Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I mean you can find perceived corruption in anything if you want to look at everything through that lens.

Sir this is not perceived. Mr Flynn made his living being a lobbiest for states like Turkey. The president of Turkey is condemned by all leaders of the world for his authoritarian regime and his violation of human rights in the last decade by locking up all dissent and journalists and senators from opposition parties. Complete radical with a distorted idea of Islam and Isis sympathizer. But a few Turkish businessman here who have helped him with his name on hotels in Turkey who's willing to pay the Trump Hotels here in United States millions of dollars in return for political favors. This is the definition of pay to play and it is against the law. That is my point :)
I hate to quote anything these days because it gets labeled as fake so I just wait for video briefings that can't be refuted. Also I don't want to look like an ass if it is misinformation
Speak the truth. Don't fall for this fake news bullshit. The truth is the truth, and fake news is anything that the president doesn't like. Most people know what is true and what isn't regardless of what the GOP would like people to believe.
Sir this is not perceived. Mr Flynn made his living being a lobbiest for states like Turkey. The president of Turkey is condemned by all leaders of the world for his authoritarian regime and his violation of human rights in the last decade by locking up all dissent and journalists and senators from opposition parties. Complete radical with a distorted idea of Islam and Isis sympathizer. But a few Turkish businessman here who have helped him with his name on hotels in Turkey who's willing to pay the Trump Hotels here in United States millions of dollars in return for political favors. This is the definition of pay to play and it is against the law. That is my point :)
As with anything if there is something to it I assume it will be find out. Any business deal done associated with Trump can be spun to fit a narrative. Trump deal tied to Russia from a third cousins wife's brother. Trump deal has ties to China. Does this mean Trump is not so tough on China? Trump hires company to build outdoor swimming pool that once built pool for Gaddifi. Perhaps there is something here and perhaps not. If only the media and the left cared the same for the Clinton Foundation.
Sir this is not perceived. Mr Flynn made his living being a lobbiest for states like Turkey. The president of Turkey is condemned by all leaders of the world for his authoritarian regime and his violation of human rights in the last decade by locking up all dissent and journalists and senators from opposition parties. Complete radical with a distorted idea of Islam and Isis sympathizer. But a few Turkish businessman here who have helped him with his name on hotels in Turkey who's willing to pay the Trump Hotels here in United States millions of dollars in return for political favors. This is the definition of pay to play and it is against the law. That is my point :)
I read the article from NPR you posted and my favorite part is the use of the word "may" throughout. This "may" violate, this "may" be a breach of ethics. I also read that the deal to move the conference to Trump's hotel was before he was even elected and was only done because the original hotel they always hosted at did not have an open date for them.

"Ruya Eichelberger, a spokeswoman for the American Turkish Council, says the dates when the organization wanted to hold the conference this year weren't open at the Ritz-Carlton. The group did its first walk-through at the Trump hotel in 2015, she says, while it was under construction, and booked it in October 2016. The previous annual conference took place at the Ritz-Carlton from Oct. 30 to Nov. 1, 2016".

So nobody in the free world thought Trump was going to win the election but we are now supposed to believe that deals were being made in the event Trump won the presidency? I need a drink.
I read the article from NPR you posted and my favorite part is the use of the word "may" throughout. This "may" violate, this "may" be a breach of ethics. I also read that the deal to move the conference to Trump's hotel was before he was even elected and was only done because the original hotel they always hosted at did not have an open date for them.

"Ruya Eichelberger, a spokeswoman for the American Turkish Council, says the dates when the organization wanted to hold the conference this year weren't open at the Ritz-Carlton. The group did its first walk-through at the Trump hotel in 2015, she says, while it was under construction, and booked it in October 2016. The previous annual conference took place at the Ritz-Carlton from Oct. 30 to Nov. 1, 2016".

So nobody in the free world thought Trump was going to win the election but we are now supposed to believe that deals were being made in the event Trump won the presidency? I need a drink.

So you want to believe the reason given but ignore all the reality that's happening. like Flynn getting paid from a state for political lobbying. He asked favoritism for Turkey at the time he was chosen by Trump for national security adviser. This is not alarming you? I think if it was Obama you would already be armed trying to arrest him your self :)
So you want to believe the reason given but ignore all the reality that's happening. like Flynn getting paid from a state for political lobbying. He asked favoritism for Turkey at the time he was chosen by Trump for national security adviser. This is not alarming you? I think if it was Obama you would already be armed trying to arrest him your self :)
In order to believe that there is corruption involved in moving the conference to the Trump hotel you would also have to believe that they all thought Trump was going to win the election. You would also have to ignore that the original hotel did not have the date open they needed. So tell me did you believe Trump was going to win? Do you also believe the other hotel is lieing about not having the date open?

President Trump’s ousted national security adviser did not seek permission from the U.S. government to work as a paid foreign agent for Turkish interests, U.S. defense officials said, raising the possibility that the Pentagon could dock the retirement pay of Michael T. Flynn.

Navy Capt. Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman, said that the Defense Department is reviewing the issue. It arose after Flynn, a retired Army lieutenant general, registered retroactively this month with the Justice Department as a foreign agent for work that his company, Flynn Intel Group, carried out on behalf of Inovo BV, a Netherlands-based company. It is owned by Ekim Alptekin, a Turkish businessman who is not a part of the Turkish government, but has links to it.
In order to believe that there is corruption involved in moving the conference to the Trump hotel you would also have to believe that they all thought Trump was going to win the election. You would also have to ignore that the original hotel did not have the date open they needed. So tell me did you believe Trump was going to win? Do you also believe the other hotel is lieing about not having the date open?
I'm sure his buddy Puttin promised Erdogan he would have his candidate Trump elected or these career insiders like Flynn was crupt to begin with and fit in perfectly with the rest of the transition team
I'm sure his buddy Puttin promised Erdogan he would have his candidate Trump elected or these career insiders like Flynn was crupt to begin with and fit in perfectly with the rest of the transition team
So you believe that Putin thought Trump would win the Republican primary (which nobody thought he would) He then had Trump elected(when everyone thought he wasn't going to win) At the same time convinced Erdogan of the same thing while the rest of the world (including you I will bet) thought undeniably hillary was going to be president? I'm sorry but I have a much easier time believing alien abduction stories and Bigfoot sightings. Are you sure that you're not Alex Jones :).
Bob that was a joke I meant career lobiest and a corrupt one was doing this in hopes of winning the election. Wining was a bonus for all involved.
lobiests don't quit because their guy didn't win :) there is enough corruption in both parties for lobbiest to make a living. this one was just so obvius like all in your face and nobody cares ....
Bob that was a joke I meant career lobiest and a corrupt one was doing this in hopes of winning the election. Wining was a bonus for all involved.
lobiests don't quit because their guy didn't win :) there is enough corruption in both parties for lobbiest to make a living. this one was just so obvius like all in your face and nobody cares ....
I'm just messing with you :)