Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I can't wait to see what trump does America needs a change we've turned into a bunch of sloppy overweight bums ..

And if you want to make American great again then bring more pussy here that's it right there because anywhere there's pussy it's fuckin great!!

People always bitchin about what the other person is doin well I care about ME I'm going to get more pussy this year than I did last year.. matter of fact I.. nope no no I did not yet I forgot about the bitch with the smelly feet last year whoo.. but yea I'm goin for a much bigger goal this year ..

More pussy without the VD that's the American dream right there you bet your hairy yellow ass it is..
And I'm about ready for lights out be good boys and be safe :)
It's a shame you would block him out of a difference in opinion. The majority of his posts are in regard to relevant news articles in this thread

Totally disagree. Just about everything he posts are memes and opinionated articles that are extremely whacky. And the news articles he does post that are attempting to be fact based are fake news.
Totally disagree. Just about everything he posts are memes and opinionated articles that are extremely whacky. And the news articles he does post that are attempting to be fact based are fake news.

Lol. Okay dude... EVERYTHING you read that has a negative stance towards Trump is fake news to you and you've stated and I quote, "Trump will go down as the best president in history."

With that said, I'm not going to bother debating you... Trump is a joke to me and to you he is America's savior, we're on such opposite ends of the spectrum in thoughts and beliefs that it's useless to converse. I gotta give you credit for sticking with this thread though.
Lol. Okay dude... EVERYTHING you read that has a negative stance towards Trump is fake news to you and you've stated and I quote, "Trump will go down as the best president in history."

With that said, I'm not going to bother debating you... Trump is a joke to me and to you he is America's savior, we're on such opposite ends of the spectrum in thoughts and beliefs that it's useless to converse. I gotta give you credit for sticking with this thread though.
Some of the things I say are jokes and some I say are me shinning a light on what the stupidity of the left sounds like when it's coming from the right. That being said the main stream media has been caught red handed working hand in hand with people like hillary and obama. That's not opinion, that's just plain fact. Like giving the questions to a debate to hillary. Asking hillary what they should talk about in an interview or when they notified hillarys advisors that Ted Cruz was coming on the show and what should they ask him. As far as doc Scally news articles one would have to be an idiot to buy into that shit.
Totally disagree. Just about everything he posts are memes and opinionated articles that are extremely whacky. And the news articles he does post that are attempting to be fact based are fake news.
Shit for brains he posts what he wants and you post what you want to. Do you have to make it personal?

I have been saying this for several weeks. It doesn't need to be personal. Tell us all why you love trump. I will explain why I think he is not fit for the office.

If you are going to get upset every time someone insults trump you will be uoset for the next 2 years.
Shit for brains he posts what he wants and you post what you want to. Do you have to make it personal?

I have been saying this for several weeks. It doesn't need to be personal. Tell us all why you love trump. I will explain why I think he is not fit for the office.

If you are going to get upset every time someone insults trump you will be uoset for the next 2 years.
You Crack me up.
Shit for brains he posts what he wants and you post what you want to. Do you have to make it personal?

I have been saying this for several weeks. It doesn't need to be personal. Tell us all why you love trump. I will explain why I think he is not fit for the office.

If you are going to get upset every time someone insults trump you will be uoset for the next 2 years.
Yes paul we love how you don't make it personal. Lol
As far as doc Scally news articles one would have to be an idiot to buy into that shit.

Trump is trying to replace ACA just to replace it, doesn't matter if it's better or not. He's working diligently to make the rich richer meanwhile, he's pissing away millions of your tax dollars to go golfing in Florida every weekend and mapping out how he'll piss away billions of your tax dollars on a wall that he promised Mexico would pay for. He's under investigation by the FBI because him and Russia are a constant fucking theme that seem to go together like peanut butter and jelly.

These are plain facts too and you'd have to be an idiot not to pay attention to them.
Tell us why you love trump and leave it at that assholes. I will tell you why I think he is the worst mistake America ever made.

You get personnel and I will also.

Neither of you fucking morons have ever contributed shit to this board.
Easy big fella. Just one of me and I'm no trump fan.
Trump is trying to replace ACA just to replace it, doesn't matter if it's better or not. He's working diligently to make the rich richer meanwhile, he's pissing away millions of your tax dollars to go golfing in Florida every weekend and mapping out how he'll piss away billions of your tax dollars on a wall that he promised Mexico would pay for. He's under investigation by the FBI because him and Russia are a constant fucking theme that seem to go together like peanut butter and jelly.

These are plain facts too and you'd have to be an idiot not to pay attention to them.

Anything is better than the unsustainable obamacare. How much better is debatable. Healthcare is fucked now that government is in charge. It will forever be fucked with by both sides.

Pissing away tax dollars is a requirement for protecting every president. This should be a non argument. Every president gets protection paid for.

The wall will work no matter who pays for it. It's also not built and not paid for so lets wait and see.

There's an investigation but not directly into Trump. There's always investgations blah blah blah. So far I don't see any agents arresting him.

So they're not plain facts.
Trump is trying to replace ACA just to replace it, doesn't matter if it's better or not. He's working diligently to make the rich richer meanwhile, he's pissing away millions of your tax dollars to go golfing in Florida every weekend and mapping out how he'll piss away billions of your tax dollars on a wall that he promised Mexico would pay for. He's under investigation by the FBI because him and Russia are a constant fucking theme that seem to go together like peanut butter and jelly.

These are plain facts too and you'd have to be an idiot not to pay attention to them.
Well, from what I've seen of the hearings, the FBI and the CIA both said they have seen no evidence that trump was somehow in cahoots with Russia. The right was complaining Obama was always golfing and taking air force one while his family took air force 2 to go to the same places. Get the rich richer and the poor poorer and he's only been in office a few weeks? Sounds like more fake news. Maybe it happens maybe it doesn't. But its only been a few weeks. As for the wall, he says he will get Mexico to pay for it. I think it's possible. We'll see. And obamacare has been the biggest piece of shit bill and if you were for it in the beginning then you got no leg to stand on complaining about the republicans attempt to better the Healthcare industry. Everyone on the left got on board with obamacare like the good machine they are. Not questioning it, not caring to see what was inside before they signed it. Frankly, I'm glad to see republicans care enough not to just sign any old crap they're handed.
Easy big fella. Just one of me and I'm no trump fan.
What's on your mind? What's wrong with trump? Is it that he can't take responsibility for the words that come out of his mouth. Maybe it's that he can't go a day with out lying? There is so much wrong with him. Why are you not a fan?