you posed about how trump could be an idiot and brilliant at the same time.

Now you're absolutely correct that it could all be bullshit that trump himself colluded with them. E eye ting we know at this time is circumstantial so there's no clear answer either way. What we do know is that the Russians did influence the election, trump admin officials and people close to him have ties to Russia, these same people lied under oath or "conveniently forgot" about communication with the Russians, one guy (Manafort) seems to have received payment from Ukraine I beleive that had to be disguised as computers, we know Trump's people were talking to Russians whom the intelligence community deemed dangerous enough to wiretap or surveil, we know there is an active investigation into White House ties to Russian election interference, and a few other things I'm forgetting. What do you think Occam's Razor would say about this? To me it's more plausiblethan not that there is some sort of connection. Maybe not trump himself but certainly some of his people. Whether trump himself actively colluded remains to be seen.
There is enough circumstantial evidence to conclude there is something fishy pertaining to a few in his campaign that I agree with. Still not enough to proclaim anything as fact which is what gets done in this thread quite often. I don't have any issue with Trump or his team being investigated considering what happened in regards to russian interference. I personally would like to know everything that may have happened and who was involved regardless of who it is. I just don't like the posts of people spouting off like someone's guilt is already proved when it's clear that's not the case. I don't say someone is innocent or guilty because I don't know and neither does anyone else. I just hope Trump doesn't turn up to be involved because I really like being right and hate being wrong ;)
There is enough circumstantial evidence to conclude there is something fishy pertaining to a few in his campaign that I agree with. Still not enough to proclaim anything as fact which is what gets done in this thread quite often. I don't have any issue with Trump or his team being investigated considering what happened in regards to russian interference. I personally would like to know everything that may have happened and who was involved regardless of who it is. I just don't like the posts of people spouting off like someone's guilt is already proved when it's clear that's not the case. I don't say someone is innocent or guilty because I don't know and neither does anyone else. I just hope Trump doesn't turn up to be involved because I really like being right and hate being wrong ;)
Lmao yeah who wants to be wrong, but the amount of faith people put in him in such a short time is crazy. All the shit slinging his way somethings going to stick. Maybe he won't get locked up, but he won't do more then 2 years in office (maybe not even another 2 months) for whatever reason.
There is enough circumstantial evidence to conclude there is something fishy pertaining to a few in his campaign that I agree with. Still not enough to proclaim anything as fact which is what gets done in this thread quite often. I don't have any issue with Trump or his team being investigated considering what happened in regards to russian interference. I personally would like to know everything that may have happened and who was involved regardless of who it is. I just don't like the posts of people spouting off like someone's guilt is already proved when it's clear that's not the case. I don't say someone is innocent or guilty because I don't know and neither does anyone else. I just hope Trump doesn't turn up to be involved because I really like being right and hate being wrong ;)

I think the Liberals are pursuing this in the wrong direction. They may got some boost politically but all this is about big money. And it's not only Russians. Any state with the right amount of money were told under the table pay to play.

At Trump's D.C. Hotel, A U.S.-Turkey Relations Conference Stirs Up Ethics Questions
Lmao yeah who wants to be wrong, but the amount of faith people put in him in such a short time is crazy. All the shit slinging his way somethings going to stick. Maybe he won't get locked up, but he won't do more then 2 years in office (maybe not even another 2 months) for whatever reason.
Again you make these assumptions with no evidence. When there is evidence by all means make your impeachment comments but until then you are not better than someone who doesn't believe investigations are warranted.
Again you make these assumptions with no evidence. When there is evidence by all means make your impeachment comments but until then you are not better than someone who doesn't believe investigations are warranted.

Seems they do have something but they're not releasing it to us yet for good reasons, Im heavy on opinions and hope don't mind me
I think the Liberals are pursuing this in the wrong direction. They may got some boost politically but all this is about big money. And it's not only Russians. Any state with the right amount of money were told under the table pay to play.

At Trump's D.C. Hotel, A U.S.-Turkey Relations Conference Stirs Up Ethics Questions
I mean you can find perceived corruption in anything if you want to look at everything through that lens.
Yeah I mean everyone seems so unwilling to release or leak negative information on Trump. They must clearly be holding it back :rolleyes:
I hate to quote anything these days because it gets labeled as fake so I just wait for video briefings that can't be refuted. Also I don't want to look like an ass if it is misinformation