Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

In late February, during his address to a Joint Session of Congress, President Trump claimed, that, “according to data provided by the Department of Justice, the vast majority of individuals convicted of terrorism and terrorism-related offense since 9/11 came here from outside of our country.”

A week later, in the revised Executive Order restricting entry from six countries, the administration declared that, “Since 2001, hundreds of persons born abroad have been convicted of terrorism-related crimes in the United States.”

The White House has offered no data from the Justice Department in support of either of these claims.

Both turn out to have serious factual problems.

When Mike Cox quit, he did so with gusto.

After 25 years, he retired last week from the Environmental Protection Agency with a tough message for the boss, Administrator Scott Pruitt.

“I, along with many EPA staff, are becoming increasing alarmed about the direction of EPA under your leadership … ” Cox said in a letter to Pruitt. “The policies this Administration is advancing are contrary to what the majority of the American people, who pay our salaries, want EPA to accomplish, which are to ensure the air their children breath is safe; the land they live, play, and hunt on to be free of toxic chemicals; and the water they drink, the lakes they swim in, and the rivers they fish in to be clean.”

Cox was a climate change adviser for EPA’s Region 10, covering Alaska, Washington, Oregon and Idaho. A former Peace Corps volunteer in Malawi, he’s been very involved in Bainbridge, Wash., coaching youth sports and serving on local boards and commissions. For two decades, the fit 60-year-old rode his bike eight miles to the ferry, then uphill to his Seattle office.

He can get away with being so blunt because he sent the letter on his last day on the job. Yet his views reflect the disgust and frustration among the agency employees he left behind.
Love my TRUMP bumper stickers. Got em all over the back of my jacked up pickup with the rebel flag in the window. Lol
The greatest trick the Republican party ever pulled off is making poor people think Republican means patriotic and this overwhelming notion that they don't have a ton of money because of poorer people getting benefits and immigrants stealing their jobs. I see them in a shitbox worth 20 times less than what I drive with a proud Trump sticker and I want to flag them down and tell them the truth- they have no money because they didn't pay attention in school, because they blame their problems on others instead of solving them and maybe leave out the part that inbreeding has to do with their less than stellar inherent intelligence. Then I realize being poor, insignificant and looked down upon by most is probably punishment enough... let them revel in the bliss that is ignorance. Old people- like 58 and up? Wasted breath, but they will be dead soon enough anyways. Then I can enjoy the peace and quiet.
The greatest trick the Republican party ever pulled off is making poor people think Republican means patriotic and this overwhelming notion that they don't have a ton of money because of poorer people getting benefits and immigrants stealing their jobs. I see them in a shitbox worth 20 times less than what I drive with a proud Trump sticker and I want to flag them down and tell them the truth- they have no money because they didn't pay attention in school, because they blame their problems on others instead of solving them and maybe leave out the part that inbreeding has to do with their less than stellar inherent intelligence. Then I realize being poor, insignificant and looked down upon by most is probably punishment enough... let them revel in the bliss that is ignorance. Old people- like 58 and up? Wasted breath, but they will be dead soon enough anyways. Then I can enjoy the peace and quiet.
I just like knowing we won and it affected you enough to keep posting. Say it with me brutie. "We won" Got a nice ring to it. Lol