Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

This thread is so funny. I will click on a page and there's only one post on the page because I have those two assclown idiots big paul and scally blocked. Every page is like that almost. They must just be losing their minds in here hahahahaha.

Why do people brag about blocking others? Shits weird man. To block them over this thread alone is silly. So what if you don't agree and they post a lot it's not a big deal. Oh and im positive they don't care even a little.
Why do people brag about blocking others? Shits weird man. To block them over this thread alone is silly. So what if you don't agree and they post a lot it's not a big deal. Oh and im positive they don't care even a little.
Their just idiots. :)
Woke up to your nonsense. Obama and Clinton really cared for me deeply and you too doc not so feel good.
We wake up to your racist and ignorant rant as well, so kindly fuck off dickhead.
Cause he's the biggest hypocrite of them all. Lol
Shit for brains I'm consistent in my disrespect of spray tan man. If you don't like it, put me on ignore you sniveling cunt.:(
I defined it before, unsubstantiated useless rhetoric. :)
It's funny watching you work youself into a frenzy because trump is insulted. This next 2 years will be difficult you. I will be here to help you understand how poor your judgment is.
Henry A. Giroux | The Culture of Cruelty in Trump's America
Henry A. Giroux | The Culture of Cruelty in Trump's America

For the last 40 years, the United States has pursued a ruthless form of neoliberalism that has stripped economic activity from ethical considerations and social costs. One consequence has been the emergence of a culture of cruelty in which the financial elite produce inhuman policies that treat the most vulnerable with contempt, relegating them to zones of social abandonment and forcing them to inhabit a society increasingly indifferent to human suffering.

Under the Trump administration, the repressive state and market apparatuses that produced a culture of cruelty in the 19th century have returned with a vengeance, producing new levels of harsh aggression and extreme violence in US society. A culture of cruelty has become the mood of our times -- a spectral lack of compassion that hovers over the ruins of democracy.

While there is much talk about the United States tipping over into authoritarianism under the Trump administration, there are few analyses that examine how a culture of cruelty has accompanied this political transition, and the role that culture plays in legitimating a massive degree of powerlessness and human suffering.

The culture of cruelty has a long tradition in this country, mostly inhabiting a ghostly presence that is often denied or downplayed in historical accounts.

What is new since the 1980s -- and especially evident under Donald Trump's presidency -- is that the culture of cruelty has taken on a sharper edge as it has moved to the center of political power, adopting an unapologetic embrace of nativism, xenophobia and white nationalist ideology, as well as an in-your-face form of racist demagoguery.
It will end, and they will pay. Lets hope it happens before they destroy America.
Racism must be confronted. Trump is a racist. Who votes for a racist?
[The stupid has no bounds ...]

“Next week we’re going to have a hearing on our favorite subject of climate change and also on the scientific method, which has been repeatedly ignored by the so-called self-professed climate scientists,” Smith told the Heartland Institute’s 12th annual conference on climate change in Washington, D.C.

The audience cheered loudly as Smith read the names of three witnesses—climate scientist Judith Curry, who recently retired from the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta; policy specialist Roger Pielke, Jr. of the University of Colorado in Boulder; and John Christy, a professor of earth system science at the University of Alabama in Huntsville—he expects to support his view that climate change is a politically driven fabrication and that taking steps to mitigate its impact will harm the U.S. economy.

Then boos filled the ballroom of the Grand Hyatt hotel in downtown Washington, D.C., after Smith mentioned the fourth witness—Michael Mann, a climate researcher at Pennsylvania State University in State College and a frequent target of climate change doubters. “That’s why this hearing is going to be so much fun,” Smith said with a huge grin on his normally impassive face.