Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Clearly this is the move of a guy bought by the Russians :rolleyes:.

Don't rule out sleight of hand.

So on one hand he's an idiot that is having Putins whores piss on him but on the other hand smart enough to hire others to "commit treason." Wow, he's everything to you guys. If he's in bed with the russians, I think they consider him a lousy lay.

It doesn't take a genius to hire true geniuses. Washington is full of liars and deceivers, there's a bottomless pit to choose from lol.
Don't rule out sleight of hand.

It doesn't take a genius to hire true geniuses. Washington is full of liars and deceivers, there's a bottomless pit to choose from lol.

So he's smart enough to do the old sleight of hand trick by leveling the airbase that was used for chemical weapons attacks? Or is that move from one of the geniuses he's hired?
Your argument runs all ways. Idiot that hires geniuses. Smart like a fox with the sleight of hand move. It seems to be either depending on what you need him to be in each particular point your arguing.

In recent days, he has talked to confidants about the performance of chief of staff Reince Priebus and has asked for the names of possible replacements. One candidate that people close to Mr. Trump have suggested is Gary Cohn, now the director of the National Economic Council and a former senior executive at Goldman Sachs Group Inc.

Mr. Trump is “trying out different names with his friends,” one person close to the White House said.

Another top aide who could be removed or reassigned in a shake-up is Steve Bannon, chief strategist, who has been sparring with Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and one of his closest advisers.
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So he's smart enough to do the old sleight of hand trick by leveling the airbase that was used for chemical weapons attacks? Or is that move from one of the geniuses he's hired?
Your argument runs all ways. Idiot that hires geniuses. Smart like a fox with the sleight of hand move. It seems to be either depending on what you need him to be in each particular point your arguing.

Who said he's smart enough for slight of hand? I know I didn't lol. If, and I'm saying if to appease everybody bc no evidence has shown direct collusion on Trump's part, but if he colluded with the Russians, it's obvious the puppetmaster has the brains; not the puppet himself. Furthermore, it doesn't take an exceptionally smart person, or even someone with average intelligence, to know the heat is on trump at the moment.

I'm an idiot at golf. I know almost nothing about the game. I swing the club like a hockey stick and basically know you want to get the ball in the hole with as few tries as possible. Does me being an idiot at golf prevent me in some way from hiring Phil Mickelson to coach me?

My argument hasnt gone both ways, you only think it has bc you misattributed what I said. It doesn't take a statistician to know that even the midget with one arm is bound to make a basket every now and then provided he takes enough shots.

Edit* also so much for "leveling the air base"... There seems to be news reports of it still being operational and jets still doing missions from the base.
The president orders a missile strike on a Syrian military airfield after a chemical attack on civilians.

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No one is talking about Trump team ties to russia now or the fact trump lives in an alternate reality.

I was wondering how long it would take him to figure out a war provides lots of cover. Its obvious he didn't think about it much though.

In recent days, he has talked to confidants about the performance of chief of staff Reince Priebus and has asked for the names of possible replacements. One candidate that people close to Mr. Trump have suggested is Gary Cohn, now the director of the National Economic Council and a former senior executive at Goldman Sachs Group Inc.

Mr. Trump is “trying out different names with his friends,” one person close to the White House said.

Another top aide who could be removed or reassigned in a shake-up is Steve Bannon, chief strategist, who has been sparring with Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and one of his closest advisers.

Trump on training wheels. Makes you feel secure doesn't it :(
No one is talking about Trump team ties to russia now or the fact trump lives in an alternate reality.

I was wondering how long it would take him to figure out a war provides lots of cover. Its obvious he didn't think about it much though.

Trump Confident U.S. Military Strike On Syria Wiped Out Russian Scandal

WASHINGTON—After ordering the first U.S. military attack against the regime of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad, President Donald Trump held a press conference Friday to express his full confidence that the airstrike had completely wiped out the lingering Russian scandal.

“Based on intelligence we have received over the past several hours, the attack on the al-Shayrat air base in Homs has successfully eliminated all discussions and allegations about my administration’s ties to the Russian government,” said Trump, adding that at approximately 4:40 a.m. local time, 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles fired from U.S. naval ships obliterated all traces of the widespread controversy in news outlets across the media.

“Ordering this strike was not a decision I took lightly, but given that it was the only way to decisively eradicate any attention being paid to congressional investigations into possible collusion between key members of my staff and high-ranking Kremlin officials, I decided it was a necessary course of action. If we learn that any remnants of this scandal remain after this attack, I will not hesitate to order further strikes.”

Trump went on to say that he is leaving the option open for a potential ground invasion of Syria if any troubling evidence emerges that the Russian government manipulated the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.

The National Security Council has presented President Trump with options to respond to North Korea's nuclear program — including putting American nukes in South Korea or killing dictator Kim Jong-un, multiple top-ranking intelligence and military officials told NBC News.
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Trump Confident U.S. Military Strike On Syria Wiped Out Russian Scandal

WASHINGTON—After ordering the first U.S. military attack against the regime of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad, President Donald Trump held a press conference Friday to express his full confidence that the airstrike had completely wiped out the lingering Russian scandal.

“Based on intelligence we have received over the past several hours, the attack on the al-Shayrat air base in Homs has successfully eliminated all discussions and allegations about my administration’s ties to the Russian government,” said Trump, adding that at approximately 4:40 a.m. local time, 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles fired from U.S. naval ships obliterated all traces of the widespread controversy in news outlets across the media.

“Ordering this strike was not a decision I took lightly, but given that it was the only way to decisively eradicate any attention being paid to congressional investigations into possible collusion between key members of my staff and high-ranking Kremlin officials, I decided it was a necessary course of action. If we learn that any remnants of this scandal remain after this attack, I will not hesitate to order further strikes.”

Trump went on to say that he is leaving the option open for a potential ground invasion of Syria if any troubling evidence emerges that the Russian government manipulated the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.

