Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Yeah we wouldn't want to do anything against assad. Best to just keep letting him kill women and children at will.

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There will be a similar naptime for all you senior citizens when the meals on wheels and Medicaid you senior citizens lap up runs out... shortsighted of Trump to starve all the 50+ year old dipshits who voted for him- he must not want a second term. No matter- y'all can eat your Trump bumper stickers when the roach coach stops coming.

I guess I will let my answer come from the 3 million Syrian refugees in Turkey
There is only one truth about middle East all the big powers needs their influence in the region for their economy and for their development. You used to call the CNN the fake news agency fuck I even agreed with you but now you're quoting them. MSNBC was talking about Leonard Cohen watching the bombs come down. don't get your info from the every day news channels buddy I didn't defend them when I was arguing against trump. You all should stick to a point so you don't look like a fool when you keep changing positions. But that's the side effect of being fooled by a guy name Trump I don't envy you but I am mad at you either.
Wait and see. It's only been a few months. But thank you for at least hoping.
I'm not hoping. We are talking about a man who is severely mentally ill. Nothing good will come of a trump presidency.
I guess I will let my answer come from the 3 million Syrian refugees in Turkey
There is only one truth about middle East all the big powers needs their influence in the region for their economy and for their development. You used to call the CNN the fake news agency fuck I even agreed with you but now you're quoting them. MSNBC was talking about Leonard Cohen watching the bombs come down. don't get your info from the every day news channels buddy I didn't defend them when I was arguing against trump. You all should stick to a point so you don't look like a fool when you keep changing positions. But that's the side effect of being fooled by a guy name Trump I don't envy you but I am mad at you either.
Ya using CNN was weak. I don't think they were planning on the interviewee saying what he did but I agree it was weak on my part. I also agree on the ME being needed because of their oil. We are changing that somewhat by drilling more here but that's another thread.
Wouldn't it be best to have assad gone and those 3 million refugees able to return to their homeland?
Wait and see. It's only been a few months. But thank you for at least hoping.
The worst start in history you mean. He will start a war, but this time America isn't going to roll over and allow that orangutan cocksucker to fuck this country like W did.

Trump is a temporary obstacle in making America great. He will be politically castrated in 2018 and tossed in a dumpster in 2020 if he is not impeached before that.
The worst start in history you mean. He will start a war, but this time America isn't going to roll over and allow that orangutan cocksucker to fuck this country like W did.

Trump is a temporary obstacle in making America great. He will be politically castrated in 2018 and tossed in a dumpster in 2020 if he is not impeached before that.
Hi BP. Again I don't agree but we will see. I think Carter was the worst and Obama arguably was second. I also thought Clinton was great. Good times during his administration. Time will prove you right or wrong. To be so apoplectic over the next 2 years as you say seems a little much. A lot of the left acts like little kids. The sooner they realize this the better off they will be. People are sick of it, that's why trump got elected.
Hi BP. Again I don't agree but we will see. I think Carter was the worst and Obama arguably was second. I also thought Clinton was great. Good times during his administration. Time will prove you right or wrong. To be so apoplectic over the next 2 years as you say seems a little much. A lot of the left acts like little kids. The sooner they realize this the better off they will be. People are sick of it, that's why trump got elected.
People will not be getting over this catastrophe anytime soon. This will be a lesson on why people need to vote in order to ensure they have a government that represents their best interests.

Calm down and take a deep breath.
Ya using CNN was weak. I don't think they were planning on the interviewee saying what he did but I agree it was weak on my part. I also agree on the ME being needed because of their oil. We are changing that somewhat by drilling more here but that's another thread.
Wouldn't it be best to have assad gone and those 3 million refugees able to return to their homeland?

A little History from a Middle Eastern for you. Those 3 million Syrian refugees were given free college. free place to live and close to $500 a month check for anything they need. Most of them are given citizenship so they can vote. On another word they were bought for political gain for the Rulling party in Turkey they're not going back. Syria is a melting pot of sections tribes cultures and religions. With no education there will never be peace in Syria it has nothing to do with Assad, they are still living tribal like the rest of the Middle East and we are judging them with our social economic ideas they are not a democratic free country and won't be for a long time until the education is there. Think about them like the gangs of New York they're all tribes and whoever is in the majority usually suppresses the rest. And I meant the movie not the real gangs