Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

What exactly did you win? I have not seen any prizes for anyone with the exception of some billionaires getting some government positions they could only want for one reason... I avoid this place as of late for the main reason of not being exposed to the white trash ignorance that is a mainstay in the bodybuilding community, but in my boredom I wander through from time to time. Posts like this make me wonder what it is that fuels the sense of accomplishment from the crowd that stand to lose so much. Hillary was a gigantic steaming pile if dogshit- as is trump. Everyone lost when they were our choices. How is it that there are still people thinking that there is anything but raping for the American people on the horizon? Raising of a military budget that should be cut in half? Slashing of basically every group and program that does a miniscule part in making this country worthwhile? Yet, you won. Congratulations. I hope your physique (and your shortsighted "victory") are a result of your advanced age and not because of retardation and fake gear. Edit- white and 58. Color you typical.
Edit- Et tu Brute? Typical enough to win. Game over. But feel free to prattle on.
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I disagree. It is obvious that it is all ego. He wanted to be the most powerful man on earth.

Looking more like the most corrupt president in US history.

Sorry, I'm sure you mean well. You are just to gullible to understand.
It's your right to disagree and I respect that. As for gullible, that's for you and scally to parrot the company line. It doesn't work anymore. Get used to it.
I will be entirely honest, I would rather he be the greatest president in US history. Its not going to happen though.
It's your right to disagree and I respect that. As for gullible, that's for you and scally to parrot the company line. It doesn't work anymore. Get used to it.
That's Dr Scally. Have some respect. Has he insulted anyone? He just feels Trump is bad for America. I happen to agree.

I have made several attempts to defuse this thread and let all respectfully disagree. Trump supporters are just rude.:(