Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I suspect it would be about average for any billionaire businessman

Now that's possibly true. Billionaire or not though I'm still not so sure about. Liquid??? Lol.

Care to discuss the Clinton's phony charity? How about the fact the Clintons came to Washington penniless and left with a net worth of several hundred million dollars? And all on a public servant's salary!

The American dream. :)

I actually read an article a few weeks back about this... Bill was quite the character after his governing days were behind him. I suppose he was a character before that as well. You know he used to wait outside of the classrooms on his campus at night and ask to walk the ladies home? You're not Bill Clinton are you CBS? ;)

Like Bill Clinton, whose victims were vilified by Hillary?

Good thing Bill isn't running for office again huh? I was too young for that vote by a long shot. Who'd you vote for that year?

The left's talking points! You've learned them well, eman. It's unfortunate those words have been so overused that they've become meaningless to most. The right now view them as a badge if honor.

A badge of honor indeed. The right's arguments are getting stale as well. Luckily we'll have new subjects to throw those talking points at next week when Trump opens his mouth.

I suppose I do favor the left talking points. I'm a libertarian at heart... it really allows me to say fuck Hillary and fuck Trump at the end of the day.

she hasn't accomplished anything noteworthy in her entire life.

... aside from being the first female Democratic nominee you mean? Clinton healthcare plan didn't quite see the light... but it sure looked similar to affordable care act? My least favorite part of the Obama administration... it took a good bit of money out of my pocket. She oversaw free trade agreements which Trump I believe would just love to tamper with... show me a president that's tampered with them and been successful? Last thing that comes to mind is the health care coverage that 9/11 first responders have from the bill Hillary drafted.

You know what I think of when I try to come up with Trump's accomplishments? The phrase "You're fired" on a reality TV show that I never got into... credit where credit is due though?

Fuck Trump with a shovel. :)
A libertarian voting democrat. Makes absolutely no sense. It's the absolute opposite of what you would stand for if you really were libertarian. And anything one could say negative about trump hillary looks a hundred times worse on that exact same topic. For example. Trump not showing his tax returns... hillary running home to scrub her emails when they were subpoenaed by a judge in a court of law. Something fishy about trumps taxes... something hugely criminal about hillarys emails and charity organization. Every example is atleast that bad. How can someone be so against trump and just brush over hillarys short comings. It all boils down to false outrage against trump. Either that or jack the lack of information. I am not a trump supporter. I wouldn't vote for him if there was another option. But as much as i don't think trump is suited for president hillary undoubtedly belongs in prison.
And p.s
Don't buy into all these fake articles. The more i look into them the more i find they are fake.
In the end both candidates should not be running for president.Hillary’s hands are covered in blood. Donald's open hate for certain races, religious beliefs, and same-sex. Are they really presidential material? I really feel for my American brothers and sisters :oops:
Billionaire or not though I'm still not so sure about.

Forbes is quite sure.

You know he used to wait outside of the classrooms on his campus at night and ask to walk the ladies home? You're not Bill Clinton are you CBS? ;)

Of course not. When I went to college the ladies used to wait outside my classroom and ask to walk me home.

Good thing Bill isn't running for office again huh?

Indeed. Unfortunately she is and she further victimized Bubba's female victims. And now she has the audacity to claim she's for women.

I suppose I do favor the left talking points. I'm a libertarian at heart...

Then you favor the wrong side of the isle. The new left is statist to it's core. It's not concerned with individual liberty, only the rights of voting blocks.

... aside from being the first female Democratic nominee you mean?

I wasn't aware that possessing a vagina was an accomplishment.

Last thing that comes to mind is the health care coverage that 9/11 first responders have from the bill Hillary drafted.

So overseeing (IOW, she had no part of) trade agreements and getting a few thousand EMTs insured qualifies her for POTUS? Come on.

You know what I think of when I try to come up with Trump's accomplishments? The phrase "You're fired" on a reality TV show that I never got into...

Really? I see someone who actually has executive experience.
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No, thankfully he doesn't have the clearance to do that but what he did do is tell the Russians to find those emails and that's MUCH better...
Really? Your gonna compare a tongue and cheek comment to a criminal conspiracy involving selling government access and a major attempt to cover up any criminal activity?
Really? Your gonna compare a tongue and cheek comment to a criminal conspiracy involving selling government access and a major attempt to cover up any criminal activity?

And you're going to down play a treasonous statement into a tongue in cheek comment?
Forbes is quite sure

He may very well be a billionaire, although I'd be interested to know what he has on paper as compared to liquid assets. Forbes estimated Elizabeth Holmes was a billionare... oops.

Then you favor the wrong side of the isle

The right holds very little appeal typically. I once heard a delegate explain that those on the right, "are just a different kind of person." How true. Even the right hasn't been favoring the right lately lol.

I wasn't aware that possessing a vagina was an accomplishment.

In politics in sure does it would seem.

So overseeing (IOW, she had no part of) trade agreements and getting a few thousand EMTs insured qualifies her for POTUS? Come on.

Is drafting a bill overseeing? Maybe a bit...? The trade agreements she was apart of will contrast quite heavily to Trump's plans for trade. I didn't say these items were what qualifies her for potus, come on!! You said she had accomplished nothing noteworthy... I beg to differ. It certainly doesn't qualify her for potus... but Trump's accomplishments certainly don't either.

Really? I see someone who actually has executive experience.

Maybe that means I'm qualified as well... thanks CBS, I think? :)

Trump's not really that astounding as a businessman. He inherited a lot of money, made serveral lucky business deals and opened casinos. There isnt anything that impressive about Trump as a businessman, really. Who could miss out on successful real estate deals in NYC, especially considering when he was getting started? But he's going to reduce taxes and the deficit, trust him, but good luck to him. Especially while fighting an inevitable trade war due to his stance on free trade, Hillary is no genius when it comes to this either admittedly.

Again, I understand the argument against Hillary... still don't understand the argument FOR Trump...?
And you're going to down play a treasonous statement into a tongue in cheek comment?
Lol, ok. I think if trump were to make a public treasonous statement obama would personally handcuff him and run him off to jail. Your allowed to make stupid comments running for president. They all do, but your not allowed to do the things hillary is doing. Most anyone else would be in prison long ago for doing what she's doing. Comey even said as much.
Again, I understand the argument against Hillary... still don't understand the argument FOR Trump...?

Apparently, a lot of other people do...

Donald Trump Shadowing Clinton on Campaign Trail – Media Avoiding The Contrasting Optics…

Posted on August 10, 2016 by

Yesterday Hillary Clinton was campaigning in Miami, later she attended a fundraiser in Miami Beach. At Clinton’s rally several hundred enthusiastic supporters were reported in attendance.

Today, literally less than a few miles north, Donald Trump holds his campaign rally in the, Sunrise FL, home to the Florida Panthers. Thousands of enthusiastic supporters are in attendance:


This is a continual pattern that appears to be entirely by design. Trump is shadow-campaigning Clinton to draw a contrast to the visible support and work around the media.

[url=]full article[/URL]
Lol, ok. I think if trump were to make a public treasonous statement obama would personally handcuff him and run him off to jail. Your allowed to make stupid comments running for president. They all do, but your not allowed to do the things hillary is doing. Most anyone else would be in prison long ago for doing what she's doing. Comey even said as much.

I haven't kept up with the whole email thing. Can you tell me if it was PROVEN she tried selling governmental access or not?

Also you're right, you can say stupid shit while running for president. But the stupid shit Trump is saying makes him dangerous as a president. Not to mention the fact that one of his statements opens the door for the same governmental access your claiming Hillary tried selling.

I don't want either as president which is why I'm not voting. I refuse to pick the lesser of two evils bc in doing so, I'm still choosing an evil
So that's a no....

I believe there is a preponderance of evidence w.r.t. many crimes the Clinton family is suspected of committing. That may not be enough for a criminal conviction or even (in the case of the politically elite) an indictment, but I'm not a criminal court. I'm a thinking person who has seen far too many "coincidences" to believe anything else.

On the mishandling of classified data, including operational data on field agents, we know she if guilty. Comey said it in very specific terms in his speech.

Ditto lying to the families of the people killed in Benghazi. We have her words on youtube then and now, and we have her email to the Egyptian president exposing the lie. That's not evidence of a criminal act, but it's damn sure an admission of fault. She was trying to cover her ass.

On planning to provoke Russia, most of her speeches are on youtube. Go watch them and decide for yourself. Watch the ones NOT given to the US public. She's a nuclear war waiting to happen (though considering current events, someone else may launch one before she gets the chance). Putin has said outright he will respond to an invasion with nukes, and I believe him.