Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I know right? This person who has never done or thought of anyone other than himself all of a sudden wants to help.

Remember how he wasn't going to take a salary? Now he is going to to donate the salary which will get him a huge break on his taxes which ends up costing the taxpayers nearly $600,000.

Another promise he isn't sticking to.
The heck you talking about? It doesn't matter what the guy does, you guys will spin it in to something awful. When are "you" gonna admit when your wrong?

He can't do that. Article II of the Constitution requires a president to be paid:

"The President shall, at stated times, receive for his services, a compensation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that period any other emolument from the United States, or any of them."
I know right? This person who has never done or thought of anyone other than himself all of a sudden wants to help.

Remember how he wasn't going to take a salary? Now he is going to to donate the salary which will get him a huge break on his taxes which ends up costing the taxpayers nearly $600,000.

Another promise he isn't sticking to.

I think it was GigaloRob who first pointed out that Trump must take a salary. It's required by law of all presidents I believe. Not to defend the man bc I don't like him but it is what it is in this situation.

China warned that a “storm is about to break” on the Korean peninsula as the US moved warships to the area and Pyongyang stepped up a threat to defend itself with nuclear weapons in the face of pressure from President Donald Trump.

Speaking a week after Mr Trump held a summit with China’s President Xi Jinping when the two leaders held discussions about North Korea, Wang Yi, the Chinese foreign minister, said the situation was on a “knife edge”.

Cautioning of the risk of a breaking storm, he urged all parties to “refrain from provoking and threatening each other . . . and not let the situation get to an irreversible and unmanageable stage.”

Note: the CINESE foreign minister is trying to keep peace ! [emoji849][emoji15]

Last year, protesters from a campaign rally sued Donald Trump — claiming the future president urged his supporters to assault them.

Now Trump is the president, of course. And while the lawsuit grinds on, with more accusations added last week, he claims he won immunity along with the election.

“Mr. Trump is immune from suit because he is President of the United States,” his lawyers wrote Friday, rebutting a complaint filed by three protesters who claimed Trump incited a riot against them at a Louisville event in March 2016.

Trump's team challenged the accusations — negligence and incitement to riot — on many other grounds, too.

But a federal judge already rejected their attempt to have the lawsuit thrown out earlier this month.

And in another new filing in the same case, (a Trump supporter accused of assaulting protesters) agreed with the plaintiffs that Trump wanted a riot — while denying he actually harmed anyone.