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Dude im not talking shit about you ? Also you are my drug dealer not my friend, i cant stick up to you when you start scamming people even if you never did anything bad to me. Why didnt you just make this right ?
I never scam people. As I said above, I, myself, me, explained how to spot fake humas in this topic. Maybe I am the first one who did that in this forum (not sure, just saying) and I send same serial numbers ones to 2 guys (Broskie's are real deal, I know cause I bought them from a random pharmacy) I wasn't aware, and things went wild. Why do I post about how to spot fakes and I send fakes after those posts?
Not exactly sure what point you're trying to make because all you tried to do was make a shitty justification of why you threatened him with the feds. Also it's not just one mistake, you've made many during this whole mess.
Sorry? What's happened except huma shit? Provide me links about fake gear that I sold in this topic.
Take your blinders off, and get a blood test. In this way, at least you can use your humas.

Yes I will.

Also, out of curiosity. If you are capable of acquiring so many different drugs, such as benzos. Wouldn't it not be much effort for you to reconcile those of us who got bunk products and work towards re-establishing good relations by sourcing real products? Why are you so distant to this idea? It would seem you have more money to make fixing what was wrong than to get run off of multiple boards/forums.

Yes I will.

Also, out of curiosity. If you are capable of acquiring so many different drugs, such as benzos. Wouldn't it not be much effort for you to reconcile those of us who got bunk products and work towards re-establishing good relations by sourcing real products? Why are you so distant to this idea? It would seem you have more money to make fixing what was wrong than to get run off of multiple boards/forums.

Good question. I have already sold bunch of HGHs to people in this board, and people wrote me only about humas, which means I sold legit HGHs to people. I did not buy from that warehouse guy after this situation. I pay more, and buy straight from pharmacy.

Please share test results after you did.
Btw, an Israeli guy got his package today (he just sent an e-mail to me and he was from meso) I won't tag him for privacy reasons but I wanted him to do serum HGH test after he use his Sandoz Omnitropes. Hope he'll do and post results.
Also been 10 days, and Janoshik probably will send lab test results today or so,

I have sent,

1 Opiox Pharma test cyp 250 mg/ml, 01/2020 exp date
1 Opiox Pharma tren ace 75 mg/ml, 08/2020 exp date
1 Iran Hormone test enanthate 250 mg/ml, 12/2020 exp date
1 Iron Pharma Test enanthate 250 mg/ml, 01/2022 exp date

Will share test results!

Contact: adnansanat@protonmail.com
@adnansanat you need to answer a simple question,

You were the one who posted what to look for on fake humatropes, and clearly all the signs are there for the ones you fucked over,


and don’t give us any bullshit excuse, what’s the reason behind? Make your money back cause you were fucked over? Asking people to test bunk GH is fuckin ridiculous, you could have handled this shit but instead you expected people to be hush hush with your cunt move using LE. Answer the fuckin question.

In my eyes you knew what you did, tried to getaway with it and got caught and fucked yourself in the process. You have other sources making it right for these guys cause your a fuckin dirtbag, nicely done champ!
Some people may say the “WHY” isn’t important but to me it’s the only thing that matters, showing what motive you had behind scamming these guys. So let’s be honest, eh? Fuckin cunt
@adnansanat I’ll talk shit about you all I want! What ya gonna do turn me into the Feds!? Ya dick!!

Bottom line is you falsely sold products under the impression they were something that they wasn’t! Then you threatened a member here.
You don’t get second chances just to do the same shit over and over again.

This is all your fault so man the fuck up and take responsibility for your actions !

Make things right with the ones you fucked over and then you can get the FUCK OUTTA HERE!
My favorite part of all this is the guy who bitched about benzos being sold but was the one who asked for them... Meso irony at it’s finest!
That was really funny bud.
@adnansanat you need to answer a simple question,

You were the one who posted what to look for on fake humatropes, and clearly all the signs are there for the ones you fucked over,


and don’t give us any bullshit excuse, what’s the reason behind? Make your money back cause you were fucked over? Asking people to test bunk GH is fuckin ridiculous, you could have handled this shit but instead you expected people to be hush hush with your cunt move using LE. Answer the fuckin question.

In my eyes you knew what you did, tried to getaway with it and got caught and fucked yourself in the process. You have other sources making it right for these guys cause your a fuckin dirtbag, nicely done champ!
Easy tiger. You been nice to me, now you talk shit. Everyone can have bad days and I think it's one of the worst days in your life. No worries. How time flies.

To get to the main point, answer is hidden in your question. I posted how to spot fake humas several times before. I wasn't aware that they are fake. Ez to understand. Also you never answered my question. Here's it,

Can only one mistake that I wasn't aware, easily destruct good things about my service and stuff?

Stop being dramatic. Stop fucking crying. You keep cursing like a child, did I fuck your girl while you wearing a superman suit and watching us behind the door? I am not a robot. Humans, homo sapiens as a specie, can do mistakes. For this fucking aggressive stances, I won't refund, of course.

When @ItsDaBoii just sent me an e-mail and he said that DNP are bunk, I immediately refunded him. Cause he was kind and he didn't spread it over the forum for fucking money.

That huma guy, slave one, slawus or whatever his acc name, straightly created an acc and started to accuse me and this place is like a circus. I mean, it is really 4chan of the roid boards.

Can you even imagine that I paid $1k for superiormuscle but don't want to refund for fucking useless $1k? Can you even? Can you? Can? eh.

So gtfo dude. Bunch of creeps in here, and thanks for guys who found me from here and still buying from me, and said that will continue to do business with me. I'll do my best for you guys.
Not exactly sure what point you're trying to make because all you tried to do was make a shitty justification of why you threatened him with the feds. Also it's not just one mistake, you've made many during this whole mess.
He wants to justify the threats in hopes he won't be banned Community wide. But he will be banned. That's for certain.
He's not good at trying to use misdirection. He wants me to point out any negative posts on Bostins board as if that should make the fake humas mean nothing.
He sent Bostin 10 fake Humatropes in 2016. Its his business model. Its where the real money can be made.
He's trying to blame the pharmacies he claims to have got these Humatropes from. Its nonsense.
He also sells fake aas and uses the old Uncle Z story. This guy claims the counterfeits he sends are as good as the real deal. Even if that was the case the issue then becomes his selling ugl gear at human/pharmacy grade prices.
He has been able to grease the right palms the last couple of years...mainly Bostin's, who was happy when this piece of shit didn't ghost him...he couldn't do that now, could he? So he sends him free product over the last 3 yrs to make up for the fake Humas. You guys won't get that treatment.
Bostin wouldn't have either if he didn't own a forum where this fuck could spin his bullshit and sell his counterfeits.
I don't see how Bostin will be able to justify letting him stay after he reads the threat to our member to turn his info over to the feds? I honestly didn't see the post until last night. That's the thing that is twisting the dagger in the guts of your future in the Community.
Yeah, your strategy worked. Your threat made your customer slow down posting about you sending him counterfeit Humatropes. Just like you sent Bostin.
He can't be allowed to take another order.
Adnan...you aren't paying back our guys. I pissed on your thread at superiormuscle. I defecated on your thread over on ugbodybuilding. You will be banned from both those places. You're already banned at sst, correct?
I'm saving the place you believe yourself to be untouchable at for last. I set the table.....go lobby and give him the best virtual hand job you can muster. I'm betting it won't be enough.
@adnansanat I’ll talk shit about you all I want! What ya gonna do turn me into the Feds!? Ya dick!!

Bottom line is you falsely sold products under the impression they were something that they wasn’t! Then you threatened a member here.
You don’t get second chances just to do the same shit over and over again.

This is all your fault so man the fuck up and take responsibility for your actions !

Make things right with the ones you fucked over and then you can get the FUCK OUTTA HERE!
His the biggest Scammer and layer ever. I showed him 5 proofs his gh is fake and he was still trying to sell me more hgh while
We were wating for my blood work. His crazy ... and I know him just 4 weeks.


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That was really funny bud.

Easy tiger. You been nice to me, now you talk shit. Everyone can have bad days and I think it's one of the worst days in your life. No worries. How time flies.

To get to the main point, answer is hidden in your question. I posted how to spot fake humas several times before. I wasn't aware that they are fake. Ez to understand. Also you never answered my question. Here's it,

Can only one mistake that I wasn't aware, easily destruct good things about my service and stuff?

Stop being dramatic. Stop fucking crying. You keep cursing like a child, did I fuck your girl while you wearing a superman suit and watching us behind the door? I am not a robot. Humans, homo sapiens as a specie, can do mistakes. For this fucking aggressive stances, I won't refund, of course.

Its clear you wont refund what you stole. Time for you to go. I'll be sure to find any other board you're at to spread the truth about you. It will set you free little man. See you soon.
Its clear you wont refund what you stole. Time for you to go. I'll be sure to find any other board you're at to spread the truth about you. It will set you free little man. See you soon.



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I don’t believe you @adnansanat theres no chance you the dealer buys his shit and wouldn’t confirm the obvious. So much for being honest.
Next Question:

Oh, biggerguy the biggest no-lifer just came. Hai creep.

Man I swear, you are no-lifer and 7/24 jerking off guy. Do you have a job? You stalking me all the time. End this fucking drama. You seem like a typical merican creep. I bet if FBI ever investigates your basement, they'll find underage bones and ashes.

Get a beer. Get a girl. Get a LIFE, my son.

Already replied. Check my previous post.

If you weren't in aggressive stance, slave boy, and would know me firstly instead of forum, I'd pay you LIKE I DID IN THE PAST, FOR MANY GUYS IN THE FORUM. But I did not for you, and I won't.
Can only one mistake that I wasn't aware, easily destruct good things about my service and stuff?
Bullshit, you were aware of what you had and what you were doing!

To answer your question though, YES. One mistake like this, false advertisement, and scamming will definitely void out anything you did previously that was good.

So let me ask you this...
Was a few thousand dollars worth your reputation?

Must have been because you’re not refunding the members you scammed and your reward for that is your reputation is forever ruined!!

But honestly that’s not even the worst part...
Where you fucked up beyond repair is threatening a member to release his info over to the feds.
And for this alone I hope @biggerben69 succeeds getting you banned from every board you are on!
You are a huge risk to anyone that orders and a scammer to boot!!

