This post is going to be out of place but oh well. I've noticed something that has been bothering me. It has nothing to do with TSL because I have never used them. But it seems that there is a few members that feel if you give a positive review for a lab you are a shill and endorsing a lab. Like WTF is wrong with stating if you had a positive experience with a lab? I am not saying it's ok to say a lab is gtg or tell people to order from them, but simply saying you were happy with your experience does not make a persona shill, that is kind of the point of this whole underground scene. I swear there is a few people that feel like they own this board or something and attack people for saying anything positive about a lab. That is hurting this place not helping it, because people hesitate to share their true experience in fear of being attacked for it. Shits fucking ridiculous. Sorry for the rant just been getting to me.

Oh and just for the record I haven't backed any lab or even put real positive stuff about any labs but if I do have good experience with a lab, I definitely will. And no this has nothing to do with TSL I have no intentions of running this lab.
If you had good (or bad) experiences with a particular lab, you would post proof like bloods and I right? Also about how good or bad customer service was.

I do agree that people who have been around the community a while posting up positive experiences does not make them shills. I'd consider the 1 post wonders who suddenly pops into a thread and say "this lab's gtg" to be shills. The proof is in the pudding!
This post is going to be out of place but oh well. I've noticed something that has been bothering me. It has nothing to do with TSL because I have never used them. But it seems that there is a few members that feel if you give a positive review for a lab you are a shill and endorsing a lab. Like WTF is wrong with stating if you had a positive experience with a lab? I am not saying it's ok to say a lab is gtg or tell people to order from them, but simply saying you were happy with your experience does not make a persona shill, that is kind of the point of this whole underground scene. I swear there is a few people that feel like they own this board or something and attack people for saying anything positive about a lab. That is hurting this place not helping it, because people hesitate to share their true experience in fear of being attacked for it. Shits fucking ridiculous. Sorry for the rant just been getting to me.

Oh and just for the record I haven't backed any lab or even put real positive stuff about any labs but if I do have good experience with a lab, I definitely will. And no this has nothing to do with TSL I have no intentions of running this lab.
Yeah...its kinda how this place has always been. Some of the more mature members can recognize BS and call it but leaving a good review is perfectly fine if you see fit. Just never defend a source. Leave your review and walk. I think thats the best way to handle it. No need to hang on a sources scrotum
This post is going to be out of place but oh well. I've noticed something that has been bothering me. It has nothing to do with TSL because I have never used them. But it seems that there is a few members that feel if you give a positive review for a lab you are a shill and endorsing a lab. Like WTF is wrong with stating if you had a positive experience with a lab? I am not saying it's ok to say a lab is gtg or tell people to order from them, but simply saying you were happy with your experience does not make a persona shill, that is kind of the point of this whole underground scene. I swear there is a few people that feel like they own this board or something and attack people for saying anything positive about a lab. That is hurting this place not helping it, because people hesitate to share their true experience in fear of being attacked for it. Shits fucking ridiculous. Sorry for the rant just been getting to me.

Oh and just for the record I haven't backed any lab or even put real positive stuff about any labs but if I do have good experience with a lab, I definitely will. And no this has nothing to do with TSL I have no intentions of running this lab.

Ummm.... Let's hope the main one is gone. Quit being such a source dick riding shill. ;)
Yeah...its kinda how this place has always been. Some of the more mature members can recognize BS and call it but leaving a good review is perfectly fine if you see fit. Just never defend a source. Leave your review and walk. I think thats the best way to handle it. No need to hang on a sources scrotum

See, man! That's why I've stated before that I hated sounding like (or even possibly) defending this source. To my defense, it's only been against one individual. Even though it seemed dirty, I feel like I've had to say something that sounded like it was in defense of this guy (for example a member saying he was working with LE or working on an exit scam). I've never defended their shitty customer service though.

Edit: Now you've made me feel like a dick rider. I've ignored the other guy...for the most part.
This post is going to be out of place but oh well. I've noticed something that has been bothering me. It has nothing to do with TSL because I have never used them. But it seems that there is a few members that feel if you give a positive review for a lab you are a shill and endorsing a lab. Like WTF is wrong with stating if you had a positive experience with a lab? I am not saying it's ok to say a lab is gtg or tell people to order from them, but simply saying you were happy with your experience does not make a persona shill, that is kind of the point of this whole underground scene. I swear there is a few people that feel like they own this board or something and attack people for saying anything positive about a lab. That is hurting this place not helping it, because people hesitate to share their true experience in fear of being attacked for it. Shits fucking ridiculous. Sorry for the rant just been getting to me.

Oh and just for the record I haven't backed any lab or even put real positive stuff about any labs but if I do have good experience with a lab, I definitely will. And no this has nothing to do with TSL I have no intentions of running this lab.
I agree with this for the most part but I don't think it's a great idea for someones first post to be on a brand new lab that pops up seems we get a lot of those...or junior members that have been inactive since 2015 suddenly giving reviews out of nowhere (that was happening for like a month straight awhile backo_O) I guess what I'm getting at is we still need to police ourselves and be mindful of the consequences are actions could have whether it's buying shit gear from an untested source or wrongfully calling a member out with out enough evidence.
Yea I also agree if your first post is a good review for a lab that's not a good look.. Completly agree with that... @MindlessWork i hear you on the bloods and such definitely can't hurt but I have also learned that bloods don't always tell the story.. I've become a lot more educated on interpretating bloods and being that everyone's body works differently a low score for one person could be a high score for another.. @gr8whitetrukker you are spot on man, I would never defend or endorse a lab just a personal experience, one quick post and that's it.. I mean you need to look at the persons track record and make your own judgement how much stock to put into the review.. My point was I don't want members to be afraid to speak to the truth, because of the backlash they will get for doing so... Especially when it's coming from someone who doesn't even lift and is built like a 14 year old girl. I have been a member since 2015 but I spent most of my time reading and learning, rather just making nonsense posts.. I've just noticed lately it seems to be getting worse. Don't get me wrong a source needs a good vetting when they come on here and bashed if they deserve it, I'm not sticking up for sources I'm saying if I order from So and so labs and my customer service and TA was good and I post that, I don't need 10 motherfuckers calling me a shill. Sometimes people find themselves in a pinch where they need a pack quick and reviews like that can help them make an educated decision. But I agree with the feedback from you guys. I just think a lot of times when someone attacks people for posting something positive they have an ulterior motive or an agenda behind why they are doing it.

EDIT: @MindlessWork I gotta ask man did I read that you took free gear from a source to run your first cycle? For someone that's always trying to tell people the "rules" so to speak if that's true that's a pretty big bitch move
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Yea I also agree if your first post is a good review for a lab that's not a good look.. Completly agree with that... @MindlessWork i hear you on the bloods and such definitely can't hurt but I have also learned that bloods don't always tell the story.. I've become a lot more educated on interpretating bloods and being that everyone's body works differently a low score for one person could be a high score for another.. @gr8whitetrukker you are spot on man, I would never defend or endorse a lab just a personal experience, one quick post and that's it.. I mean you need to look at the persons track record and make your own judgement how much stock to put into the review.. My point was I don't want members to be afraid to speak to the truth, because of the backlash they will get for doing so... Especially when it's coming from someone who doesn't even lift and is built like a 14 year old girl. I have been a member since 2015 but I spent most of my time reading and learning, rather just making nonsense posts.. I've just noticed lately it seems to be getting worse. Don't get me wrong a source needs a good vetting when they come on here and bashed if they deserve it, I'm not sticking up for sources I'm saying if I order from So and so labs and my customer service and TA was good and I post that, I don't need 10 motherfuckers calling me a shill. Sometimes people find themselves in a pinch where they need a pack quick and reviews like that can help them make an educated decision. But I agree with the feedback from you guys. I just think a lot of times when someone attacks people for posting something positive they have an ulterior motive or an agenda behind why they are doing it.

EDIT: @MindlessWork I gotta ask man did I read that you took free gear from a source to run your first cycle? For someone that's always trying to tell people the "rules" so to speak if that's true that's a pretty big bitch move

@mindlesworks won a contest on another board is how he got his free gear.
2017-04-16 00.55.54.png

@thetsl awfully quiet since the LE talk sir. Guess Meso must take your word "you knew nothing beforehand" (LE)? Since this was the first time hearing about it right? WRONG!!!! Try Nov 30/16 ...ttyl