Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Anyway, it's obvious he meant the "2nd Amendment People" could all vote against her, but just left it confused enough for the Hillary loving media to run with it.

Lol. You're nuts dude.

They've given multiple excuses as to why he said that exactly... why are their ten different reasons for that kind of off the cuff commen?

I'm baffled how intelligent people are STILL holding out for Trump??

All because of the Hillary loving media? The guy can't go one week without saying something moronic.

I get the argument AGAINST Hillary, I do. Although most of it is so blown out of proportion it's comical, but I still don't get the argument FOR Trump.
Lol. You're nuts dude.

They've given multiple excuses as to why he said that exactly... why are their ten different reasons for that kind of off the cuff commen?

I'm baffled how intelligent people are STILL holding out for Trump??

All because of the Hillary loving media? The guy can't go one week without saying something moronic.

I get the argument AGAINST Hillary, I do. Although most of it is so blown out of proportion it's comical, but I still don't get the argument FOR Trump.

Well, I saw Trump say it, and I saw the accusations from the media, then I saw the NRA response, then finally I read Trump's explanation. "They" in this case are three different groups. My own interpretation of what he said is what I posted here.

He IS a moron, but he's not the traitorous murderer Hillary is. And no, I don't think you do get the argument against her.

As far as holding out for Trump, I'm more holding out against Hillary than anything. When I see Trump rallies in massive stadiums overflowing, and then learn the media is photo shopping fake crowds into sparsely attended Hillary rallies, I still have hope.
"They" in this case are three different groups.

The "they" I was referring to were those in Trump's own circle of aides and surrogates. Christ, his own spokeswoman Katrina Pearson had more than one explanation for his comments when she was interviewed... lol her job is to take care of his moronic comments and you know what one of her explanations were??

"He wasn't saying that's what SHOULD happen he was saying that's what COULD happen so voters should vote"


When I see Trump rallies in massive stadiums overflowing, and then learn the media is photo shopping fake crowds into sparsely attended Hillary rallies, I still have hope

Lol.. Trump did nearly the same thing did he not? He claimed to have broken an arena record of over 12k people when it was later discovered he hadn't even surpassed half that amount. I'd heard of Hillary's photoshop issue as well though, I hadn't read much into it because conspiracy theories don't interest me very much and there were quite a few that went along with that controversy.

He IS a moron, but he's not the traitorous murderer Hillary is.

He's a moron, something we can agree on then. :)

Hillary is a politician with probably more controversy surrounding her than any other to campaign for that seat. But unfortunately, she's more qualified for the job than any of the others.
Trump did nearly the same thing did he not?

No, he did not. Trump isn't the media. If I had time I would dig up a list of articles and youtube clips with well known media types and analysts calling for the assassination of Trump. There have been quite a few.

The media in the US and Europe isn't covering for Trump's tongue slips, seizures or war mongering speeches, denying his crimes or lying to obfuscate clear intentions to start and escalate wars. If they were photo shopping his rallies, it would be to insert questionable figures, not add cheering attendees.
Isn't that what they all do?

Lol lie?

It's politics. Goes with the territory to a certain extent...

I don't care for trust fund wannabe politicians that can be baited with a tweet.

For fuck sake, you wanna talk corrupt though - anyone happen to know how many lawsuits Trump has been involved in? Accusations of rape, more than once. Won't release tax returns, but he's going to make America great again so it's cool? Racist, sexist, birther, xenophobic piece of shit. He's also never been involved in politics in any way shape or form, yet he's nominated to the most powerful position in the world.

But oh no, not Hillary. o_O

Yeah, people are fucking nuts to feel one bit safe with this guy.
Lol lie?

It's politics. Goes with the territory to a certain extent...

I don't care for trust fund wannabe politicians that can be baited with a tweet.

For fuck sake, you wanna talk corrupt though - anyone happen to know how many lawsuits Trump has been involved in? Accusations of rape, more than once. Won't release tax returns, but he's going to make America great again so it's cool? Racist, sexist, birther, xenophobic piece of shit. He's also never been involved in politics in any way shape or form, yet he's nominated to the most powerful position in the world.

But oh no, not Hillary. o_O

Yeah, people are fucking nuts to feel one bit safe with this guy.

You want to feel safe!.. And cozy?.. Someone to take care of you? ??
I think it was old Ben Franklin had something to say about some of that.
You want to feel safe!.. And cozy?.. Someone to take care of you? ??

Just that first part. :)

Oh ha.. you're being a smart ass.

Do you think that Ben Franklin would have voted Trump?

"Those who are willing to sacrifice liberty for safety deserve neither."

Trump will gain me neither liberty nor safety.

If I were a billionaire as well, then perhaps I would gain more liberty.

If I were a fool then perhaps I would feel I've gained safety with him.

I'm not a billionare or a fool.
I'm not being a smart ass Eman. You want to feel safe! OK... What do you mean by safe?
Your going to have to define just what you think the word liberty means to you.. If we're going to converse on a subject we have to make sure we're both talking about the same things.
And by the the way, NO one is going to gain you more liberty or safety!
Your going to have to define just what you think the word liberty means to you.. If we're going to converse on a subject we have to make sure we're both talking about the same things

That's not too hard. There is philosophical defined liberty and there is political liberty. If you want to define political liberty, it is rooted in freedom. To be free, to be without a master is the most basic concept and definition of liberty. Which is why it was initially troubled in America because we had a bit of a conflict with freedom in this country - slavery.

Safety is different.

No one will gain me more liberty... that's somewhat true, not entirely. The idea is to maintain liberty and safety though. Neither will be maintained if Trump is voted in.

Luckily though, he'll have a new controversy next week and his poll numbers will have fallen further. Fingers crossed. :)
I'm off for the night...But.."to be free is to be without a master"? That is your answer? Just what are you FREE to do Eman?
For fuck sake, you wanna talk corrupt though - anyone happen to know how many lawsuits Trump has been involved in?

I suspect it would be about average for any billionaire businessman.

Care to discuss the Clinton's phony charity? How about the fact the Clintons came to Washington penniless and left with a net worth of several hundred million dollars? And all on a public servant's salary!

Accusations of rape, more than once.

Like Bill Clinton, whose victims were vilified by Hillary? But Cankles is for women, right?

Won't release tax returns, but he's going to make America great again so it's cool?

At least he's not hiding emails. Or storing classified email on an unsecured server and then lying about it.

Racist, sexist, birther, xenophobic piece of shit.

The left's talking points! You've learned them well, eman. It's unfortunate those words have been so overused that they've become meaningless to most. The right now view them as a badge if honor.

He's also never been involved in politics in any way shape or form, yet he's nominated to the most powerful position in the world.

Hillary was the wife of a philandering president and she hasn't accomplished anything noteworthy in her entire life. Well, I guess she has perfected lying but she probably learned that from Bubba. I suppose her mastery of lying does make her a natural politician though, so credit where credit is due and all.

Other than that, fuck Hillary Clinton with a rake.
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