Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

China warned that a “storm is about to break” on the Korean peninsula as the US moved warships to the area and Pyongyang stepped up a threat to defend itself with nuclear weapons in the face of pressure from President Donald Trump.

Speaking a week after Mr Trump held a summit with China’s President Xi Jinping when the two leaders held discussions about North Korea, Wang Yi, the Chinese foreign minister, said the situation was on a “knife edge”.

Cautioning of the risk of a breaking storm, he urged all parties to “refrain from provoking and threatening each other . . . and not let the situation get to an irreversible and unmanageable stage.”

Former foreign minister Gareth Evans has launched a scathing attack on Donald Trump, urging Australia to reduce its dependence on the US alliance and accept China as a legitimate "global rule maker".

Mr Evans labelled Mr Trump as "manifestly the most ill-informed, under-prepared, ethically challenged and psychologically ill-equipped president in US history".
[Racism ...]

Racial resentment drove supporters of President Donald Trump to vote for him in November more than any other factor, new research shows.

Political researchers Sean McElwee and Jason McDaniel published a report in the Nation in March detailing their latest study on what motivated Trump voters to go to the polls.

Their findings, which mirror similar reports showing racial bias among Trump supporters, illustrate an inherent fear or anger about perceived threats of increasing diversity, compelling many to vote for Trump.

A COUPLE of days after the chemical weapons attack in Syria, some Twitter users in America began sharing a theory: the pictures had been concocted as a pretext for launching a missile attack. The notion was endorsed by Alex Jones, who runs a website called Infowars, which has successfully spread the idea that the Sandy Hook school shooting in Connecticut was a hoax and that Hillary Clinton was involved in a paedophile ring run from a pizzeria in Washington, DC. Mr Jones was until recently a fervent supporter of Donald Trump. Campaigning last year, candidate Trump returned the favour: “Your reputation is amazing, I will not let you down,” Mr Trump said. Now, it seems, he has.

The story of how Mr Jones fastened onto his Syria conspiracy has been pieced together by Ben Nimmo and Donara Barojan of the Atlantic Council, a think-tank. It begins in Syria, where a pro-Assad website published an article claiming that those who came to the aid of the attack’s victims were not wearing protective gloves, and therefore it must be a hoax. It also claimed that a TV station had inadvertently announced plans to cover the strike before it had taken place. This idea was then picked up by several websites, including the Centre for Research on Globalisation, a hub for conspiracy theories and fake stories.

From there it was a short hop to American conspiracy sites, such as Mr Jones’s Infowars, which claimed the whole thing was a “false-flag” operation funded by George Soros. Mike Cernovich, another conspiracy theorist, took a similar line and spread the phrase #SyriaHoax. It was given a bump by computer programs used to boost stories on social media (one Twitter account used #SyriaHoax 155 times). A foreign government might have had a hand in this: the Senate has heard testimony that Russia used this technique to spread fake news stories during last year’s election. Since April 6th, #SyriaHoax has been used in 192,000 tweets—85% of which originated in the United States. The hashtag reached 13.6m Twitter users in a single hour according to Keyhole, a social-media analytics firm. And that is how some self-publicists, posing as American patriots, became apologists for the Assad regime, which drops poison gas on children.

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story said that Mike Cernovich has been praised by President Trump. That was wrong and has been removed. It was Donald Trump Jr. who said of Mr Cernovich, “in a long gone time of unbiased journalism he’d win the Pulitzer”. Sorry.

Those are great Paul. Kudos. Just read he is blocking access to the information of who he is meeting in the wh. Obama allowed everyone to know but Trump is renigging on an open wh.

That and he constantly criticized obama for golfing and vacations. Trump in a few months has already golfed more and spent more time at his resort than working than obama did in eight years.

I would be so pissed if I voted for this guy. He doesn't even try to give the impression of sticking to his promises.
Those are great Paul. Kudos. Just read he is blocking access to the information of who he is meeting in the wh. Obama allowed everyone to know but Trump is renigging on an open wh.

That and he constantly criticized obama for golfing and vacations. Trump in a few months has already golfed more and spent more time at his resort than working than obama did in eight years.

I would be so pissed if I voted for this guy. He doesn't even try to give the impression of sticking to his promises.

Some people's pride is so strong they would never admit they goofed. Others are crazy, had a friend say to me "Trump is a billionaire, why would he run for president if he didn't care about us".