Twice a week vs once a week semaglutide dosing

Is there any benefits twice or more a week dosing vs once a week with semaglutide? Both my parents are starting semaglutide at my suggestion (both are prediabetic) and it's just got me interested in learning more about GLP-1's in general. The multitude of health benefits aside from direct weight loss really is cool.

Anyways, to my original point, if someone is on a dose of 500 mcg a week, is there any benefit to doing 250 twice a week or even 100 M-F and the weekends off vs 500 mcg all at once?

Thanks for reliably satisfying my curiosity y'all, haha.
Is there any benefits twice or more a week dosing vs once a week with semaglutide? Both my parents are starting semaglutide at my suggestion (both are prediabetic) and it's just got me interested in learning more about GLP-1's in general. The multitude of health benefits aside from direct weight loss really is cool.

Anyways, to my original point, if someone is on a dose of 500 mcg a week, is there any benefit to doing 250 twice a week or even 100 M-F and the weekends off vs 500 mcg all at once?

Thanks for reliably satisfying my curiosity y'all, haha.

The remarkable clinical trial data are from once-weekly dosing. There might be a biological rationale to this for GLP1s: the recovery of hunger 1-2 days/wk may have something to do with the long-term overall fat loss efficacy of these drugs.

A lot of people here feel benefits from microdosing TRT/gear, so microdosing all medicine should be better. Maybe for some drugs, but there are a lot of actual clinical trial data for weekly dosing of GLP1s. Not just bro-science & anecdotes.
The remarkable clinical trial data are from once-weekly dosing. There might be a biological rationale to this for GLP1s: the recovery of hunger 1-2 days/wk may have something to do with the long-term overall fat loss efficacy of these drugs.

A lot of people here feel benefits from microdosing TRT/gear, so microdosing all medicine should be better. Maybe for some drugs, but there are a lot of actual clinical trial data for weekly dosing of GLP1s. Not just bro-science & anecdotes.

I figured as much, I just didn't know if anyone had any information or experience on such. I'm not a person to tread waters the first time, nor suggest it to anyone.

However, learning for the sake of knowledge is never a bad thing. Kind of the whole "There's no stupid questions, but there are a lot of stupid answers," motif.
I figured as much, I just didn't know if anyone had any information or experience on such. I'm not a person to tread waters the first time, nor suggest it to anyone.

However, learning for the sake of knowledge is never a bad thing. Kind of the whole "There's no stupid questions, but there are a lot of stupid answers," motif.

My question is: why did pharma go with once-weekly dosing? Did they try daily, every other day, twice weekly, etc., and find once-weekly to be the optimal result?

Some people might cry conspiracy theory blah blah whatever, profitability, etc., but you can't argue with the impressive trial results.

Others are just addicted to injecting. jk
My question is: why did pharma go with once-weekly dosing? Did they try daily, every other day, twice weekly, etc., and find once-weekly to be the optimal result?

Some people might cry conspiracy theory blah blah whatever, profitability, etc., but you can't argue with the impressive trial results.

Others are just addicted to injecting. jk

From my experience through school and career in the R&D side of the healthcare industry, pharma just goes with the first easiest path. If it's not broke, don't fix it. They complicate it a bit with delivery methods for patents once the first expires, lol.

It wouldn't surprise me if different dosing schedules were not extensively tested after finding once a week to be brilliant already.
I used it for a 3 months cut and loved splitting it up into every 3 days, giving me stable levels and felt more comfortable. After 5-6 days i can feel the effects wearing off (getting crazy hungry)
The remarkable clinical trial data are from once-weekly dosing. There might be a biological rationale to this for GLP1s: the recovery of hunger 1-2 days/wk may have something to do with the long-term overall fat loss efficacy of these drugs.

A lot of people here feel benefits from microdosing TRT/gear, so microdosing all medicine should be better. Maybe for some drugs, but there are a lot of actual clinical trial data for weekly dosing of GLP1s. Not just bro-science & anecdotes.
I agree with this. IME I dosed EOD, E3D E4D, it worked great for a few weeks after that no positive effects at all I had to keep increasing the dose and became more hungry then id ever been off the drug.(Same outcome with Tirz as well) Dosing every 5-6 days is what I will stick with as that is the most effective protocol. Bro science should not be the approach with these GLP1s.
i've been a fan of splitting my dose 2x a week. The hunger starts ramping up around day 5 if I dose it 1x a week ; by splitting the dose i feel like I just have constant appetite suppression, but this could also lead to building a tolerance faster
i've been a fan of splitting my dose 2x a week. The hunger starts ramping up around day 5 if I dose it 1x a week ; by splitting the dose i feel like I just have constant appetite suppression, but this could also lead to building a tolerance faster

About tolerance - we know people plateau on these drugs. Whether it's due to tolerance or that's their new body fat set point, who knows.

I've been speculating that the restoration of hunger for 1-2 days/wk may contribute to the long-term fat loss efficacy of GLP1s in clinical trials. Maybe that's to reset tolerance or something.

There are a lot of n=1 experiments going on and I'm taking mental notes!
About tolerance - we know people plateau on these drugs. Whether it's due to tolerance or that's their new body fat set point, who knows.

I've been speculating that the restoration of hunger for 1-2 days/wk may contribute to the long-term fat loss efficacy of GLP1s in clinical trials. Maybe that's to reset tolerance or something.

There are a lot of n=1 experiments going on and I'm taking mental notes!
It definitely seems like a plausible theory.

I've noticed swapping GLP-1s when tolerance builds is also effective. recently swapped from tirzepatide to semaglutide and it feels like a complete reset on tolerance and appetite suppression, so I'll be rotating back and forth between these going forward
I've been speculating that the restoration of hunger for 1-2 days/wk may contribute to the long-term fat loss efficacy of GLP1s in clinical trials. Maybe that's to reset tolerance or something.

That makes a ton of sense. It's similar to the intermittent fasting/autophagy crowd. If your body stays in "starvation mode," (for lack of a better laymen's term) for too long, it adapts by holding onto tissue rather than burning it for energy. It specifically holds.onto fat tissue at that, while still allowing for catabolism.
I think cagrilintide will be a useful peptide to swap over to once plateaus are hit on glp 1 drugs, as it targets different mechanisms of satiety. You can drop the glp, swap over to cagri which should at least help prevent a rebound, then after a few months reintroduce sema/tirz reta etc. Hopefully with a renewed sensitivity
I think cagrilintide will be a useful peptide to swap over to once plateaus are hit on glp 1 drugs, as it targets different mechanisms of satiety. You can drop the glp, swap over to cagri which should at least help prevent a rebound, then after a few months reintroduce sema/tirz reta etc. Hopefully with a renewed sensitivity
What are the dosing perotocols for Cagrilinitide … ? @sushak

I’ve read same as Sema but tough to to find definitive answers being so new.