Hey guys - so I was on another thread and it was suggested I post this question here - where I live it is difficult to get quality gear - I have done a few good cycles in the past few years USP was great !! But obviously no longer
And I was also able to get one cycle of New Port which was very good !! But unfortuanetly the source at this point only has Teragon.net which I am told on here is fake/no good - so I am continuing my research and asking questions as I only want quality and am willing to wait to find it - I came across the pharmacom website and looked into them on anabolics lab site and they look g2g but I have never ordered online before - just looking for some thoughts and input - getting tired of inconsistency here locally
Hey guys - so I was on another thread and it was suggested I post this question here - where I live it is difficult to get quality gear - I have done a few good cycles in the past few years USP was great !! But obviously no longer
And I was also able to get one cycle of New Port which was very good !! But unfortuanetly the source at this point only has Teragon.net which I am told on here is fake/no good - so I am continuing my research and asking questions as I only want quality and am willing to wait to find it - I came across the pharmacom website and looked into them on anabolics lab site and they look g2g but I have never ordered online before - just looking for some thoughts and input - getting tired of inconsistency here locally
Please wait 3 minutes before any replies......popcorn is in microwave.
Hey guys - so I was on another thread and it was suggested I post this question here - where I live it is difficult to get quality gear - I have done a few good cycles in the past few years USP was great !! But obviously no longer
And I was also able to get one cycle of New Port which was very good !! But unfortuanetly the source at this point only has Teragon.net which I am told on here is fake/no good - so I am continuing my research and asking questions as I only want quality and am willing to wait to find it - I came across the pharmacom website and looked into them on anabolics lab site and they look g2g but I have never ordered online before - just looking for some thoughts and input - getting tired of inconsistency here locally
only one way to find out!!
Hey guys - so I was on another thread and it was suggested I post this question here - where I live it is difficult to get quality gear - I have done a few good cycles in the past few years USP was great !! But obviously no longer
And I was also able to get one cycle of New Port which was very good !! But unfortuanetly the source at this point only has Teragon.net which I am told on here is fake/no good - so I am continuing my research and asking questions as I only want quality and am willing to wait to find it - I came across the pharmacom website and looked into them on anabolics lab site and they look g2g but I have never ordered online before - just looking for some thoughts and input - getting tired of inconsistency here locally

you're copying and pasting the same post in a few different threads? lol
Wow !! I was under the impression thats what this site was about !! Helping each other out with advice and good and bad experiences etc etc and learning !!! Sorry apparently i was wrong !! Oh yeah hey w1ck3d your an a**hole go f**k yourself
Wow !! I was under the impression thats what this site was about !! Helping each other out with advice and good and bad experiences etc etc and learning !!! Sorry apparently i was wrong !! Oh yeah hey w1ck3d your an a**hole go f**k yourself

You have to be the guy to decide the "good and bad"... Noone is going to give you a handout just have to read... and this supplier left the fourm
He just really, really wants a source and some gear!! Same basic post in a few threads.
It's ok @Wes G... It can be a bit confusing around here :rolleyes:
Actually i am not desperate at all !! I want the right source and the right gear and am not willing to settle - and will continue to resaerch and educate myself and probly even ask some really dumb questions lol but that is why I joined meso to learn !! If a good quality source comes out of it then great everybody can always use one of those - as for the post on here I was actually trying to post on a diiferent thread but posted here by accident !!