Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Well, the thing is this guy will probably not be running an investigation with rhetoric as his evidence. If there was any criminal activity comey wouldn't have been fired and trump would have been pulled in front of congress a long time ago. The fact that comey stated there was no evidence on many occasions pretty much shot that whole thing in the foot. All trump has to do to clear himself is state that he gave comey ample opportunity/time to do something (and he did) before he let him go. Remember, words have meaning. Such as the case when the judges put a stop to trumps travel ban for something he (trump) said during his campaign. So the words of many that want to see trump ousted were that comey should be let go and is incompetent. Also, in the court oc public opinion, democrats are losing ground more and more because of their insane rhetoric. It's why trump became president. People are sick and tired of the same old racist, homophobe, wanna kill old people, give the rich tax breaks, etc rhetoric and now whats gonna bite democrats in the ass is the fact that they've been calling for impeachment since before trump became president. People can see that this is disingenuous. So, i for one am glad to see a special investigator. Cant wait to see him slap democrats in the mouth with his findings.

Nice post. I agree except that the Dems won't be happy unless the special investigater beheads Trump on live tv. When he clears Trump they'll piss and moan like always.
I'm shaking in my boots!!:cool:
Good you don't need to. Everything will be alright. Justice will prevail, and maybe we can get Jeff Sessions fired so prosecutors don't pursue the harshest charges that they can prosecute people for for non violent crimes.
Nice post. I agree except that the Dems won't be happy unless the special investigater beheads Trump on live tv. When he clears Trump they'll piss and moan like always.
Lol, I won't piss and moan. I'll just say whelp that's that. The saddest thing is to know there is no possible way we're gonna get top quality memes for the next 4 years. They will start to diminish at some point
Lol, I won't piss and moan. I'll just say whelp that's that. The saddest thing is to know there is no possible way we're gonna get top quality memes for the next 4 years. They will start to diminish at some point
Lol! That will be a challenge. And wtf will we do if it's 4 more after that? Lol
Then Ivanka after that! Look at the bright side. This threads title and stay the same!
Speaking of which, wtf we going to do whenever it does end? We going to have reunions and stuff? Lol
We will still be doing what we are doing. I get nervous when I don't have at least 3 years of gear stockpiled.
Then Ivanka after that! Look at the bright side. This threads title and stay the same!
Speaking of which, wtf we going to do whenever it does end? We going to have reunions and stuff? Lol

I want to fuck Ivanka. After one night of non stop orgasms she's mine.
Robert Mueller resume:

We'll see what you libtards come up with when he determines there's no Russia/Trump interference in 2016 elections
Then Ivanka after that! Look at the bright side. This threads title and stay the same!
Speaking of which, wtf we going to do whenever it does end? We going to have reunions and stuff? Lol

I think Ivanka is as dumb as a rock, but she's smoking. Almost a guarantee she'll have a sex tape