Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I'm still waiting for one fact from you. Quick tip, before calling other people ignorant learn how to use you're/your correctly. When you learn that move on to learning the difference between "excepting" and "accepting". Just to refresh my memory, you are the self proclaimed more intelligent one since you didn't vote Trump right?
You must have stayed at a holuday inn, but you did vote for trumo. How does that work?

Dude you must be blind and deaf if you appreciate the job the Donald is doing so far. He has been one cluster fuck after another.
This has been hashed and rehashed ad nauseam. Keep up with your usual UUR. Maybe one day you'll actually get it right.
Come on, don't let your pride get in the way of the truth. Trump really is incompetent. We have disasters blowing uo in all far corners of the world and trump is on training wheels.

Btw the only reason I did vote for Clinton was that the alternative was unimaginable. I was right.

Only 2 more years.

Some media outlets, including the Washington Post, are reporting that Devin Nunes “recused” himself this morning from the House intel committee’s Russia investigation. Notably, Nunes did not use the word recuse himself. That was likely a deliberate choice.

There could be technical reasons Nunes didn’t use the term—for example, the House rules don’t discuss formal recusal except as it relates to financial conflicts of interest. But given the overall accusatory tone of the statement, it seems more likely that Nunes phrased his voluntary self-removal the way he did to avoid the perception he is admitting even the possibility of a conflict of interest.
Come on, don't let your pride get in the way of the truth. Trump really is incompetent. We have disasters blowing uo in all far corners of the world and trump is on training wheels.

Btw the only reason I did vote for Clinton was that the alternative was unimaginable. I was right.

Only 2 more years.

Are you ever wrong?

Soon after Donald Trump’s inauguration, persons critical of the president and his administration began creating anonymous Twitter accounts claiming to be dissident members of the federal government, such as the famous “Alt BLM” and “Rogue POTUS Staff” users. Today, Twitter is filing suit against the U.S. government, exposing an attempt to expose and attack one such account.

The lawsuit, filed in the Northern District of California, says the @ALT_USCIS Twitter account is now being targeted by the Department of Homeland Security:

On March 14, 2017, Defendant Adam Hoffman, an agent within U.S. Customs and Border Protection, transmitted to Twitter by fax a summons, ordering Twitter to produce certain records pertaining to the @ALT_USCIS account. The CBP Summons invoked as authority 19 U.S.C. § 1509. It was signed by Defendant Stephen P. Caruso, a CBP Special Agent in Charge based in Miramar, Florida. A true and accurate copy of the CBP Summons, in the form it was received by Twitter, is attached as Exhibit A.

43. The CBP Summons states that Twitter is “required” to “produce[] for inspection” “[a]ll records regarding the [T]witter account @ALT_USCIS to include, User names, account login, phone numbers, mailing addresses, and I.P. addresses.” The purpose of this request appears to be, and the effect of Twitter’s complying with it likely would be, to enable or help to enable Defendants to pierce the anonymity of the person or persons who established and use the @ALT_USCIS account.

Homeland Security further asked that Twitter keep the very existence of the summons secret, and added that “failure to comply with this summons will render you liable to proceedings in a U.S. District Court to enforce compliance with this summons as well as other sanctions.” When Twitter replied stating that such a demand would require a court order, Special Agent Adam Hoffman of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection said, in the companies words, that “no such court order would be obtained.” Strangely, the summons specified a deadline for disclosure of @ALT_USCIS’s user information that occurred the day before the summons was even faxed to Twitter. Regardless of the fact that many of these “alt accounts” appear to be individuals pretending to be members of a given federal agency, removing their anonymity simply because they are criticizing the president would be a devastating blow to Twitter’s ability to facilitate free speech.

Twitter is now asking the court to declare that “the CBP Summons is unlawful and unenforceable because it violates the First Amendment rights of both Twitter and its users by seeking to unmask the identity of one or more anonymous Twitter users voicing criticism of the government on matters of public concern.”
What Would Trump’s Deposal Mean For Democrats — And Are They Ready?
What Would Trump’s Deposal Mean For Democrats — And Are They Ready? | The Huffington Post

Impeachment or imprisonment it is, then.

To be sure, these options befit far more the noble hand of justice for the degree of criminal effrontery already perpetrated against the American public.

Indeed, if Trump somehow evades charges of corruption or treasonous collusion with Russia — the details of which now require mapping on charts and diagrams to track — then every person in this country ever convicted of a crime based upon circumstantial evidence should be freed. Reasonable doubt long exited this political theater.
Are you ever wrong?
Never :) The question at hand is if DT is wrong. The answer to tjat question is often.

We have a president who takes blame for nothing. He blames shit on the kid sitting behind him when he farts in class. There is so much wrong with this man its hard to keep an accurate tally.

I have confidence that he is a flash in the racist pan. He became elected by appealing to hate, but that has solidified the opposition. The next election will be a blood bath for the gop, and the next presidential election will be a final nail in the in coffin for the party of hate and greed. How sweet it is.