I will.

Interesting thing is one guy is running the beast blend which is comprised of 4 slow esters, the other guy is running the super sustanon so I'm very anxious to see the variances, if any, on the two test blends.
I saw someone asking the breakdown of the super sustanon earlier.

Although I will not reveal it entirely, because it's my design entirely and other labs will attempt to imitate , I will say it's 6 esters, several short, medium and long esters with half lives ranging from 2 days to 14 days. It actually is quite amazing and if you keep it 1cc and under per pin the pip is not bad at all. I have clients deep in prep who run this and absolutely love it. Run it all the way through their competitions.
Sounds very intriguing!
I'm experimenting now with Ed injections. Currently run 80-85mg super sustanon ed along with 40mg tren acetate. I'll experiment with some SHIC's as I've always had the best results with them.

It varies, I see guys pin it 1x a week, to 2x a week, to EOD to ED at small doses. It's all individual based truly. My little brother is shooting to make some big noise next year at nationals and he's currently running 1cc EOD which is big boy doses but he's growing steadily and looking great. He's gyno prone and running aro @ 25mg E3D and he said he has virtually no gyno signs.
Pinned your tren ace at 80mg daily for the last 5 days now. That stuff packs a bit of a punch PIP wise...damn.

Also just started your superdrol today at 20mg daily split into 2 doses. Looking forward to some serious gains.
I don't understand how running a combo of test esters would cause libido to increase over anything else. The simple purpose of sust was to blend esters to enable to pin less frequently. What are you gaining pinning EOD with this then? Test is test. Running 15 different esters isn't going to make me want more sex than 1 if blood levels are the same.

Sorry, but this sounds like a big dose of bro-science to me.
Yall can do what you want, but i wouldnt recommend tsl. I sent my money last monday and it still hasn't been picked up. Thats over 9 days. Its been over 4 days since the last time he has emailed me telling me to resend my payment information. Ive emailed and messaged him here on meso eveyday asking if he needed anything else from me. Im sure some of you are going to ride his nuts and somehow this is going to be my fault but Im just telling you my experience.
Yall can do what you want, but i wouldnt recommend tsl. I sent my money last monday and it still hasn't been picked up. Thats over 9 days. Its been over 4 days since the last time he has emailed me telling me to resend my payment information. Ive emailed and messaged him here on meso eveyday asking if he needed anything else from me. Im sure some of you are going to ride his nuts and somehow this is going to be my fault but Im just telling you my experience.
What email are you using? Sometimes i have to double or triple email to get it to actually go through. Compatability issues

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I don't understand how running a combo of test esters would cause libido to increase over anything else. The simple purpose of sust was to blend esters to enable to pin less frequently. What are you gaining pinning EOD with this then? Test is test. Running 15 different esters isn't going to make me want more sex than 1 if blood levels are the same.

Sorry, but this sounds like a big dose of bro-science to me.

Actually, test is not just test. If so, why not simply just have one Ester of test that we all use, instead of attaching certain esters.

Weights of testosterone changes with each ester, depending on which it is.
I don't understand how running a combo of test esters would cause libido to increase over anything else. The simple purpose of sust was to blend esters to enable to pin less frequently. What are you gaining pinning EOD with this then? Test is test. Running 15 different esters isn't going to make me want more sex than 1 if blood levels are the same.

Sorry, but this sounds like a big dose of bro-science to me.

Actually, Ill have to strongly disagree on certain aspects of this.

Test is not " just test" if so, why not only make one type of testosterone ester and we all just use that instead of having many types of esters. The bro sciences comes in when guys think " oh well my overall bloods are roughly the same, so I should feel exactly the same" That is where I disagree.

Testosterones as we all know have esters attached. This ester carries weight, and the slower the ester, usually the less overall testosterone is associated. Lets take two esters and Ill explain. Testosterone propionate at 100mg carries roughly 75mg testosterone, and 25mg roughly is the weight of the ester. Now, lets take test enanthate. IF you administered 100mg of test enanthate, you would yield roughly 50 to 53 or so mg testosterone, and the other is simply the weight of the ester. Every testosterones ester weight differs as well, that is why half lives exist, and how they peak in our bloodstreams.

So, lets say you ran 600mg per week test enanthate, you pinned 2x a week. You wanted to compare libido, so your next cycle you ran sustanon at the same overall dose, 600mg per week, but you pinned this EOD. You now could very possibly have more overall "active" testosterone in your body, depending on the weight of the esters, and also keeping your blood levels more stable by more frequent pinning, not to mention the faster esters keeping those blood levels more stable as well. You now have 4 esters that are all peaking at different times in your body, on a more frequent dosing routine, compared to the one single estered testosterone you previously pinned only 2x per week.

I will say I do agree to an extent on the overall feeling of total bloods on paper, I do see where you are coming from. I however know from experience, the "feeling" is simply not the same, and I have many customers and have been in this game many years. There is a lot of science behind the difference of esters, and how they play a role in the body.


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