Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The zombie GOP is remarkably resilient, as zombies are (Opinion | The zombie GOP is remarkably resilient, as zombies are)

November 2016 was supposed to be the end of the GOP as we knew it. Republicans had played out the string of their older-white-male base as far as it would go, they were out of ideas other than crazy ones, and with another loss of the presidency and possibly the Senate, they would be done. At long last, they would have to acknowledge the facts about their erroneous theory of supply-side economics, acknowledge the popularity of health-care coverage, face up to the bankruptcy of a platform of feeding tax cuts to the rich on the back of the politics of racial resentment. And they would have to find a way back to something resembling reality-based policy and sane governing. Well, as they say, what a difference a day makes.

Trump lost the election all right, but was handed the office on a very real and significant technicality called the electoral college. Republicans held the Senate, and the rest will be history, if we survive to write it.

Suddenly, the world looked very different, and very dangerous. An unstable mountebank was moving into the Oval Office, ready to be supported by a reanimated GOP body politic in full control of Congress. Suddenly Merrick Garland was pushed out of the line to the Supreme Court and a reliable right-winger stood up in his place.

The internal contradictions of the GOP all remained, but forward the newly energized zombie shambled. And shambles still. Shambles is a word used only to describe the way a zombie walks, except to also describe the mess a zombie leaves behind. And shambles is what the Night and Day of the Living Donald is creating everywhere.

It’s not pretty. Even the Republicans know something is very wrong. They avoid looking in the mirror these days, because being a zombie has never been a flattering look. The few that dare speak up are no longer shambling forward, but shuffling offstage.

The zombies have discovered that neither Obamacare nor its repeal was going to cure what ails them. They have only one zombie thought left: tax cuts for the rich. This is going to be their final engorging meal of real humans, and the hunger for them drives the GOP hordes shambling forward.

They no longer try very hard to give a reason for why this particular objective is good for the country, as there is no reason. There is no data. There is no theory. Just hunger. They know what they are now: a decrepit band of shambling dead ideology, following along behind a crazed, feelingless zombie leader. But they know he is their last chance.

The rest of the nation watches in dumbstruck awe. We hope that somehow the zombies are going to turn on the zombie leader. The media, not knowing what to make of the spectacle, persist in reporting the story as “The zombies need a win.”

Yes, yes, let’s forget about the nature of zombie hordes, and stand by and see whether they can get their “win.” Then we can proceed directly to the final scene of “The Zombie Apocalypse, USA.”
The zombie GOP is remarkably resilient, as zombies are (Opinion | The zombie GOP is remarkably resilient, as zombies are)

November 2016 was supposed to be the end of the GOP as we knew it. Republicans had played out the string of their older-white-male base as far as it would go, they were out of ideas other than crazy ones, and with another loss of the presidency and possibly the Senate, they would be done. At long last, they would have to acknowledge the facts about their erroneous theory of supply-side economics, acknowledge the popularity of health-care coverage, face up to the bankruptcy of a platform of feeding tax cuts to the rich on the back of the politics of racial resentment. And they would have to find a way back to something resembling reality-based policy and sane governing. Well, as they say, what a difference a day makes.

Trump lost the election all right, but was handed the office on a very real and significant technicality called the electoral college. Republicans held the Senate, and the rest will be history, if we survive to write it.

Suddenly, the world looked very different, and very dangerous. An unstable mountebank was moving into the Oval Office, ready to be supported by a reanimated GOP body politic in full control of Congress. Suddenly Merrick Garland was pushed out of the line to the Supreme Court and a reliable right-winger stood up in his place.

The internal contradictions of the GOP all remained, but forward the newly energized zombie shambled. And shambles still. Shambles is a word used only to describe the way a zombie walks, except to also describe the mess a zombie leaves behind. And shambles is what the Night and Day of the Living Donald is creating everywhere.

It’s not pretty. Even the Republicans know something is very wrong. They avoid looking in the mirror these days, because being a zombie has never been a flattering look. The few that dare speak up are no longer shambling forward, but shuffling offstage.

The zombies have discovered that neither Obamacare nor its repeal was going to cure what ails them. They have only one zombie thought left: tax cuts for the rich. This is going to be their final engorging meal of real humans, and the hunger for them drives the GOP hordes shambling forward.

They no longer try very hard to give a reason for why this particular objective is good for the country, as there is no reason. There is no data. There is no theory. Just hunger. They know what they are now: a decrepit band of shambling dead ideology, following along behind a crazed, feelingless zombie leader. But they know he is their last chance.

The rest of the nation watches in dumbstruck awe. We hope that somehow the zombies are going to turn on the zombie leader. The media, not knowing what to make of the spectacle, persist in reporting the story as “The zombies need a win.”

Yes, yes, let’s forget about the nature of zombie hordes, and stand by and see whether they can get their “win.” Then we can proceed directly to the final scene of “The Zombie Apocalypse, USA.”
Cute story........ ;)


WASHINGTON — Diplomatic efforts between the United States and North Korea are in peril with Pyongyang shunning talks in response to President Donald Trump’s increased public attacks on Kim Jong Un, according to multiple U.S. government and congressional officials.

Joseph Yun, a top American diplomat to North Korea, has been warning of the breakdown in meetings on Capitol Hill and seeking help to persuade the administration to prioritize diplomacy over the heated rhetoric that appears to be pushing the two nuclear powers closer toward conflict, sources familiar with the discussions told NBC News.

The warnings from Yun and Congressional officials come as the president prepares for his first official trip to Asia next month and as tensions between the two nations are near an all-time high. Officials throughout government worry that a lack of diplomacy increases the risks of military action in the region.

They also explain some of the alarmist comments that have been made by Republican and Democratic Senators in recent weeks, most notable Foreign Relations Committee chair Sen. Bob Corker who has said repeatedly that the president is undercutting diplomatic efforts.

While few think that Trump would order a pre-emptive strike, a lack of communication between the two countries or through China increases the chances of miscommunication, leading to a further escalation.

Yun’s diplomatic efforts are on their “last legs,” one U.S. official said, adding that Yun is frustrated by an inability to communicate the urgency of the diplomatic situation to the White House.

“It is not so much that North Korea is shutting down, it’s that the message from the U.S. government is, ‘surrender without a fight or surrender with a fight,’” a separate U.S. official told NBC News.