Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Again, I understand the argument against Hillary... still don't understand the argument FOR Trump...?

The argument for Trump can be summed up in one word:


That's it. Opposition to immigration reform and securing the borders is so great, not one of Trump's GOP rivals dared to adopt his stance on immigration, even though it would most certainly have given that rival the nomination.

With the donors is where the real political power in the US lies, and the donors want cheap labor.
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I believe there is a preponderance of evidence w.r.t. many crimes the Clinton family is suspected of committing. That may not be enough for a criminal conviction or even (in the case of the politically elite) an indictment, but I'm not a criminal court. I'm a thinking person who has seen far too many "coincidences" to believe anything else.

On the mishandling of classified data, including operational data on field agents, we know she if guilty. Comey said it in very specific terms in his speech.

Ditto lying to the families of the people killed in Benghazi. We have her words on youtube then and now, and we have her email to the Egyptian president exposing the lie. That's not evidence of a criminal act, but it's damn sure an admission of fault. She was trying to cover her ass.

On planning to provoke Russia, most of her speeches are on youtube. Go watch them and decide for yourself. Watch the ones NOT given to the US public. She's a nuclear war waiting to happen (though considering current events, someone else may launch one before she gets the chance). Putin has said outright he will respond to an invasion with nukes, and I believe him.

And what about the evidence of Trump being a rapist?

The sworn affadavit by his wife, the business partner who withdrew the case after a parallel suit by her husband was settled out of court, and the newest one who says she was 13 when Trump and Epstein raped her and another young girl. This last one had a pretty reliable witness if I'm not mistaken; Epstein's party planner
No, thankfully he doesn't have the clearance to do that but what he did do is tell the Russians to find those emails and that's MUCH better...

Actually, he asked the Russians to release the emails if they have them, not find them.

But if the Russians have the emails - and natsec experts believe they had access to her server - that's no one's fault but Her Royal Thighness herself.
Actually, he asked the Russians to release the emails if they have them, not find them.

But if the Russians have the emails - and natsec experts believe they had access to her server - that's no one's fault but Her Royal Thighness herself.

Are you sure???

Donald Trump said:
Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing

You're right though, if the Russians have the emails it is Hillary's fault although that doesn't negate Trump's blame in advocating that a foreign nation attempt to FIND the emails and leak them. Treason sounds like a fitting name to that.
And what about the evidence of Trump being a rapist?

The sworn affadavit by his wife, the business partner who withdrew the case after a parallel suit by her husband was settled out of court, and the newest one who says she was 13 when Trump and Epstein raped her and another young girl. This last one had a pretty reliable witness if I'm not mistaken; Epstein's party planner

I think the evidence is credible. You might be mistaking me for someone defending Trump. I only want him to win because I think he's the lessor fool, and won't start WWIII on a lark or in exchange for "donations". If I were forced to actually vote for someone to be president, I would write in Chelsea Manning.
Are you sure???

You're right though, if the Russians have the emails it is Hillary's fault although that doesn't negate Trump's blame in advocating that a foreign nation attempt to FIND the emails and leak them. Treason sounds like a fitting name to that.

Asking a foreign government to help with a crime investigation is not treason. Hillary herself says none of the missing emails contain classified information. Do you doubt her word?
the donors want cheap labor

They are going to get cheap labor by sending an the Mexicans back home then?

Lost me there. Surefire way to see increased costs everywhere, right down to your protein powder due to the extra labor cost to build your supp shop.

His rivals were tough on immigration too.
Sorry for jumping in gents..but the Trump "hits" just keep on coming :Do_O

Donald Trump: I meant that Obama founded ISIS, literally -

They're making it seem like he meant Obama intentionally founded ISIS. I could make a weak case for that based on an intelligence report that predicted the rise of ISIS as the result of exactly what Obama did, but listening to Trump I don't think that's what he meant. Otherwise he would have denied it when the reporter said Obama hated ISIS.
They are going to get cheap labor by sending an the Mexicans back home then?

Lost me there. Surefire way to see increased costs everywhere, right down to your protein powder due to the extra labor cost to build your supp shop.

His rivals were tough on immigration too.

No, they won't get cheap labor by sending illegals home. Just the opposite, which is why no politician will take on immigration reform. The donors want all the illegals they can get to keep labor costs low.

Not sure why you're bringing up the cost of goods. I haven't claimed rising labor costs won't have an effect.

Regardless, I have no objections to paying higher costs for goods as long as the market is free AND fair. Do you?
Name one. Hurry before I die laughing

Ted Cruz. He supported the wall too. He also planned to deport just as Trump plans to, possibly even a tougher stance on the issue because Trump wants to "look at what the illegal immigrant has done in their time here." Before sending them back or not.

No, they won't get cheap labor by sending illegals home. Just the opposite, which is why no politician will take on immigration reform. The donors want all the illegals they can get to keep labor costs low.

Not sure why you're bringing up the cost of goods. I haven't claimed rising labor costs won't have an effect.

Regardless, I have no objections to paying higher costs for goods as long as the market is free AND fair. Do you?

Honestly, ice is cracking down on these kinds of things with or without Trump. Getting a contract with Walmart is a nightmare with illegals.
Ted Cruz. He supported the wall too. He also planned to deport just as Trump plans to, possibly even a tougher stance on the issue because Trump wants to "look at what the illegal immigrant has done in their time here." Before sending them back or not.

Honestly, ice is cracking down on these kinds of things with or without Trump. Getting a contract with Walmart is a nightmare with illegals.

Cruz supported a 500% increase in H1B visas. He's in favor of mass immigration, he just wants it legal.

Cruz's comments on deportation should be viewed the same way one views anything that comes out of that greasy little wiesel's mouth: it's BS.

As far as ICE cracking down, where's your proof. Obozo wants them legalized. SCOTUS had to reign him in.
far as ICE cracking down, where's your proof.

Just my experience in dealing with these corporations. They have been fined enough that they've decided to make you work harder to get them through the doors. I don't have to worry about it much, never employed an illegal immigrant.
I think the evidence is credible. You might be mistaking me for someone defending Trump. I only want him to win because I think he's the lessor fool, and won't start WWIII on a lark or in exchange for "donations". If I were forced to actually vote for someone to be president, I would write in Chelsea Manning.

Which is why I will not be voting. A lesser fool is still a fool and he is just as dangerous as his opponent.

I would like to see all money removed from politics but I have zero hope of that ever happening short of some sort of revolution.
Asking a foreign government to help with a crime investigation is not treason. Hillary herself says none of the missing emails contain classified information. Do you doubt her word?

I won't be boxed into that corner lol.

If the emails aren't classified then Trump won't have advocated treason but also the emails become a moot point in the campaign against Hillary as well.

If the emails are classified and contain national security secrets then Hillary royally fucked up and Trump is advocating treason.

Asking a foreign power to help with a criminal investigation isn't treason but then again, there's no crime if they're not classified is there? On the other hand if they are classified, is asking the Russians to find them and leak them to the press, that's the other part of his quote btw, "helping" a criminal investigation?
I won't be boxed into that corner lol.

If the emails aren't classified then Trump won't have advocated treason but also the emails become a moot point in the campaign against Hillary as well.

If the emails are classified and contain national security secrets then Hillary royally fucked up and Trump is advocating treason.

Asking a foreign power to help with a criminal investigation isn't treason but then again, there's no crime if they're not classified is there? On the other hand if they are classified, is asking the Russians to find them and leak them to the press, that's the other part of his quote btw, "helping" a criminal investigation?

Err, weren't you just asking for proof concerning her selling State Dept. favors for Clinton Foundation donations? Why do you think she deleted those 30K emails? Probably the only reason the Russians didn't release the things was to avoid confirming numerous Hillary-Russia deals.
First off, I want to say I don't really like talking politics. It seems to just be corrosive to a relationship if their isn't agreement because people are firmly

I'm voting Trump because this country is looking more and more like a third world shit hole every day. This decline is especially palpable with our crumbling roads and bridges. We have a $16.77 trillion dollar GDP, yet our infrastructure all across the country is decades outdated and falling apart. We have 2nd world countries with faster and more reliable internet service. I could go on and on. But anyways if Clinton gets elected I know we will continue to degrade until we become Brazil 2.0.

Simply put, our government/politicians are traitors selling out our country's resources and tax dollars to the highest bidder. A country's greatest danger is a government that his treasonous. Political power can be addictive as methamphetamine or cocaine, and corrupt politicians will destroy their own countries to maintain their power and get more of it.

I could go on and on.

Truth be told, I don't know if the American people want to be saved. With so many sheep and brainwashed useful idiots in this country, electing Trump may be impossible.

Truth be told, my situation calls me to vote Clinton. My father taught me how to play the "rigged economy" and invest in accordance to the establishment's agenda. Clinton winning = status quo maintained, and I will just continue what I'm doing while country will go to shit. I hope it doesn't come to that, but if the sheep and useful idiots want to continue to be wage-slaves and poor, then so be it.

I know if Trump loses, I will not be voting ever again. Republicans and democrats are the same -- a uniparty. Politicians from both sides are united for one goal, to sellout the American people for their own greedy endeavors. I've never been a believer in the notion that voting doesn't matter, but after this election it won't matter if Clinton wins.
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Err, weren't you just asking for proof concerning her selling State Dept. favors for Clinton Foundation donations? Why do you think she deleted those 30K emails? Probably the only reason the Russians didn't release the things was to avoid confirming numerous Hillary-Russia deals.

Yes I was asking for proof, and I gather it's all supposition since nobody has been able to provide it for me.

So the Russians haven't released the emails bc they didn't want to confirm numerous Hillary-Russia deals but you're worried about Hillary starting WWIII with the same country she's made numerous deals with???