Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

My opinion is either try and eraticate the evil in the region or cut ourselves off from the region entirely and that means no refugees and immigrants from the region as well. Put a wall around it (figuratively) and let them kill themselves. But why is it when we go over there and try and help the victims we are evil, but when we don't take them in and try to help them we are evil then too.
I agree. We're evil to libs no matter what action we take because trump is president. I personally see no way to eradicate something that's been going on since the beginning of time.
Great point. I personally don't agree with fucking around in a losing region. They hate each other and any faction that gets power does the same shit. I guess trump is hoping to use that action to try to curb the use of chemical weapons. Have to wait and see.

The point of my original post was that Trump is suddenly acting very Hillary like. It's not just his fucking around in the ME, it's the whole package. So either this was the plan from the start, or someone got to him, or as some die hard supporters insist he's playing a more complex game than any of us can fathom.

I personally think it was the plan from the start, but won't present my reasons here. Too many people here still posting direct quotes from CNN and the like to make it worth the effort to defend my position.


* Dropped from rear of cargo plane at about 10,000 feet.

* Falls with a parachute so the plane can get away, then bomb directed to its target by a global positioning system device.

* Has a device similar to Doppler radar that tells it when to explode, usually igniting several hundred feet in the air to create maximum effect.

* Explosives inside are called Fuel Air Explosives, which spread a mist of flammable gases that then ignite creating a powerful explosion.


* Up to 1,000 yards: Obliterates everything.

* Up to 1 mile: Knocks people, tents, light buildings, cars and jeeps over within 1-mile radius.

* Up to 1.7 miles: shock wave kills people, causes severe damage to buildings, equipment, blows trucks, tanks off road.

* Up to 2 miles: causes deafness.

* Up to 5 miles: shakes ground, breaks windows.

* Up to 30 miles: 10,000 foot high mushroom cloud visible.

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And that is one of the many reasons why we at CIA find the celebration of entities like WikiLeaks to be both perplexing and deeply troubling. Because while we do our best to quietly collect information on those who pose very real threats to our country, individuals such as Julian Assange and Edward Snowden seek to use that information to make a name for themselves. As long as they make a splash, they care nothing about the lives they put at risk or the damage they cause to national security.

WikiLeaks walks like a hostile intelligence service and talks like a hostile intelligence service. It has encouraged its followers to find jobs at CIA in order to obtain intelligence. It directed Chelsea Manning in her theft of specific secret information. And it overwhelmingly focuses on the United States, while seeking support from anti-democratic countries and organizations.

It is time to call out WikiLeaks for what it really is – a non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors like Russia. In January of this year, our Intelligence Community determined that Russian military intelligence—the GRU—had used WikiLeaks to release data of US victims that the GRU had obtained through cyber operations against the Democratic National Committee. And the report also found that Russia’s primary propaganda outlet, RT, has actively collaborated with WikiLeaks.

Buried in the last paragraph of a Guardian story about British intelligence alerting the U.S. to contact between Trump advisers and Russian officials is this sort-of bombshell:

One source suggested the official [American] investigation was making progress. “They now have specific concrete and corroborative evidence of collusion,” the source said. “This is between people in the Trump campaign and agents of [Russian] influence relating to the use of hacked material.”

* Dropped from rear of cargo plane at about 10,000 feet.

* Falls with a parachute so the plane can get away, then bomb directed to its target by a global positioning system device.

* Has a device similar to Doppler radar that tells it when to explode, usually igniting several hundred feet in the air to create maximum effect.

* Explosives inside are called Fuel Air Explosives, which spread a mist of flammable gases that then ignite creating a powerful explosion.


* Up to 1,000 yards: Obliterates everything.

* Up to 1 mile: Knocks people, tents, light buildings, cars and jeeps over within 1-mile radius.

* Up to 1.7 miles: shock wave kills people, causes severe damage to buildings, equipment, blows trucks, tanks off road.

* Up to 2 miles: causes deafness.

* Up to 5 miles: shakes ground, breaks windows.

* Up to 30 miles: 10,000 foot high mushroom cloud visible.

Paging Dr Freud

The professor who took hell for predicting President Donald Trump has a much longer case for predicting President Mike Pence — and it’s all in his new book, out next week.

Allan Lichtman, a professor at American University, reached meme-status last fall for predicting long before anyone else that Trump would win, using a formula based on the popularity of the party in control of the White House that accurately predicted the eight previous presidential elections. Now Lichtman wants everyone to pay attention to the rest of what came through his crystal ball — that Trump will now be impeached.

KABUL — As many as three dozen militants with the radical Islamic State group were killed when U.S. forces dropped a 22,000-pound bomb on their hideout in eastern Afghanistan, defense ministry officials said Friday.

The strike, which marked the first use of the GBU-43, the U.S. military's largest non-nuclear device ever used in combat, followed weeks of clashes between the militants and U.S. and Afghan forces in Nangarhar province.

Afghan officials said no civilians were reported killed, but the revelation that late Thursday’s strike targeted just 36 fighters is likely to raise further questions about the decision to deploy such massive ordnance.

I’m a little surprised it took President Trump this long to figure out where the Tomahawk launch button was in the Oval Office. These neat little cruise missiles have been the go-to “safe” weapon of choice for U.S. foreign policy for decades now. (And they look so beautiful when they launch from ships!)

After the horrific chemical attack in Khan Sheikhoun, someone had to pay. Except we can’t take out Assad because that would leave an even more chaotic vacuum, right? And we have to be careful about what airfield we attack since Russians are everywhere in Syria. And we don’t want to crater airfields because they’re so easy to fix, apparently. So, let’s lob 59 Tomahawk missiles and feel good about ourselves because, well, we DID something!

Unfortunately Syrian planes were flying again within hours from the very same airfield, bombing the very same town where they carried out the chemical attack. It’s so frustrating to be a not-very-super superpower. It seems that Tomahawk missiles are what you fire when you just have to do something but nothing you do works. At least Trump can be declared “presidential” for the third time in his young presidency.

* Dropped from rear of cargo plane at about 10,000 feet.

* Falls with a parachute so the plane can get away, then bomb directed to its target by a global positioning system device.

* Has a device similar to Doppler radar that tells it when to explode, usually igniting several hundred feet in the air to create maximum effect.

* Explosives inside are called Fuel Air Explosives, which spread a mist of flammable gases that then ignite creating a powerful explosion.


* Up to 1,000 yards: Obliterates everything.

* Up to 1 mile: Knocks people, tents, light buildings, cars and jeeps over within 1-mile radius.

* Up to 1.7 miles: shock wave kills people, causes severe damage to buildings, equipment, blows trucks, tanks off road.

* Up to 2 miles: causes deafness.

* Up to 5 miles: shakes ground, breaks windows.

* Up to 30 miles: 10,000 foot high mushroom cloud visible.

