Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The acceleration of the War on Science began in January with bizarre claims by the White House — clearly contradicting empirical facts — regarding the size of crowds, electoral victories, and voter fraud. Then Kellyanne Conway, an adviser to President Trump, suggested “alternative facts,” rather than actual truth, were in play. I don’t know what “alternative facts” are, but my parents called them falsehoods and lies.

A disturbing pattern has emerged in Washington: Facts and the pursuit of facts don’t matter.

Actually, it’s worse: Facts and science are being attacked because they matter a lot. And this attack is using a well-honed strategy.


Our future depends on science. While science isn’t perfect, it can help lift us, improve the human condition and build a better world. And science serves all Americans, not just Democrats or just Republicans.

Let me be clear: This isn’t a partisan issue. Scientists aren’t — and shouldn’t be — worried about which political party is in power. It rarely has mattered: There is a long tradition of bipartisan support for science and a fact-based world view. Until now.
Stage 1: Denial
This can't be happening.
Trump won't win the election.
There's no path to 270.

Stage 2: Blame someone else
Dems* SELL THEMSELVES to campaign donors in a way that makes prostitutes and hitmen look good in comparison.
IF ANYTHING, DEMS WERE WARNED: Choose Bernie Sanders, because Hillary will be no match for Trump.
I don't personally like him, but some Sanders views were strikingly similar to Trump, especially about China trade and sending jobs abroad.

But no, Dems chose a candidate (and thus policies) that were popular with CAMPAIGN DONORS, not popular with VOTERS.
They paid a price but are too coward to admit their own prostitution.

Stage 3: Bargaining
Like the (idiot) dying AIDS-infected gay prostitute promising God he'll pray everyday from now on, if he manages to survive (to keep on prostituting anyhow)
Dems still look for trendy candidates, without addressing the root cause:
their selloff to campaign contributors
Top 15 Democratic presidential candidates in 2020
What a lame list. Again I don't like him but at least BS made it to #2.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein

* and Repubs too
His missus is a stunner!



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Washington (CNN) The FBI last year used a dossier of allegations of Russian ties to Donald Trump's campaign as part of the justification to win approval to secretly monitor a Trump associate, according to US officials briefed on the investigation.

The dossier has also been cited by FBI Director James Comey in some of his briefings to members of Congress in recent weeks, as one of the sources of information the bureau has used to bolster its investigation, according to US officials briefed on the probe.

This includes approval from the secret court that oversees the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) to monitor the communications of Carter Page, two of the officials said. Last year, Page was identified by the Trump campaign as an adviser on national security.

Officials familiar with the process say even if the application to monitor Page included information from the dossier, it would only be after the FBI had corroborated the information through its own investigation. The officials would not say what or how much was corroborated.