Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

BUDAPEST, Hungary — A group with alleged historical links to Nazi Germany has told NBC News it was "proud" when President Donald Trump's deputy assistant wore its medal.

Controversy has swirled around Sebastian Gorka, one of Trump's top counterterrorism advisers, ever since he attended the president's Jan. 20 Inaugural Ball wearing the honorary medal of Hungarian nationalist organization Vitezi Rend.

NBC News traveled to Hungary to dig deeper into Gorka's ties with the group, speaking with members of the organization as well as with locals who knew him when he lived there.

"When he appeared on U.S. television ... with the medal of the Vitez Order ... it made me really proud," Vitezi Rend spokesman Andras Horvath said in the Hungarian capital of Budapest. Vitezi Rend is also known as the Order of Vitez.

More than 200 civilians killed in suspected U.S. airstrike in Iraq
More than 200 civilians killed in suspected U.S. airstrike in Iraq

The U.S.-led coalition in Iraq is investigating whether it was responsible for an airstrike in the west Mosul neighborhood of Aghawat Jadidah March 17 that local civil defense officials said killed at least 200. It would be the highest civilian death toll from an airstrike since the battle against the militant group Islamic State began more than two years ago and among the deadliest incidents in modern warfare.

“The coalition has opened a formal civilian casualty credibility assessment on this allegation, and we are currently analyzing conflicting allegations and all possible strikes in that area,” said U.S. Army Col. Joe Scrocca, a Baghdad-based spokesman for the coalition, who added that coalition forces routinely strike Islamic State targets in that area.

WASHINGTON — Paul Manafort is the rarest of professional pitchmen: one who knows how to sell to a salesman.

That was evident by the effort he made last year to gain a foothold in President Trump’s campaign, a successful pitch documented by letters and memos that were made available by a former Trump associate.

On Feb. 29, 2016, Mr. Manafort, the former lobbyist and Republican operative who now sits at the nexus of investigations into Russia’s meddling in the presidential election, reached out to Mr. Trump with a slick, carefully calibrated offer that appealed to the candidate’s need for professional guidance, thirst for political payback — and parsimony.

The letters and memos provide a telling glimpse into how Mr. Trump invited an enigmatic international fixer, who is currently under investigation by United States intelligence services, a Senate committee and investigators in Ukraine, to the apex of his campaign with a minimum of vetting. The answer? Through family and friends, handshakes and hyperbole.
Not tough at all. We won.
What exactly did you win? I have not seen any prizes for anyone with the exception of some billionaires getting some government positions they could only want for one reason... I avoid this place as of late for the main reason of not being exposed to the white trash ignorance that is a mainstay in the bodybuilding community, but in my boredom I wander through from time to time. Posts like this make me wonder what it is that fuels the sense of accomplishment from the crowd that stand to lose so much. Hillary was a gigantic steaming pile if dogshit- as is trump. Everyone lost when they were our choices. How is it that there are still people thinking that there is anything but raping for the American people on the horizon? Raising of a military budget that should be cut in half? Slashing of basically every group and program that does a miniscule part in making this country worthwhile? Yet, you won. Congratulations. I hope your physique (and your shortsighted "victory") are a result of your advanced age and not because of retardation and fake gear. Edit- white and 58. Color you typical.
What exactly did you win? I have not seen any prizes for anyone with the exception of some billionaires getting some government positions they could only want for one reason... I avoid this place as of late for the main reason of not being exposed to the white trash ignorance that is a mainstay in the bodybuilding community, but in my boredom I wander through from time to time. Posts like this make me wonder what it is that fuels the sense of accomplishment from the crowd that stand to lose so much. Hillary was a gigantic steaming pile if dogshit- as is trump. Everyone lost when they were our choices. How is it that there are still people thinking that there is anything but raping for the American people on the horizon? Raising of a military budget that should be cut in half? Slashing of basically every group and program that does a miniscule part in making this country worthwhile? Yet, you won. Congratulations. I hope your physique (and your shortsighted "victory") are a result of your advanced age and not because of retardation and fake gear.
We exactly won the election. The rest is your opinion which you're entitled to. Kinda long but whatever.
We exactly won the election. The rest is your opinion which you're entitled to. Kinda long but whatever.
No just another stolen election. The first time we got Bush and a war in Iraq. God only knows what this megalomaniac moron will do. If trump had won the popular vote but lost in the electoral college he would have had his base rioting in the street. He never would have conceded the election.

Enjoy these next few years. I know I will. SNL is going to be hilarious. It's the end of the line for the GOP as we know it. There just aren't enough fucking morons like yourself to float that boat any longer.
No just another stolen election. The first time we got Bush and a war in Iraq. God only knows what this megalomaniac moron will do. If trump had won the popular vote but lost in the electoral college he would have had his base rioting in the street. He never would have conceded the election.

Enjoy these next few years. I know I will. SNL is going to be hilarious. It's the end of the line for the GOP as we know it. There just aren't enough fucking morons like yourself to float that boat any longer.
Not stolen bp. Won fair and square. Those are the rules we go by. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean shit.