Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

People will not be getting over this catastrophe anytime soon. This will be a lesson on why people need to vote in order to ensure they have a government that represents their best interests.

Calm down and take a deep breath.
I see, so when people vote for a candidate you dont like, they need to be taught a lesson.
I guess Hillary had our best interest at heart when she became a millionaire on foreign money.
A little History from a Middle Eastern for you. Those 3 million Syrian refugees were given free college. free place to live and close to $500 a month check for anything they need. Most of them are given citizenship so they can vote. On another word they were bought for political gain for the Rulling party in Turkey they're not going back. Syria is a melting pot of sections tribes cultures and religions. With no education there will never be peace in Syria it has nothing to do with Assad, they are still living tribal like the rest of the Middle East and we are judging them with our social economic ideas they are not a democratic free country and won't be for a long time until the education is there. Think about them like the gangs of New York they're all tribes and whoever is in the majority usually suppresses the rest. And I meant the movie not the real gangs
Thank you for the history MassTurk.
Ya using CNN was weak. I don't think they were planning on the interviewee saying what he did but I agree it was weak on my part. I also agree on the ME being needed because of their oil. We are changing that somewhat by drilling more here but that's another thread.
Wouldn't it be best to have assad gone and those 3 million refugees able to return to their homeland?
Um, replaced by whom exactly? It's either Assad or the terrorist regime that is itching to slide in right behind him. Either way our missiles do nothing but waste money. The kids die either way.
(Phone rings)

- Da?
- Vlad! My man! What's going down?
- You if you don't live up to our ... agreement
- Vlad. Vlaaaad! You know I'm good for it!
- Yeah, right...
- But I can't do anything now until my numbers keep dropping!
- That's not my problem
- Come on Vlad! I know how to fix this!
- And what do you want from me now?
- Syria
- No!
- Just let me send in a few battalions and take him down!
- No! Out of the question!
- Alright, just a few missiles then. It would really help
- Where?
- Where they are keeping the gas. By the way, where is that?
- Your debt is growing....
- Just a few....
- Not more than 60
- I'll do 59. Ok? Then we'll talk later
- фигля́р [idiot]

(Phone rings)

- Da?
- Vlad! My man! What's going down?
- You if you don't live up to our ... agreement
- Vlad. Vlaaaad! You know I'm good for it!
- Yeah, right...
- But I can't do anything now until my numbers keep dropping!
- That's not my problem
- Come on Vlad! I know how to fix this!
- And what do you want from me now?
- Syria
- No!
- Just let me send in a few battalions and take him down!
- No! Out of the question!
- Alright, just a few missiles then. It would really help
- Where?
- Where they are keeping the gas. By the way, where is that?
- Your debt is growing....
- Just a few....
- Not more than 60
- I'll do 59. Ok? Then we'll talk later
- фигля́р [idiot]

[Winning ... LMAO]

“One hundred days is the marker, and we’ve got essentially two-and-a-half weeks to turn everything around,” said one White House official. "This is going to be a monumental task.”

For a president who often begins and ends his days imbibing cable news, the burden has fallen heavily on a press team that recognizes how well they sell Trump’s early tenure in the media will likely color the president’s appetite for an internal shake-up.

That was the backdrop for a tense planning session for the 100-day mark last week.

More than 30 Trump staffers piled into a conference room in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building adjoining the White House, according to a half-dozen attendees who described the Tuesday meeting.

Mike Dubke, Trump’s communications director, and his deputy, Jessica Ditto, kicked off the discussion of how to package Trump’s tumultuous first 100 days by pitching the need for a “rebranding” to get Trump back on track.

“I think the president’s head would explode if he heard that,” one of the White House officials present said.

Staffers, including counselor Kellyanne Conway, were broken into three groups, complete with whiteboards, markers and giant butcher-block-type paper to brainstorm lists of early successes. One group worked in the hallway.

“It made me feel like I was back in 5th grade,” complained another White House aide who was there. “That’s the best way I could describe it.”
There will be a similar naptime for all you senior citizens when the meals on wheels and Medicaid you senior citizens lap up runs out... shortsighted of Trump to starve all the 50+ year old dipshits who voted for him- he must not want a second term. No matter- y'all can eat your Trump bumper stickers when the roach coach stops coming.
Love my TRUMP bumper stickers. Got em all over the back of my jacked up pickup with the rebel flag in the window. Lol
Publicity Stunts Aren’t Policy

Showy actions that win a news cycle or two are no substitute for actual, coherent policies. Indeed, their main lasting effect can be to squander a government’s credibility. Which brings us to last week’s missile strike on Syria.

The attack instantly transformed news coverage of the Trump administration. Suddenly stories about infighting and dysfunction were replaced with screaming headlines about the president’s toughness and footage of Tomahawk launches.

But outside its effect on the news cycle, how much did the strike actually accomplish? A few hours after the attack, Syrian warplanes were taking off from the same airfield, and airstrikes resumed on the town where use of poison gas provoked Mr. Trump into action. No doubt the Assad forces took some real losses, but there’s no reason to believe that a one-time action will have any effect on the course of Syria’s civil war.

In fact, if last week’s action was the end of the story, the eventual effect may well be to strengthen the Assad regime — Look, they stood up to a superpower! — and weaken American credibility. To achieve any lasting result, Mr. Trump would have to get involved on a sustained basis in Syria.


Real leadership means devising and carrying out sustained policies that make the world a better place. Publicity stunts may generate a few days of favorable media coverage, but they end up making America weaker, not stronger, because they show the world that we have a government that can’t follow through.

And has anyone seen a sign, any sign, that Mr. Trump is ready to provide real leadership in that sense? I haven’t.