Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

That's like saying you won an aids test because it was positive.

Technically, since Trump will be cutting planned Parenthood, he'll never know he has AIDS at all.

He's scratching his head now like, "wait, Trump said they only killed babies there..."
What exactly did you win? I have not seen any prizes for anyone with the exception of some billionaires getting some government positions they could only want for one reason... I avoid this place as of late for the main reason of not being exposed to the white trash ignorance that is a mainstay in the bodybuilding community, but in my boredom I wander through from time to time. Posts like this make me wonder what it is that fuels the sense of accomplishment from the crowd that stand to lose so much. Hillary was a gigantic steaming pile if dogshit- as is trump. Everyone lost when they were our choices. How is it that there are still people thinking that there is anything but raping for the American people on the horizon? Raising of a military budget that should be cut in half? Slashing of basically every group and program that does a miniscule part in making this country worthwhile? Yet, you won. Congratulations. I hope your physique (and your shortsighted "victory") are a result of your advanced age and not because of retardation and fake gear. Edit- white and 58. Color you typical.

Good to see you boss. Here is why I stoped responding to selected few.
Until it hits them right across the face current situation to them its liberals loosing their shit for "loosing the election" not one of them can site a progress in any of their expectations that made them vote for the orange man. The premise a billioner who can't even apologize when he is wrong,is going to have empathy for anyone but himself, was absurd. But they voted against Hillary when push comes to shove. Non of them want to admit only thing they have in common with Trump is the pride they have for the color of their skin.....

We exactly won the election. The rest is your opinion which you're entitled to. Kinda long but whatever.

Your ignorance is a bliss I commend you my imu friend. I know I'm chicken little for saying sky is falling but hey bombs over Syria now, let's wait and see

Deputy national security adviser K.T. McFarland has been asked to step down in another shakeup within President Trump's administration, according to a new report.

McFarland will become the U.S. ambassador to Singapore, less than three months after beginning her role at the National Security Council, Bloomberg first reported on Sunday.

I started making this list out of sheer curiosity of how many different paths there were. At 18, I thought to myself that there couldn’t be many more. A few of these are just rumors or probably mean nothing (1, 22, 25, 31) but the sheer number of Russian mobsters who have lived at Trump tower and the fact that 5 people have had to resign , I thought I was done. For me to get to 99 (and counting) is astonishing.

Honestly the discovery that surprised me the most is the Abramoff connection. I’m beginning to think that the Russians partnered with the Republican party in the 1990s to build an alliance for reasons not yet known.
Your ignorance is a bliss I commend you my imu friend. I know I'm chicken little for saying sky is falling but hey bombs over Syria now, let's wait and see

Yeah we wouldn't want to do anything against assad. Best to just keep letting him kill women and children at will.

Yeah we wouldn't want to do anything against assad. Best to just keep letting him kill women and children at will.

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What happened to your America first rhetoric then ? How come we are not taking them as refugees but want to bomb their country when we see their kids dead on the street ?? You're drowning in hypocrisy I can't hear you

Ps don't bother to answer I already know you will go wherever his rhetoric text you so being a pawn is an easy thing to do try to have a real thought then you'll find out it's really much harder than the effort you are putting in
What happened to your America first rhetoric then ? How come we are not taking them as refugees but want to bomb their country when we see their kids dead on the street ?? You're drowning in hypocrisy I can't hear you
I guess it's to complicated for you to understand. That's ok. Plenty of them are glad we bombed assad and would rather stay in their country and fix it. The answer has never been to bring everyone over here.
I realize we're on opposite ends of this and I respect your opinion. I don't agree with it but I respect it. I also respect that you don't resort to name calling and personal attacks. That immediately cheapens ones argument and makes it irrelevant. Thank you for not doing that.
What happened to your America first rhetoric then ? How come we are not taking them as refugees but want to bomb their country when we see their kids dead on the street ?? You're drowning in hypocrisy I can't hear you

Ps don't bother to answer I already know you will go wherever his rhetoric text you so being a pawn is an easy thing to do try to have a real thought then you'll find out it's really much harder than the effort you are putting in
I'll let a Syrian answer for me:
Syrian chemical attack victim hits out CNN journalist | Daily Mail Online