Minimizing? I don't think I've minimized shit. You play the game long enough, you will get caught. It's a game of chance no matter who you deal with. With both LE and what your putting in your body. You can get arrested, or kill yourself not knowing what your really injecting in your body. That's fact. You don't know who your buying from even If you THINK you know who your buying from, or selling too for that matter. I've seen it time again, that "solid" guy, fucking snitch on a dime. Fucked up, yes. I've played the game for over 20yrs... I've also spent over 5yrs of my life locked up. You do the crime you do the time.... or your a snitch. Anyone that thinks "it won't happen to me...". and I can't even believe this yahoo email account cockiness, disregard to safety, unknowingly is fucking scary, but blatantly and knowingly....WTF. Stay the fuck away. Stupid people and loose canons... if you accept either... your ignorant. I'm not minimizing shit. Keep buying and doing your drugs.... you might be next. Russian roulette... that's minimizing?
Question w/what I have

20yrs in what game? Definitely not the Aas game as the above thread shows.

The sentence in red I call minimizing. The rest I agree with you but never assume anything is the "rule of thumb". Especially for anyone who's actually done time. The PC thread makes it hard for me to believe you did a 5yr bit. Since you sound like a rookie.Anyone I've met with yrs of time has a PHD in the criminal field in many areas after.
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Pharmacom Labs officials and our Basicstero.com store

Kinda ironic I mentioned "Less experienced" living beyond their yrs.Here you just slammed guys for yahoo and acting as you know " whats up" Hmmm how easy some forgot huh? Stop frontin....Smh
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LOL good find, that would've been a stupid fucking cycle at any age let alone 40 @Psycho13 . I think maybe his first cycle was 20 years prior to that shitty oral only cycle he proposed and he just counted all the years in between. THEY DON'T COUNT! Don't come in with that pompous attitude you have so much to learn still. On a side note you look like a fucking idiot now....
Yeah I did all my orders like that and he replied, but last one didn't, never used proton mail so I thought they were all secured, but nah I ain't paranoid like most people in here. The feds aren't get a warrant for a few vials, I knew this kid at la fitness flipping WFN gear, ordering over 20 vials a week, and paying by credit card after 2 years, feds starting keeping track but he never did time, so don't be paranoid.

Just cause OJ got away with it doesn't mean you will too.
I sold some leftover dbol to a gym rat one time just cuz i fuckin hated the stuff. The guy started acting weird and i thought i may have to shoot the bastard. He was Paranoid as fuck. I could see he was nervous and acting irregular.

Last time i ever did that!
@Phaze @frozen @Psycho13 not taking a shot here only expressing concern. Which imo is " the less experiencd" living beyond their yrs when giving advice!!!!: IE...If a guy is asking for simple "cycle structure" advice one minute.What qualifies him to be advising on LE arrests the next minute? :confused: It's very wreckless and can potentially put the community in a vulnerable postion. So please refrain with this "minimizing" in attempt to only help "TSL sales"continue. It's brutally obvious & disrespectful as fuck. Good night
Look you lil boy,,I don't give two fucks about tsl or anylabs.. my only comments in the last month's have laughed at how stupid members are here at times. Getemdum or whatever his dumbass name is implyed cops work backworks and spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on elaborate multi state sting operations busting small personal users. This is false. Keep quoting 15 year old articles, times have changed. Ive personally had more legal troubles to last multiple lifetimes and alottt more serious charges than a few bottles of test. Yet the worst I got is probation..why?? Because I got a lawyer and the real system wants $$ not jail time. I advocate being safe above all and shit can always happen. Ur such a bitch and you twist peoples words. Didn't a couple pages ago u say u would leave this fourm alone and only defend urself...and look here u are being ur famous loser self.. guess ur a lier as u would put it.
@Phaze @frozen @Psycho13 not taking a shot here only expressing concern. Which imo is " the less experiencd" living beyond their yrs when giving advice!!!!: IE...If a guy is asking for simple "cycle structure" advice one minute.What qualifies him to be advising on LE arrests the next minute? :confused: It's very wreckless and can potentially put the community in a vulnerable postion. So please refrain with this "minimizing" in attempt to only help "TSL sales"continue. It's brutally obvious & disrespectful as fuck. Good night
You are so dumb and unintelligent u can only argue the point that people have some secrete agenda and are shills. As you can see i rock naps gear fuckface as I have posted multiple times about it.Due to naps fucking slow as balls delivery time i tried tsl one time for the suspension and mast. I reported the delivery was not the fastest but acceptable which was true.I feel bad for you sometimes you loser boy.
YO this pussy ass foos like cdngay and Ewoman, live on the multiplie forums get a fucking life,fuck some hoes or work overtime instead of spending hours in replying to multiple conversations 17,000 messages in less than 3 years ? Holy shit , 7000 messages in 1 year ? Goddam, and for those thinking that I'm trying to bring some biz to tsl, I don't give a fuck, just try his SD it's $40.

This kid phaze knows the system just like I do, if u a lil bitch and afraid to get caught don't do shit and stay under your rock, once you open ur eyes and realize that it's not like you see in CSI then you get ahead.
Ha.. I got everything better than you so u don't affect me, if I die trying to get bigger then I die, just like I am awake today, I could be dead tomorrow and I'm cool with that u just don't understand me cuz u r a pussy ass foo, let me guess u work 9-5 too getting 2gs a month before taxes punk, we ain't on the same level

Yo don't believe I don't give a fuck, u think Padawan made to do this for 10% off on next order , please

You're such a big baller yet you lack any common sense, resort to the most basic and low-level insults and act like you're some badass but you sound like an uneducated imbecile.

Here, I'll post your retort for you: "You think I give a fuck? I'm ZuperZtar95, been juicing since 18 (first evidence of stupidity), you ain't on my level! I'm raging on SDrol like the shit [emoji463] I railed a couple weeks ago!"

Pretty much cover it, you simple-minded degenerate?
You're such a big baller yet you lack any common sense, resort to the most basic and low-level insults and act like you're some badass but you sound like an uneducated imbecile.

Here, I'll post your retort for you: "You think I give a fuck? I'm ZuperZtar95, been juicing since 18 (first evidence of stupidity), you ain't on my level! I'm raging on SDrol like the shit [emoji463] I railed a couple weeks ago!"

Pretty much cover it, you simple-minded degenerate?

Sorry but I only went to HS to pick up chicks, I could of gotten a full ride cuz of wrestling, but at the time I graduated I was making more than the dean so why even bother, so if I sound uneducated sorry I didn't know this was a million dollar biz meeting, Nah I started trying out the SD 5 days ago, I ain't raging yet.
I don't think I'm anything special on here. Hopefully I have a little more respect with some of you than mr. super star and this having turned into the catch all thread I was wondering if I could get some advice. Just finished up my cycle and was going to start pct mid week or the beginning of next. However at the last minute I was thinking about doing a cruise but towards the end of my cycle I increased test e and deca to 750 each. I just wanted to be done by last week so the last few weeks at that dose is the reason why. I'm usually pretty good managing Estrogen. But I think it got away from me. Puffy and tender nips with a little knot behind them. Have adex that I've been taking for about a week and a half now. .5 eod. Have letro but that's a little extreme for right now I think. My question is do you think I should just start pct or if I decide to cruise do you think I can straighten out the estrogen with the adex as my test levels begin to drop to trt levels. Estrogen was fine throughout cycle but going from 500 to 750 and finishing up the mast I had fucked me up a little. Felt fucking great though.
Ha.. I got everything better than you so u don't affect me, if I die trying to get bigger then I die, just like I am awake today, I could be dead tomorrow and I'm cool with that u just don't understand me cuz u r a pussy ass foo, let me guess u work 9-5 too getting 2gs a month before taxes punk, we ain't on the same level

Yo don't believe I don't give a fuck, u think Padawan made to do this for 10% off on next order , please

What's a foo? I'm guessing Engrish ain't your native wangguage?