No I love American Pussy BUT I would never turn down Chinese pussy .. I had Japanese I don't think I've had Chinese but I was in parts of China .. on a search for alcohol most likely
I actually didn't drink as much then maybe a few ""can't remember what I did last night"" mornings but I didn't really become a full blown BuM until 2007 into 2008 then up to 2012 but that's water over the hill for me I'm a new man ..
You know when people say you lose yourself and have to find yourself blah blah you ever hear that?
Well listen to it because it's real and very true .. which is REAL just in a different sense..
You find yourself easy when your a child once you learn to read and comprehend shit then you lose yourself through all the teenage havoc and into the Late 20s early thirties where you think MANY times that you've figured out life .. haha YeA right!
You haven't figured out diddly squat!!
You get into your 40s and around that mid life and you watch MaRK my WorDS here I shit you not!!
YOU finally get the gist of what it rEaLlY means to FIND YouRseLf!!
Manwhore said it right here you watch my young friends ..
It's a trip beyond any trip you ever EVER thought was a trip!
I have just begun my life at 45yrs old ..
I feel like a God and I hope every single one of you feel just as good or better when you reach where I am I honestly mean that it's a good feeling I really do love life and people .. I love everything I just get caught up in the nonsense just like everyone else but it's easier for me to take a step back now because of Patients!!
FoCus and PateiAncE are two very important things to have control of ..
When you get older you tend to let small shit go which gives you more patience and THAT right there gives you incredible FoCus and you watch what happens when you are able to focus I mean really focus on your goals. Tasks whatever it's is your trying to accomplish ..
It's like being given a super PoWeR I shit you not!!
And no I don't have any more lsd I ate all the sheets ..
Listen to what I say brothers Life is a fuckin trip like noooo trip you have ever dreamed of or remember dreaming of ..
That's in a later class
Be good fellas I'll be here ALL night ..
Unless my crazy girlfriend kills me .
Yea I need to move out of here she's lost it alright ...
Doc lowers her Zoloft for a few days and this BitCh is losing it!
If I smile she finds a way to say I'm starting a fight!
I'm just hitting this vape and watching Rush Hour!! Peace I'm here!