Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Hundreds of asylum seekers are crossing from the U.S. into the small border town of Emerson, Manitoba. Most are of African origin, motivated by fear of deportation. Nearly 300 refugees have claimed asylum in the small town since the start of 2017. The situation has put a strain on emergency resources and brought the issue to global attention. In a recent poll, 41 percent of Canadians said they think their country is accepting too many refugees.
The immigration debate will never end unless Trump throws us up a wall.:) Way I see it everyday new immigrants arrive in Vancouver majority from (Asia,India)
Granted no kids to think for the future, but nothing changes.Bills, work, traffic etc then you're ashes. Say la Vie
[Eyes Wide Open ...]

Try to imagine this scenario happening in the United States: In a national referendum, a narrow majority of voters decide to hand powers to Donald Trump that are unprecedented in the history of the American presidency.

What if 51 percent of the voters gave Trump the powers that now belong to House Speaker Paul Ryan, the ability to make laws by degree and also to unilaterally appoint the judges who would rule on whether his actions are constitutional, not to mention the power to fire any one of a couple of million federal government employees at will? Oh, and possibly run for a third term if he so desires.

It can't happen here, right? Hopefully it won't, but that exact scenario just did play out over the weekend in a large, economically advanced member of the NATO alliance, Turkey.