Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

On March 3rd, Donald Trump made a series of tweets. Three were about a wiretap at Trump Tower. Two, however, were about Jeff Sessions meeting the Russian ambassador. Those tweets got lost in the resulting storm.

Over the past week, Devin Nunes obstructed justice on TV, both announcing that one White House staffer was under investigation and that a transition team member was recorded in a FISA intercept.

As we exclusively reported, that staffer was almost certainly Boris Epshteyn, named by Comey in his first failed FISA application in June.

Also as we exclusively reported, Michael Ellis is suspected of having leaked this material to Nunes.

But what would be so bad that it would cause Nunes to rush to the White House to illegally receive top-secret FISA evidence?

I believe that Jared Kushner is on tape talking to a Russian spy. Worse, I believe that as part of entirely legal and admissible FISA evidence, Donald Trump is also on tape talking to a Russian spy about money laundering.

Here is my reasoning.
Trump’s Savage Capitalism: The Nightmare is Real

In his racism, misogyny, and xenophobia, Donald Trump resembles a 20th-century fascist-but historian Enzo Traverso argues the likeness is superficial.

Trumpism is the product of recent transformations of capitalism, and thus he embodies something new, dangerous, and not yet fully realized.

Traverso E. Trump’s Savage Capitalism: The Nightmare is Real. World Policy Journal 2017;34(1):13-7.