Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

You're damn right BP. We agree on that!
The political shit I leave in that forum. We have much more in common than differences. I can argue politics all day but what we do here is much more relevant to our lives and safty. I don't see any member here as an enemy. I have never been able to stay mad long anyway especially when the problem is on a social forum.
The political shit I leave in that forum. We have much more in common than differences. I can argue politics all day but what we do here is much more relevant to our lives and safty. I don't see any member here as an enemy. I have never been able to stay mad long anyway especially when the problem is on a social forum.
I believe you BP. I've seen you advise plenty of bros and always value your opinion. It's a tough room in this thread but that's just because our opinions are strong. I go in streaks in this thread and often wonder why I/we bother. Thousands of posts and not one mind changed. I have learned a lot and it is entertaining so it's worth it imo.
[About bombing those Russian bases ... LMAO]

[Fucking Idiots ... And, All That Applauded ...]

After upending its own “America First” agenda with an interventionist missile strike in Syria, the Trump administration is struggling to clarify its foreign policy in the Middle East. On the one hand, the White House was pretty clear that last Thursday’s targeted attack on Shayrat Airfield was meant to be a limited, proportionate response to President Bashar al-Assad’s alleged use of deadly chemical weapons.

On the other, Donald Trump’s decision to launch a symbolic strike as a show of strength must now be followed up by the credible threat of additional force. And so on Monday, White House press secretary Sean Spicer waded into this dilemma in the worst possible way, announcing a new policy that would virtually guarantee an immediate, massive escalation of U.S. involvement in Syria.

When asked what President Trump’s “red line” is in Syria, Spicer laid out two scenarios that would prompt another military action like the missile strike last week. “I think the president has made it very clear that there were a number of lines that were crossed last week. I think not just Syria but the world saw last week is a president that is going to act decisively and proportionately and with justification when it comes to actions like that,” the press secretary explained.

“And I will tell you, the answer is if you gas a baby, if you put a barrel bomb into innocent people, I think you will see a response from this president.”
Jim Morin
Pulitzer Prize
{{(global.pageOgTitle) ? global.pageOgTitle : global.pageTitle}}

TWO DECADES after Jim Morin won his first Pulitzer Prize for editorial cartooning, the Miami Herald veteran now has a matching bookend. (Miami Herald’s Jim Morin wins cartooning Pulitzer for ‘flawless’ art and ‘biting prose’)



Jim Morin
Pulitzer Prize
{{(global.pageOgTitle) ? global.pageOgTitle : global.pageTitle}}

TWO DECADES after Jim Morin won his first Pulitzer Prize for editorial cartooning, the Miami Herald veteran now has a matching bookend. (Miami Herald’s Jim Morin wins cartooning Pulitzer for ‘flawless’ art and ‘biting prose’)

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Brian Klaas, fellow in comparative politics at the London School of Economics and the author of The Despot's Accomplice: How the West is Aiding and Abetting the Decline of Democracy (Oxford University Press, 2017), looks at global trends toward authoritarianism.