Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Five observations about the first indictment reportedly returned by the grand jury empaneled by Special Counsel Robert Mueller to investigate links between the Trump campaign and Russian interference with the 2016 election:

First, an indictment means that a grand jury has found that probable cause exists to believe that a crime has been committed by a particular defendant or defendants. ...

Second, this is likely only the first of several indictments. ...

Third, the defendant or defendants charged in this indictment are likely to be those that the Mueller team will try to “flip.” ...

Fourth, reports also say that the indictment was ordered sealed by a federal judge. ...

Finally, Mueller is living up to his reputation for working with urgency. In a case of this complexity, with potential witnesses and evidence located all over the world, a thorough investigation could take many months or even years. Mueller appears to have returned his first indictment about five months after his appointment.

Why might an investigation take such a long time? In all cases, investigators first want to get their arms around all of the documents and tangible evidence, and then interview witnesses so that they can ask them informed questions.

In this case, that task likely involves thousands of emails, memos, letters, and financial records, including some from foreign banks. In addition, some reports have stated that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court authorized surveillance of two Trump associates, Manafort and former campaign advisor Carter Page.

There are also indications that Flynn and then Senator and now Attorney General Jeff Sessions were intercepted speaking to the Russian ambassador during the campaign. If true, Mueller and his team would need to sift through all of those recordings to identify any relevant evidence.

And there is likely more to come.
TrumPsychopath, TrumPOS, TrumpScum ...

Now, a year after the election—and more than a year after Trump first made that pledge to the American people—many observers believe the swamp has grown into a sinkhole that threatens to swallow the entire Trump administration. The number of White House officials currently facing questions, lawsuits or investigation is astonishing: Trump, being sued for violating the “emoluments clause” of the U.S. Constitution by running his Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C.; Paul J. Manafort, the second Trump campaign manager, indicted on money laundering charges in late October; Flynn, for undisclosed lobbying work done on behalf of the Turkish government; son-in-law and consigliere Jared Kushner, for failing to disclose $1 billion in loans tied to his real-estate company; and at least six Cabinet heads being investigated for or asked about exorbitant travel expenses, security details or business dealings.
TrumPsychopath, TrumPOS, TrumpScum ...

Now, a year after the election—and more than a year after Trump first made that pledge to the American people—many observers believe the swamp has grown into a sinkhole that threatens to swallow the entire Trump administration. The number of White House officials currently facing questions, lawsuits or investigation is astonishing: Trump, being sued for violating the “emoluments clause” of the U.S. Constitution by running his Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C.; Paul J. Manafort, the second Trump campaign manager, indicted on money laundering charges in late October; Flynn, for undisclosed lobbying work done on behalf of the Turkish government; son-in-law and consigliere Jared Kushner, for failing to disclose $1 billion in loans tied to his real-estate company; and at least six Cabinet heads being investigated for or asked about exorbitant travel expenses, security details or business dealings.


Trump]FUCKING]Idiots, Trump[FUCKING]Tards, TrumPsychopaths ...

Energy Secretary Rick Perry suggested on Thursday that increasing fossil fuel use to spread electricity across Africa would help prevent sexual assaults there.

Perry, who traveled to South Africa last week to tout the Energy Department’s partnerships there, said he spoke with a young girl who wanted electricity so she could read without relying on the light of a fire “and have those fumes literally killing people. But also from the standpoint of sexual assault.”

“When the lights are on, when you have light that shines — the righteousness, if you will — on those types of acts,” he told an Axios event.

Perry was implicitly responding to a protester who yelled that fossil fuels were causing climate change and killing people in poor countries.

“Let me tell you, where people are dying in Africa is because of the lack of energy they have there and it’s going to take fossil fuels to push power out into those villages in Africa.”

WASHINGTON—In an effort to destroy as much incriminating evidence as possible following the indictments of Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, White House staffers reportedly spent Tuesday frantically shredding Trump campaign aides.

“We should have done this months ago; we need to shred as many of these campaign aides as we can before Mueller gets his hands on them,” said senior policy advisor Stephen Miller, who directed employees to search the White House and hand over any damning campaign consultants while he manned the industrial shredder, stopping occasionally to un-jam the machine.

“Oh god, there’s just so many of them. This could open us up to a lot of bad things. It’s gonna take all day to destroy the staffers we have here, plus there’s still a bunch in New York.”

At press time, Miller reportedly started a bonfire on the South Lawn after deciding it would be much faster to burn the enormous pile of campaign aides his team had collected.