Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

CIA Director Mike Pompeo met late last month with a former U.S. intelligence official who has become an advocate for a disputed theory that the theft of the Democratic National Committee’s emails during the 2016 presidential campaign was an inside job, rather than a hack by Russian intelligence.

Pompeo met on October 24 with William Binney, a former National Security Agency official-turned-whistleblower who co-authored an analysis published by a group of former intelligence officials that challenges the U.S. intelligence community’s official assessment that Russian intelligence was behind last year’s theft of data from DNC computers. Binney and the other former officials argue that the DNC data was “leaked,” not hacked, “by a person with physical access” to the DNC’s computer system.

In an interview with The Intercept, Binney said Pompeo told him that President Donald Trump had urged the CIA director to meet with Binney to discuss his assessment that the DNC data theft was an inside job. During their hour-long meeting at CIA headquarters, Pompeo said Trump told him that if Pompeo “want[ed] to know the facts, he should talk to me,” Binney said.

A senior intelligence source confirmed that Pompeo met with Binney to discuss his analysis, and that the CIA director held the meeting at Trump’s urging. The Intercept’s account of the meeting is based on interviews with Binney, the senior intelligence source, a colleague who accompanied Binney to CIA headquarters, and others who Binney told about the meeting. A CIA spokesperson declined to comment. “As a general matter, we do not comment on the Director’s schedule,” said Dean Boyd, director of the CIA’s Office of Public Affairs.

Is the GOP tax plan political suicide, or just a murder set up to look like one?

Let’s examine the clues at the scene of the crime. First, the body: It is the elephant in the room. Its trunk is tied around its own neck. Cause of death: apparent self-inflicted asphyxiation.

The note: the 2017 tax-cut bill. “Dear world, I am passing this final tax cut for the rich. My work is done. Goodbye.”

Other clues: There were no signs of a struggle. The walls were adorned with posters of “Crooked Hillary,” blueprints for an unbuilt wall and promises to rein in Wall Street.

Ruling: political suicide. But was it? There is still the question of motive.

The motive: Why would a political party continue to press so hard on tax cuts for the rich when everyone had come to understand that no more than 1 percent of voters wanted them? Why would a party argue so vehemently for budget discipline, only to then turn its back on its professed core principles? Why would a party have spent the past several decades investing in a crazed embrace of lies about who benefits from tax cuts, and race-tinged accusations about its opponents to secure election to pass those tax cuts, just to end up here, on the floor, felled in the prime of life? Does that make any sense?

Other suspects: Always begin with the lover. And who was the lover in this instance? The 1 percent! And who benefited from this relationship? The 1 percent! And who was left all the money in the last will and tax bill? That’s right. The 1 percent!

Is it possible that the 1 percent, despite all the outward appearances of being so fervently in love with the Republican Party, was merely a gold digger?? Is it possible that the 1 percent, in fact, didn’t care about the health, integrity or long-term viability of this once-proud beast? Is it possible that the 1 percent merely USED the GOP to advance its own interests, up until but not past the point that it had obtained everything there was to get out of the party?

Put on your thinking cap, Sherlock Holmes!

Special counsel Robert Mueller and multiple committees on Capitol Hill are investigating Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and whether anyone from President Donald Trump’s campaign was involved.

Investigators have interviewed witnesses, secured search warrants, issued subpoenas, and requested documents from dozens of people and entities.

The investigations are supposed to be conducted in secret, so many details are not publicly available.

This interactive tracks the publicly known developments of the sprawling investigations into Trump and Russia – and probably represents a slice of what has actually taken place.
Why doctor pct doesn't take the ultimate liberal keyboard warrior challenge:
troll ,errr I mean, express his opinions on comments board instead of Meso?

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Donald Trump has accomplished little or nothing in his final year as President, a new poll finds.

According to the poll, a majority of Americans believe that Trump has made no progress on the economy, terrorism, or other key issues in his Presidency’s dwindling final days.

More troubling for Trump, the poll shows that Americans have lost confidence in his ability to salvage his Presidency before his imminent departure from the White House.

Davis Logsdon, a history professor at the University of Minnesota, said that Trump’s failure to accomplish anything of substance during his last year in office is a problem that has plagued other lame-duck Presidents.

“Trump is desperate for a legislative victory to prove that his final year as President was not a total disaster,” Logsdon said. “But with so few days, or possibly hours, remaining, it’s hard to see that happening.”