Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

it’s hilarious how Trump brings out the worst in some people. look at all the liberals they’re going nuts. he’s give them mental disorders. they can deal with the reality of Trump being their president.
We honestly believe he is unfit for office.

In a few years we will have a Democratic pres and the conservatives will be throwing a fit.
John Lennon had it right there's no true Revolution only Power changing hands.
We honestly believe he is unfit for office.

In a few years we will have a Democratic pres and the conservatives will be throwing a fit.
John Lennon had it right there's no true Revolution only Power changing hands.
Welcome back BP, and that's looking like it in 2020 if not any sooner. Trump talked a good game and everyone else fell to the wayside...look where that got us now?
Welcome back BP, and that's looking like it in 2020 if not any sooner. Trump talked a good game and everyone else fell to the wayside...look where that got us now?
He appealed to the worst in us. He's a racist. He didn't even try to hide it.
He doesn't have a chance of winning reelection. he is
Losing popularity with within the Republican Party now. He held the party hostage anyway he was going to Nuke them if they didn't support him. He's the best thing to happen to the Democratic party in years
He doesn't have a chance of winning reelection. Most is losing popularity with within the Republican Party now. He held the party hostage anyway he was going to Nuke them if they didn't support him. He's the best thing to happen to the Democratic party and years
2018 is the best shot the Dems have in regaining at least a slim majority in the Senate if not the House. The Dems won a number of the state and local races this election cycle and that is a shot across the Republicans' bow.
2018 is the best shot the Dems have in regaining at least a slim majority in the Senate if not the House. The Dems won a number of the state and local races this election cycle and that is a shot across the Republicans' bow.
Republicans are going to have to abandon Trump in order to stay in power. The public isn't drinking the Kool-Aid
Then we see if the Democratic can do anything good.
It didn't help that the Democrats ran Hillary Clinton. She had too much baggage
It didn't help that the Democrats ran Hillary Clinton. She had too much baggage
Yes, and Bernie Sanders was too far to the left but he did have some good ideas. Trump ran his scorched-earth platform and it landed him the presidency (with help from the Russians)
I think you would have won the election. He appealed to Democrats that didn't like Hillary Clinton and voted for Trump
People want to know why we can't have Healthcare like other countries that have good Healthcare systems
This country just gets screwed because people don't educate themselves

Mueller Probes Flynn’s Role in Alleged Plan to Deliver Cleric to Turkey

Under alleged plan, ex-Trump adviser and his son were to be paid millions to forcibly remove Fethullah Gulen from U.S. and deliver him to Turkish custody.

WASHINGTON—Special Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating an alleged plan involving former White House National Security Adviser Mike Flynn to forcibly remove a Muslim cleric living in the U.S. and deliver him to Turkey in return for millions of dollars, according to people familiar with the investigation.

Under the alleged proposal, Mr. Flynn and his son, Michael Flynn Jr., were to be paid as much as $15 million for delivering Fethullah Gulen to the Turkish government, according to people with knowledge of discussions Mr. Flynn had with Turkish representatives. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has pressed the U.S. to extradite him, views the cleric as a political enemy.

Federal Bureau of Investigation agents have asked at least four individuals about a meeting in mid-December at the ‘21’ Club in New York City, where Mr. Flynn and representatives of the Turkish government discussed removing Mr. Gulen, according to people with knowledge of the FBI’s inquiries. The discussions allegedly involved the possibility of transporting Mr. Gulen on a private jet to the Turkish prison island of Imrali, according to one of the people who has spoken to the FBI.

The investigation is being handled by Mr. Mueller as part of his probe of Trump campaign advisers and Russian interference in the 2016 election, according to those familiar with the investigation.

A White House spokesman deferred all questions to a spokesman for the Trump transition process.

“We don’t have any evidence that such a meeting took place,” that spokesman said, referring to the December meeting. “And if it did it take place it happened not withstanding the transition.”

George Papadopoulos, the Trump foreign policy aide who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, initially misled agents out of what he claimed was loyalty to President Donald Trump, according to a person with direct knowledge of the investigation.

Trump had publicly denied that there had been any contact between his campaign and Russian officials, and Papadopoulos did not want to contradict the official line, the source said.

“It’s all fake news,” Trump said of any alleged connections in January. “It’s phony stuff. It didn’t happen.”

Papadopoulos met with the FBI agents investigating those alleged ties shortly thereafter, and he later acknowledged that he lied during that meeting about the timing of certain contacts.

According to federal court filings, Papadopoulos initially claimed his contacts with a professor who had deep ties in Russia “occurred before” he became an adviser to the campaign.

“In truth and in fact,” the filings read, “the professor only took interest in defendant Papadopoulos because of his status with the Campaign.”

There also lingering questions about the role Papadopoulos played in the campaign.

After the plea agreement was made public last month, Trump sought to distance himself from Papadopoulos, tweeting that “few people knew the young, low level volunteer named George.”

But the “low level volunteer” made several trips overseas throughout 2016, purportedly on behalf of the campaign, making appearances where he was introduced as a Trump adviser.