Type-IIx's Coaching – Client Successes: Before & After Photos (Ampouletude.com)

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Type-IIx has been coaching me for eight weeks now, and he has been incredible. His attention to detail and individualized plan have taken my training to the next level. I don't have a before scan, but here is my recent scan.


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Type-IIx has been coaching me for eight weeks now, and he has been incredible. His attention to detail and individualized plan have taken my training to the next level. I don't have a before scan, but here is my recent scan.
Let the bulking begin! :D
Type-IIx has been coaching me for eight weeks now, and he has been incredible. His attention to detail and individualized plan have taken my training to the next level. I don't have a before scan, but here is my recent scan.
Not sure what I am looking at . . . is this a Dexa scan showing you are down to 6.6% body fat?
Not sure what I am looking at . . . is this a Dexa scan showing you are down to 6.6% body fat?
Since this DEXA, @DonkeyPunch sent me the following email, Apr 2 16:33 UTC:

I had another DEXA scan done (was getting my VO2 checked so I figured why not). Even though it’s only been 2 weeks since the last one I dropped 1.1% bf while gaining 3.5 lbs of total mass. You are the man!

I don't compensate my guys for contributing or providing feedback (pathetic) and whether he even sees this to confirm is unbeknownst to me. However, it's obvious good things are happening with my clients.

If anything, I think this reflects how your post, malfeasance, made this guy question things. But, alas, things are going well for MY GUYS across the board, and that's probably for a reason if you ask me.
Are these actual dexa scans or some bod pod thing?

at 6% body fat and in 2 weeks lost another 1% bf while gaining 3.5lbs of.. something?
Just on the DEXA topic…

Yall are reading WAY too far into what those scans say to be here talking shit on the visual results being produced.

1% body fat in 2 weeks is nothing especially when you’re rolling deep into a prep phase.

I could add ZERO actual extra tissue and have a DEXA show double digit “lean mass” gains by going from depleted and flat to carbed up and dry but full. DEXA, skin folds, scale, mirror are all tools. None of those matter more than the last one though if we’re talking bodybuilding and changing physiques
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Since this DEXA, @DonkeyPunch sent me the following email, Apr 2 16:33 UTC:

I don't compensate my guys for contributing or providing feedback (pathetic) and whether he even sees this to confirm is unbeknownst to me. However, it's obvious good things are happening with my clients.

If anything, I think this reflects how your post, malfeasance, made this guy question things. But, alas, things are going well for MY GUYS across the board, and that's probably for a reason if you ask me.

I did not intend to make him question things. I just did not understand what I was looking at in the post, so I asked.

I still don't really know what I was looking at.

It looks like a Dexa scan, and it shows fat in the 6-7 percent range? But I probably do not understand what I am seeing. "Tissue (% Fat) 6.9%"

I wasn't trying to start anything.
I did not intend to make him question things. I just did not understand what I was looking at in the post, so I asked.

I still don't really know what I was looking at.

It looks like a Dexa scan, and it shows fat in the 6-7 percent range? But I probably do not understand what I am seeing. "Tissue (% Fat) 6.9%"

I wasn't trying to start anything.
Oh, I don't think you were starting anything. I just think that your post had unintended consequences. It just illustrates how opening up your portfolio of clients to Meso and the world writ large can be both a challenge to the coach/bodybuilder relationship and also of benefit to demonstrate your results. Tradeoffs are inherent to everything.

His first DEXA scan did show that, yes. His body fat was 6-7%. DEXA basically shows bone mass, fat mass, and everything else is LBM. Like @Mac11wildcat said, LBM includes water/fluid, which makes sense, muscle is comprised of mostly water and includes only a bit of contractile and noncontractile enzymatic constituents.
Just on the DEXA topic…

Yall are reading WAY too far into what those scans say to be here talking shit on the visual results being produced.

1% body fat in 2 weeks is nothing especially when you’re rolling deep into a prep phase.

I could add ZERO actual extra tissue and have a DEXA show double digit “lean mass” gains by going from depleted and flat to carbed up and dry but full. DEXA, skin folds, scale, mirror are all tools. None of those matter more than the last one though if we’re talking bodybuilding and changing physiques
Right? Like my dr's bs bmi thing says I'm 30% bmi 1 percent from obese lol, But tells me i dont need to loose any weight because I carry 240 pounds so well.

I always wonder what's the best way to judge body fat but like u said and rich piana said years ago f the scale go off the mirror.
Right? Like my dr's bs bmi thing says I'm 30% bmi 1 percent from obese lol, But tells me i dont need to loose any weight because I carry 240 pounds so well.

I always wonder what's the best way to judge body fat but like u said and rich piana said years ago f the scale go off the mirror.
People always seek to boil down any problem to one factor, but few things we care about are unidimensional. DEXA is just a tool, and like any tool, it has to be applied properly and is imperfect. I use DEXA along with calipers & visual assessment, and other proprietary methods, for objective & subjective monitoring of body composition. None of these methods alone are sufficient, rather all are necessary, and when applied properly, give predictive power and permit the practitioner (coach) to design plans that achieve particular outcomes (e.g., recomp, bulking, cutting).
Right? Like my dr's bs bmi thing says I'm 30% bmi 1 percent from obese lol, But tells me i dont need to loose any weight because I carry 240 pounds so well.

I always wonder what's the best way to judge body fat but like u said and rich piana said years ago f the scale go off the mirror.
It is not complete BS, though. While I understand you are a bodybuilder and not a fatso BMI of 30, carrying extra weight has effects on the cardiovascular system.

I was 34 BMI when I stopped bodybuilding, well into "Obese." Blood pressure kept increasing as I put on weight. My ambitious target for that off season would have left me at a BMI of 36. I pulled the plug at a 34 BMI due to increasing blood pressure.

I am probably quite a bit older than you, so I am sure that did not help, but the only way to bring my blood pressure down was to drop bodyweight (not just fat). I lost more than 35 pounds. I am still what the BMI chart calls "Overweight." Blood pressure is still elevated but controlled easily now with blood pressure medication.

To bring my BMI down from "Overweight" into the "Normal" range, I still need to lose another 35 pounds. That would require losing a lot of muscle that it took me decades to gain. I am still not so sure how much more I want to lose . . . we'll see.

My point is that extra BMI is hard on the heart even if it is muscle.
I've used my discretion to at least temporarily lock this thread due to a private dispute between two valued members. IMO, this should not be a matter for public consumption. This may provide drama and entertainment for a lot of people but the potential harm to the parties involved should it escalate with details possibly resulting in soft-doxxing or full doxxing is something that will not be accepted. Consequently, I've asked the parties involved to refrain from pursuing attacks on each.
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